12 research outputs found

    Studies on reproductive organs and morpho-anatomical features of leaf and stem in three traits of Vinca rosea L.

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    185-193Periwinkle or Vinca rosea L. has medicinal importance with three phenotypes i.e., Pink, Red eye and White. The present investigation distinguishes the three traits i.e., white, pink and red-eyed flower-bearing traits of V. rosea based on morphology, palynology, pollen grain germination and study of anatomical features of leaf, stem and variations in parts of the flower. The results revealed that significant differences were recorded in stomatal frequency, stomatal index, size of the petals, pollen viability and pollen germination. The highest per cent viability appears in pink flower-bearing plants (98.8%) followed by red-eyed flower-bearing plants (34.3%) and White flower-bearing plants (34%). Similarly, the percentage germination of pollen grains is high in pink flower-bearing plants (98.1%) followed by red-eyed flower-bearing plants (33.3%) and white flower-bearing plants (33.3%)

    Studies on reproductive organs and morpho-anatomical features of leaf and stem in three traits of Vinca rosea L.

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    Periwinkle or Vinca rosea L. has medicinal importance with three phenotypes i.e., Pink, Red eye and White. The present investigation distinguishes the three traits i.e., white, pink and red-eyed flower-bearing traits of V. rosea based on morphology, palynology, pollen grain germination and study of anatomical features of leaf, stem and variations in parts of the flower. The results revealed that significant differences were recorded in stomatal frequency, stomatal index, size of the petals, pollen viability and pollen germination. The highest per cent viability appears in pink flower-bearing plants (98.8%) followed by red-eyed flower-bearing plants (34.3%) and White flower-bearing plants (34%). Similarly, the percentage germination of pollen grains is high in pink flower-bearing plants (98.1%) followed by red-eyed flower-bearing plants (33.3%) and white flower-bearing plants (33.3%)

    Prevalence of Emotional Maturity and Effectiveness of Counselling on Emotional Maturity among Professional Students of selected Institutions at Mangalore, South India

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    Introduction: No one is born with emotional maturity; it is shaped by our upbringing and life experience.  A hallmark of it is maintaining self management during times of stress. Counselling is the intervention which is needed for the professional students to overcome the problems such as anxiety, fear of future, hopelessness and adjustment issues to lead a life fruitfully. Aims: Are to find the prevalence of emotional maturity level among professional students and to determine the effectiveness of counselling on emotional maturity from the selected professional institutions.  And to find the association between emotional maturity with selected demographic variables. Materials and methods: A descriptive, true experimental research design with an evaluative research approach was adopted.  The data was collected through Singh and Bargave’s Emotional Maturity Scale and demographic proforma.  Intervention was given for 8 consecutive weeks to the students who were identified with average to low emotionally mature based on issues of counselling checklist. Results: The study revealed that; the prevalence rate of emotional maturity (Average to low) was 63.38%.  The Emotional maturity was re-measured in the 9th week, and the difference due to the application was determined by comparing the pre test, post test measurements.   There was a statistically significant (P ? 0.001) reduction in the mean scores of emotional maturity among the subjects from the pre intervention to immediate posttest assessment.  A significant association was found with education status of mother, parent’s health status and history of mental illness in the family with emotional maturity and values are p?0.05. The counselling was very effective in improving the emotional maturity level of the students. Key words: Prevalence, Emotional Maturity, professional students, Counselling

    A Hierarchical Multi User Data Share Environment To Protect Data Privacy And Defend Unauthorized Access

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    A hierarchical access control technique M-HABE and an altered three-layer structure is proposed. Contrasting from the current standards, for example, the HABE algorithm and the first three-layer structure, the novel plan for the most part concentrates on the information handling, storing and accessing, which is intended to guarantee the application clients with lawful access experts to get relating detecting information and to limit illegal clients and unapproved legitimate clients access the information, the proposed promising worldview makes it to a great degree appropriate for the versatile distributed computing based worldview. What ought to be underlined is that the most critical feature of all in thin work can be depicted as that the adjusted three-layer structure is intended for settling the security issues

    A Review on Extracting Facets For Queries From Search Results

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    The delinquent of discovery query facets which are manifold groups of words or phrases that elucidate and abridge the satisfied covered by a query. The imperative facets of a query are frequently accessible and recurring in the query’s top regained documents in the style of lists, and query facets can be quarried out by collecting these momentous lists. a regular resolution, which we raise to as QDMiner, to robotically mine query facets by mining and federation common lists from free text, HTML tags, and recurrence regions within top search results. Experimental grades show that a bulky number of lists do happen and valuable query facets can be excavated by QDMiner

    Designing Semantics Dropout Noise And Enforcing Sparsity

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    We examine one profound learning technique named stacked denoising autoencoder (SDA). SDA stacks a few denoising autoencoders and connects the yield of each layer as the learned portrayal. Each denoising autoencoder in SDA is prepared to recoup the information from a ruined form of it. We build up another content portrayal display in view of a variation of SDA: marginalized stacked denoising autoencoders (mSDA), which receives straight rather than nonlinear projection to quicken preparing and minimizes limitless commotion dissemination keeping in mind the end goal to take in more vigorous portrayals. We use semantic data to grow mSDA and create Semantic-upgraded Marginalized Stacked Denoising Autoencoders (smSDA). The semantic data comprises of bullying words

    Providing High Quality Answers For Users Posted Questions Using Question-User Mapping In Q&A Websites

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    We propose SocialQ&A, an online interpersonal organization based Q&A framework, that effectively advances inquiries to those clients with the most astounding likelihood(capability and ability) of noting them with mastery and enthusiasm for the inquiries' subjects. The outline of SocialQ&A depends on two informal community properties. Initially, social companions tend to have comparable interests (e.g., lab individuals studying PC frameworks). Second, social companions have a tendency to be dependable and selfless because of the property of "fellowship encourages participation". As needs be, SocialQ&A favors routing inquiries among companions and identifies an question’s potential answerers by thinking about two metrics: the enthusiasm of the companion towards the question and the social closeness of the companion to the asker/forwarder

    Studies on lanthanide(III) complexes of nuclear substituted diphenylcarbazones

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    833-838La(III), Ce(III), Pr(III), Nd(III), Sm(III), Dy(III) and Ho(III) complexes of 1,5-di(2,5-dimethylphenyl)carbazone and 1 ,5-di(5-chloro- 2-methylphenyl)carbazone have been synthesised and characterized on the basis of elemental analysis, molar conductances, magnetic moments and spectral studies (electronic absorption, infrared and 1H-NMR spectra). The complexes conform to the composition Ln[(DPC)2(NO3) 2]NO32H2O. The substituted diphenylcarbazones act as neutral bidentate ligands and the complexes appear to be six-coordinated. The IR data suggest coordination of the ligand to the metal ions in the bidentate fashion through the oxygen of the carbonyl (>C=O) group and nitrogen of azo(-N=N-) group. Presence of two water molecules is indicated which are outside the coordination sphere. The antimicrobial screening of the ligands and their complexes has been carried out. Proton-ligand and metal-ligand formation constants of the above complexes have also been determined <i style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">pH-metrically in 50% (v/v) aqueous dioxane medium at 25°, 35° and 45°C and ionic strength μ=0.1M (NaClO4). The thermodynamic parameters of complex formation have been evaluated. Stabilities (logK1 values) of the chelates are found to increase with decrease in ionic radii of the metals, i.e., La(III) K1 values have been correlated with standard oxidation potentials and ionization potentials of the lanthanides. </ce(iii)<pr(iii)

    Studies on some lanthanide(III) complexes of <i>o-, m- </i>and <i>p</i>-chloro substituted diphenylcarbazones

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    1150-1156Lanthanide(III) complexes of mono chloro substituted derivatives of diphenylcarbazones viz o-, m- and p-chloro diphenylcarbazones of composition Ln[(DPC)2(NO3)2]NO3.2H2O (where Ln =La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Dy and Er) have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses , electrical conductance, magnetic measurements, electronic, infrared and 1H NMR spectral techniques. The substituted diphenylcarbazones behave as bidcntate neutral ligands coordinating through ketonic oxygen and azo nitrogen and the complexes appear to be six-coordinated. Thermal studies show the presence of two water molecules outside the coordination sphere. The substituted diphenylcarbazones and their respective lanthanide(III) complexes have been tested for antifungal and antibacterial activity. The solution studies have also been carried out. The log K1 values have been correlated with standard oxidation potentials and ionization potentials of the lanthanides. The validity of Born's relation is examined by studying the plot of log K1 vs Z2/r