7 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal regulation of clonogenicity in colorectal cancer xenografts

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    Cancer evolution is predominantly studied by focusing on differences in the genetic characteristics of malignant cells within tumors. However, the spatiotemporal dynamics of clonal outgrowth that underlie evolutionary trajectories remain largely unresolved. Here, we sought to unravel the clonal dynamics of colorectal cancer (CRC) expansion in space and time by using a color-based clonal tracing method. This method involves lentiviral red-green-blue (RGB) marking of cell populations, which enabled us to track individual cells and their clonal outgrowth during tumor initiation and growth in a xenograft model. We found that clonal expansion largely depends on the location of a clone, as small clones reside in the center and large clones mostly drive tumor growth at the border. These dynamics are recapitulated in a computational model, which confirms that the clone position within a tumor rather than cell-intrinsic features, is crucial for clonal outgrowth. We also found that no significant clonal loss occurs during tumor growth and clonal dispersal is limited in most models. Our results imply that, in addition to molecular features of clones such as (epi-)genetic differences between cells, clone location and the geometry of tumor growth are crucial for clonal expansion. Our findings suggest that either microenvironmental signals on the tumor border or differences in physical properties within the tumor, are major contributors to explain heterogeneous clonal expansion. Thus, this study provides further insights into the dynamics of solid tumor growth and progression, as well as the origins of tumor cell heterogeneity in a relevant model system

    Extracellular Influences: Molecular Subclasses and the Microenvironment in Pancreatic Cancer

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the most prevalent form of pancreatic cancer and carries the worst prognosis of all common cancers. Five-year survival rates have not surpassed 6% for some decades and this lack of improvement in outcome urges a better understanding of the PDAC-specific features which contribute to this poor result. One of the most defining features of PDAC known to contribute to its progression is the abundance of non-tumor cells and material collectively known as the stroma. It is now well recognized that the different non-cancer cell types, signalling molecules, and mechanical properties within a tumor can have both tumor-promoting as well as -inhibitory effects. However, the net effect of this intratumour heterogeneity is not well understood. Heterogeneity in the stromal makeup between patients is even less well established. Such intertumour heterogeneity is likely to be affected by the relative contributions of individual stromal constituents, but how these contributions exactly relate to existing classifications that demarcate intertumour heterogeneity in PDAC is not fully known. In this review, we give an overview of the available evidence by delineating the elements of the PDAC stroma and their contribution to tumour growth. We do so by interpreting the heterogeneity at the gene expression level in PDAC, and how stromal elements contribute to, or interconnect, with thi

    Stromal SPOCK1 supports invasive pancreatic cancer growth

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is marked by an abundant stromal deposition. This stroma is suspected to harbor both tumor-promoting and tumor-suppressing properties. This is underscored by the disappointing results of stroma targeting in clinical studies. Given the complexity of tumor-stroma interaction in PDAC, there is a need to identify the stromal proteins that are predominantly tumor-promoting. One possible candidate is SPOCK1 that we previously identified in a screening effort in PDAC. We extensively mined PDAC gene expression datasets, and used species-specific transcript analysis in mixed-species models for PDAC to study the patterns and driver mechanisms of SPOCK1 expression in PDAC. Advanced organotypic coculture models with primary patient-derived tumor cells were used to further characterize the function of this protein. We found SPOCK1 expression to be predominantly stromal. Expression of SPOCK1 was associated with poor disease outcome. Coculture and ligand stimulation experiments revealed that SPOCK1 is expressed in response to tumor cell-derived transforming growth factor-beta. Functional assessment in cocultures demonstrated that SPOCK1 strongly affects the composition of the extracellular collagen matrix and by doing so, enables invasive tumor cell growth in PDAC. By defining the expression pattern and functional properties of SPOCK1 in pancreatic cancer, we have identified a stromal mediator of extracellular matrix remodeling that indirectly affects the aggressive behavior of PDAC cells. The recognition that stromal proteins actively contribute to the protumorigenic remodeling of the tumor microenvironment should aid the design of future clinical studies to target specific stromal target

    Patched-2 functions to limit Patched-1 deficient skin cancer growth

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    Purpose: Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is one of the most common skin cancers, and is typically driven by an aberrantly activated Hedgehog (Hh) pathway. The Hh pathway is regulated by interactions between the Patched-1 (Ptch1) and Smoothened (Smo) receptors. Smo is an activating receptor and is subject to inhibition by Ptch1. Following ligand binding to Ptch1, its inhibitory action is relieved and pathway activation occurs. This receptor interaction is pivotal to restraining uncontrolled cellular growth. Both receptors have been found to be frequently mutated in BCCs. Ptch2 is a Ptch1 paralog that exhibits overlapping functions in both normal development and tissue homeostasis. As yet, its contribution to cancer growth is poorly defined. Here we set out to assess how Ptch2 inhibits BCC growth. Methods: We used several in vitro readouts for transcriptional and chemotactic Hh signaling in BCC-derived ASZ001 cells, and a novel xenograft model to assess in vivo BCC tumor growth. Gene editing by TALEN was used to untangle the different Ptch2-dependent responses to its ligand sonic hedgehog (Shh). Results: We first defined the signaling competence of Ptch2 in Ptch1-deficient ASZ001 cells in vitro, and found that Ptch2 ligand binding drives their migration rather than eliciting a transcriptional response. We found that subsequent targeting of Ptch2 abrogated the chemotaxic effect. Next, we tested the contribution of Ptch2 to in vivo tumor growth using a xenograft model and found that reduced Ptch function results in increased tumor growth, but that selective pressure appatently acts against complete Ptch2 ablation. Conclusions: We conclude that like Ptch1, Ptch2 exerts a tumor-suppressive function in BCC cells, and that after targeting of both paralogs, ligand-independent activation of the Hh pathway contributes to tumor growth

    Unsupervised class discovery in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma reveals cell-intrinsic mesenchymal features and high concordance between existing classification systems

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has the worst prognosis of all common cancers. However, divergent outcomes exist between patients, suggesting distinct underlying tumor biology. Here, we delineated this heterogeneity, compared interconnectivity between classification systems, and experimentally addressed the tumor biology that drives poor outcome. RNA-sequencing of 90 resected specimens and unsupervised classification revealed four subgroups associated with distinct outcomes. The worst-prognosis subtype was characterized by mesenchymal gene signatures. Comparative (network) analysis showed high interconnectivity with previously identified classification schemes and high robustness of the mesenchymal subtype. From species-specific transcript analysis of matching patient-derived xenografts we constructed dedicated classifiers for experimental models. Detailed assessments of tumor growth in subtyped experimental models revealed that a highly invasive growth pattern of mesenchymal subtype tumor cells is responsible for its poor outcome. Concluding, by developing a classification system tailored to experimental models, we have uncovered subtype-specific biology that should be further explored to improve treatment of a group of PDAC patients that currently has little therapeutic benefit from surgical treatment