9 research outputs found

    Study of a new receiver-reactor cavity system with multiple mobile redox units for solar thermochemical water splitting

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    Solar thermochemical redox cycles could be a path to efficient, large-scale renewable hydrogen production. A new receiver-reactor concept is presented that combines characteristics of the most successful receiver-reactor systems to date, with features of concepts showing the highest efficiency potential. The key features of the system are movable reactive structures in combination with linear transportation systems and dedicated oxidation reactors. The application of several of these units allows the continuous operation of the receiver-reactor and permits the implementation of a solid–solid heat recovery system. Both of these characteristics are important to increase the system efficiency beyond the current state of technology. A numerical model is developed to simulate a basic cubic design version of the new concept and to analyse its performance. Parameter variations are studied amongst others for different cavity sizes, solar concentration factors and numbers of movable reactive structures. By avoiding the cyclic heating of the inert reactor vessel, the model predicts high efficiency values above 14% even for non-optimized designs. Furthermore, the basic concept of the heat recovery system is modelled with heat recovery rates of up to 20% in its most simple implementation. The new concept has the features required for highly performant systems and opens up a large parameter space for reactor design and operation optimization

    Study of a new receiver-reactor cavity system with multiple mobile redox units for solar thermochemical water splitting

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    Solar thermochemical redox cycles could be a path to efficient, large-scale renewable hydrogen production. A new receiver-reactor concept is presented that combines characteristics of the most successful receiver-reactor systems to date, with features of concepts showing the highest efficiency potential. The key features of the system are movable reactive structures in combination with linear transportation systems and dedicated oxidation reactors. The application of several of these units allows the continuous operation of the receiver-reactor and permits the implementation of a solid–solid heat recovery system. Both of these characteristics are important to increase the system efficiency beyond the current state of technology. A numerical model is developed to simulate a basic cubic design version of the new concept and to analyse its performance. Parameter variations are studied amongst others for different cavity sizes, solar concentration factors and numbers of movable reactive structures. By avoiding the cyclic heating of the inert reactor vessel, the model predicts high efficiency values above 14% even for non-optimized designs. Furthermore, the basic concept of the heat recovery system is modelled with heat recovery rates of up to 20% in its most simple implementation. The new concept has the features required for highly performant systems and opens up a large parameter space for reactor design and operation optimization

    Holistic View on Synthetic Natural Gas Production: A Technical, Economic and Environmental Analysis

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    Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) is the most researched option for a Power-to-Fuel pathway in Germany after hydrogen, having the advantage of being compatible with the existing infrastructure. However, it is not clear under which conditions SNG is economically and environmentally advantageous compared to natural gas usage, since this is determined by a complex interplay of many factors. This study analyzes the technical, economic and environmental aspects of a pilot SNG plant to determine the key parameters for profitable and sustainable operation. The SNG plant was simulated in Aspen Plus® with CO2 from biogas production as a feedstock and with hydrogen provided by a 1 MWel electrolyzer unit. A life cycle analysis (LCA) was undertaken considering several impact categories with a special focus on global warming potential (GWP). An SNG cost of 0.33–4.22 €/kWhth was calculated, depending on factors such as operational hours, electricity price and type of electrolyzer. It was found that the CO2 price has a negligible effect on the SNG cost, while the electricity is the main cost driver. This shows that significant cost reductions will be needed for SNG to be competitive with natural gas. For the investigated scenarios, a CO2 tax of at least 1442 €/t was determined, calling for more drastic measures. Considering the global warming potential, only an operation with an emission factor of electricity below 121 g CO2-eq/kWhel leads to a reduction in emissions. This demonstrates that unless renewable energies are implemented at a much higher rate than predicted, no sustainable SNG production before 2050 will be possible in Germany