28 research outputs found

    Glassy dynamics of pinned charge-density waves

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    Stretched-exponential relaxation behavior observed in a one-dimensional model of pinned charge-density waves is shown to arise from anomalous deterministic diffusion confined to a closed portion of phase space. Simulation results and scaling arguments are used to relate the index of the stretched exponential to the mean-field value of the anomalous-random-walk exponent on directed percolation clusters

    A virtual assistant for web-based training in engineering education

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    Abstract. Experimentation has always been an essential ingredient to sustain the learning activities in engineering education. During traditional laboratory sessions, a huge amount of work is carried out by the assistant who is in charge of supporting and evaluating the students. In a Web-based experimentation setting students ask for more feedback while they work on simulation or remote manipulation. We present in this paper a virtual assistant for Web-based training. The training and the evaluation process are shared between real and virtual assistants in order to deliver a tutoring scheme adapted to Web-based experimentation.

    Dynamics of pinned charge density waves: Numerical simulations

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    A classical many-body model for the phase dynamics of randomly pinned charge density waves is found to exhibit stretched exponential relaxation below threshold. The statistics of single particle relaxation is highly non-trivial and can only be deduced from known scaling behaviour of intermittent trajectories in an uncoupled approximation. This is compared with results from present single-particle approaches. The self-similarity properties at the dynamical phase transition at threshold are investigated