8 research outputs found
Síndrome de borjeson-forssman-lehmann: relato de um caso
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Measurements of intestinal villi non-specific and ulcer-associated duodenitis-correlation between area of microdissected villus and villus epithelial cell count.
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Borjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome in a girl
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The relationship between microalbuminuria and glomerular filtration rate in young type 1 diabetic subjects: The Oxford Regional Prospective Study
- Author
- Amin
- Amin
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Angela Watts
- Bangstad
- Bangstad
- Bangstad
- Berg
- Brenner
- Brenner
- Brenner
- Caramori
- Chantler
- Charles Turner
- Chiarelli
- Christiansen
- Cole
- Dahlquist
- Dahlquist
- Dalton
- David B. Dunger
- David R.M. Lindsell
- Davis
- Dinkel
- Doi
- Edge
- Flyvbjerg
- Hostetter
- Lervang
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Mogensen
- Mogensen
- Mogensen
- Mogensen
- Montini
- Myers
- O'Hagan
- Perkins
- R. Neil Dalton
- Rakesh Amin
- Remuzzi
- Rudberg
- Rudberg
- Rudberg
- Rugiu
- Sara van Aken
- Schultz
- Schultz
- Schultz
- Segev
- Solomon
- Taal
- Teresa Konopelska Bahu
- Thomson
- Veall
- Yip
- Zatz
- Zatz
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Extrapyramidal features in advanced Down's syndrome: clinical evaluation and family history.
- Author
- A Muysers
- A Piosinski
- B Schulze
- Chandra V.
- Chui H.C.
- Cohen G.
- Dalton A.J.
- Delwaide P.J.
- Ditter S.M.
- Drachman D.A.
- Epstein C.J.
- Fahn S.
- G Ziemens
- Gibb W.R.G.
- Goate A.M.
- Godridge H.
- Hofman A.
- Huff F.J.
- Jellinger K.
- Jervis G.A.
- Koller W.C.
- Lai F.
- Leverenz J.
- Leverenz J.
- Loesch-Mdzewska D.
- Lott I.T.
- M Freudenberg
- Mann D.M.A.
- Mann D.M.A.
- Marttila R.J.
- Mayeux R.
- Miniszek N.A.
- Molsa P.K.
- Owens D.
- P Vieregge
- Pearce J.
- Pogacar S.
- Reker M.
- Rocca W.A.
- Saggu H.
- Schoenberg B.S.
- Shapiro M.B.
- Sturman S.G.
- Sulkava R.
- Thase M.E.
- Tyrell P.J.
- Veall R.M.
- Wisniewski K.E.
- Wisniewski K.E.
- Wisniewski K.E.
- Wisniewski K.E.
- Yatham L.N.
- Zemlan F.P.
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Abdou I.A.
- Aikawa J.K.
- Anderson E.C.
- Anger H. 0
- Armstrong Jr., S.H.
- Arons W.L.
- Ashby W.
- B.. Reeve E.
- Badenoch J.
- Bailey I.S.
- Baker S.J.
- Baker S.J.
- Banks T.E.
- Bartter F.C.
- Bauer F.K.
- Bauman A.
- Baylin G.J.
- Belanger L.F.
- Belcher E.H.
- Beres P.
- Berson S.A.
- Bird P.M.
- Black D.A.
- Blahd W.H.
- Blainey J.D.
- Bonnet J.D.
- Booth C.C.
- Bothwell T.H.
- Boyd G.A.
- Brownell G.L.
- Buchholz C.H.
- Burrell C.D.
- C. J. Hayter
- Callender S.T.
- Campbell R.M.
- Chaplin Jr, H.
- Chaplin Jr., H.
- Chaplin Jr., H.
- Chaplin Jr., H.
- Chodos R.B.
- Clark D.E.
- Cook G.B.
- Corsa Jr., L.
- Cronkite E.P.
- Dern R.J.
- Dornhorst A.C.
- Ebaugh Jr., F.G.
- Elkinton J.R.
- Ellenbogen L.
- Ellis F.
- Everett N.B.
- Finch C.A.
- Flear C.T.G.
- Foote J.B.
- Forbes G.B.
- Fowler J.F.
- Fraser R.
- Freedberg A.S.
- Gibson J.G.
- Gitlin D.
- Glass G.B.J.
- Glass G.B.J.
- Gordon R.S.
- Gordon R.S.
- Gray S.J.
- Halkett J.A.E.
- Halnan K.E.
- Halsted J.A.
- Hamolsky M.W.
- Handel E.van
- Hayes F.N.
- Hayter C.J.
- Heinle R.W.
- Hennessy T.G.
- Hevesy G.
- Hjort P.F.
- Horst W.
- Huff R.L.
- Hutt M.S.R.
- James A.H.
- Jandl J.H.
- Jones N.C.
- Jones N.C.Hughes
- Jones N.C.Hughes
- Jones N.F.
- Jones R.
- Joske R.A.
- Kahn B.
- Keating F.R.
- Kerr V.N.
- Lajtha L.G.
- Langham W.H.
- Leeksma C.H.W.
- Libby W.F.
- Ljungren H.
- Loutit J.F.
- Lowe A.E.
- Lubran M.
- Manery J.F.
- Masouredis S.P.
- McFarlane A.S.
- McGirr E.M.
- McKenna R.D.
- McMurrey J.D.
- Miller H.
- Miller W.W.
- Minnich V.
- Mollison P.L.
- Mollison P.L.
- Mollison P.L.
- Moore C.V.
- Moore F.D.
- Morgans M.E.
- Muldowney F.P.
- Munro D.S.
- Noble R.P.
- O'Meara M.P.
- Owen C.A.
- Pack G.T.
- Pearson J.D.
- Pearson J.D.
- Pelc S.R.
- Perry S.
- Pirzio-Biroli G.
- Pirzio-Biroli G.
- Pochin E.E.
- Power M.H.
- Prentice T.C.
- Pritchard W.H.
- Radin N.S.
- Ray C.T.
- Reemtsma K.
- Reid A.F.
- Robbins L.R.
- Robinson C.V.
- Rothschild M.A.
- Rundo J.
- Schilling R.F.
- Schilling R.F.
- Schloesser L.L.
- Shingleton W.W.
- Simmons B.
- Simpson J.A.
- Sinclair W.K.
- Skanse B.N.
- Smith M.D.
- Staffurth J.S.
- Stanbury J.B.
- Stanbury J.B.
- Steinfeld J.L.
- Sterling K.
- Tait J.F.
- Taylor D.
- Turnbull A.
- Turner D.A.
- Veall N.
- Veall N.
- Veall N.
- Ventzke L.
- Verel D.
- Volwiler W.
- Weinstein I.M.
- Werner S.C.
- West H.D.
- Wetherley-Mein G.
- Wittig G.
- Yalow R.S.
- Yoffey J.M.
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Alzheimer's Disease and Down's Syndrome
- Author
- Alvord E.C.
- Ball M.J.
- Ball M.J.
- Ball M.J.
- Benda C.E.
- Benson P.P.
- Bouillin D.J.
- Bowen D.M.
- Brody H.
- Burger P.C.
- Constantinidis J.
- Corsellis J.A.M.
- Coyle J.T.
- Crapper D.R.
- Crome L.
- Dalton A.J.
- Davidoff L. M.
- Delong M.R.
- Delong M.R.
- Divac I.
- Down J.L.H.
- Drachman D.A.
- Drachman D.A.
- Ellingson R.J.
- Ellis W.G.
- Enns L.
- Galaburda A.M.
- Glenner G.G.
- Gorry J.R.
- Griffin J.W.
- Grittin J.W.
- Heller J.H.
- Herzog A.G.
- Hirano A.
- Hook E.B.
- Hooper W.M.
- Jervis G.A.
- Johnson R.C.
- Katzman R.
- Katzman R.
- Kemper T.L.
- Kievit J.
- Krnjevic K.
- Kuhar M.J.
- Lehmann J.
- Lewis P.R.
- Loesch-Modzewski I.D.
- Lott I.T.
- Malamud N.
- McCoy E.E.
- McKinney M.
- Meynert T.
- Olson M.I.
- Owens D.
- Parent A.
- Penrose L.S.
- Perry E.K.
- Pope A.
- Powers J.M.
- Powers J.M.
- Price D.L.
- Price J.L.
- Purpura D.P.
- Purpura D.P.
- Ribak C.E.
- Ropper A.H.
- Rossier J.
- Shefer V.F.
- Shute C.C.D.
- Smith G.F.
- Solitare G.
- Spencer P.S.
- Struble R.G.
- Terry R.D.
- Terry R.D.
- Tomlinson B.E.
- Tu J.
- Turner B.
- Veall R.M.
- Wang H.S.
- Wetterberg L.
- Wisniewski H.M.
- Wisniewski H.M.
- Wisniewski H.M.
- Wisniewski H.M.
- Wisniewski K.
- Zellweger H.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study