5 research outputs found

    Efficient Chemisorption of Organophosphorous Redox Probes on Indium Tin Oxide Surfaces under Mild Conditions

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    We report a mild and straightforward one-step chemical surface functionalization of indium tin oxide (ITO) electrodes by redox-active molecules bearing an organophosphoryl anchoring group (i.e., alkyl phosphate or alkyl phosphonate group). The method takes advantage of simple passive adsorption in an aqueous solution at room temperature. We show that organophosphorus compounds can adsorb much more strongly and stably on an ITO surface than analogous redox-active molecules bearing a carboxylate or a boronate moiety. We provide evidence, through quantitative electrochemical characterization (i.e., by cyclic voltammetry) of the adsorbed organophosphoryl redox-active molecules, of the occurrence of three different adsorbate fractions on ITO, exhibiting different stabilities on the surface. Among these three fractions, one is observed to be strongly chemisorbed, exhibiting high stability and resistance to desorption/hydrolysis in a free-redox probe aqueous buffer. We attribute this remarkable stability to the formation of chemical bonds between the organophosphorus anchoring group and the metal oxide surface, likely occurring through a heterocondensation reaction in water. From XPS analysis, we also demonstrate that the surface coverage of the chemisorbed molecules is highly affected by the degree of surface hydroxylation, a parameter that can be tuned by simply preconditioning the freshly cleaned ITO surfaces in water. The lower the relative surface hydroxide density on ITO, the higher was the surface coverage of the chemisorbed species. This behavior is in line with a chemisorption mechanism involving coordination of a deprotonated phosphoryl oxygen atom to the non-hydroxylated acidic metal sites of ITO

    Chronoabsorptometry To Investigate Conduction-Band-Mediated Electron Transfer in Mesoporous TiO<sub>2</sub> Thin Films

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    Chronoabsorptometry response of transparent mesoporous semiconductive metal oxide film loaded with a redox-active dye is established in the framework of fast electron diffusion. It is shown that the effect of uncompensated resistance is to delay the electron accumulation in the semiconductive thin film. Consequently, this effect must be duly taken into account when interfacial charge transfer rates between the adsorbed redox species and the porous semiconductor are extracted from chronoabsorptometry responses. This is illustrated with the quantitative analysis of the chronoabsorptometry responses of a heme-based redox probe strongly adsorbed in highly ordered mesoporous TiO<sub>2</sub> thin films (prepared from evaporation-induced self-assembly, EISA). It is shown that the reduction of the redox probe originates from the conduction band and not from the localized traps in the bandgap. These results are in quantitative agreement with differential cyclic voltabsorptometry recently reported by us, thus showing full consistency of both methods

    Multivalent-Ion versus Proton Insertion into Nanostructured Electrochromic WO<sub>3</sub> from Mild Aqueous Electrolytes

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    Mild aqueous electrolytes containing multivalent metal salts are currently scrutinized for the development of ecosustainable energy-related devices. However, the role of soluble multivalent metal ions in the electrochemical reactivity of transition metal oxides is a matter of debate, especially when they are performed in protic aqueous electrolytes. Here, we have compared, by means of (spectro)electrochemistry, the reversible electrochromic reduction of transparent nanostructured γ-WO3 thin films in mild aqueous electrolytes of various chemical composition and pH. This study reveals that reversible proton insertion is the only charge storage mechanism over a large pH range and that it is effective for aqueous electrolytes prepared from either organic (such as acetic acid) or inorganic (such as solvated multivalent cations) Bro̷nsted acids. By refuting charge storage mechanisms relying on the reversible insertion of multivalent metal ions, notably in aqueous electrolytes based on Al3+ ions or a mixture of Al3+ and Zn2+ ions, these fundamental results pave the way for the rational development of electrolytes and active materials for a range of aqueous-based devices, such as the emerging concept of an energy-saving smart window, which we also address in this study

    Evidencing Fast, Massive, and Reversible H<sup>+</sup> Insertion in Nanostructured TiO<sub>2</sub> Electrodes at Neutral pH. Where Do Protons Come From?

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    Ongoing developments of sustainable energy technologies based on high-surface-area semiconductive metal oxide electrodes operating under mild and safe aqueous conditions require deep understanding of proton and electron transfer/transport throughout their porous structure. To address this issue, we investigated the electrochemical reductive protonation of high surface area nanostructured amorphous TiO<sub>2</sub> electrodes (produced by glancing angle deposition) in both buffered and unbuffered aqueous solutions. Quantitative analysis of the two charge storage mechanisms was achieved, allowing proper deconvolution of the electrical double-layer capacitive charge storage from the reversible faradaic one resulting from the proton-coupled reduction of bulk TiO<sub>2</sub>. We evidence that this latter process occurs reversibly and extensively (up to an intercalation ratio of 20%) not only under strongly acidic pH conditions but also, more interestingly, under neutral pH with the intercalated proton arising from the buffer rather than water. Moreover, we show that in comparison with reductive Li<sup>+</sup> intercalation the proton-coupled electron charge storage occurs more rapidly (in a few seconds). This important finding suggests that a high-rate and high-power charge storage device could potentially be achieved with the reversible H<sup>+</sup>-coupled charge/discharge process in TiO<sub>2</sub> at neutral pH, opening thus new opportunities to the development of eco-friendly batteries for electrical energy storage

    Unraveling the Mechanism of Catalytic Reduction of O<sub>2</sub> by Microperoxidase-11 Adsorbed within a Transparent 3D-Nanoporous ITO Film

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    Nanoporous films of indium tin oxide (ITO), with thicknesses ranging from 250 nm to 2 μm, were prepared by Glancing Angle Deposition (GLAD) and used as highly sensitive transparent 3D-electrodes for quantitatively interrogating, by time-resolved spectroelectrochemistry, the reactivity of microperoxidase-11 (MP-11) adsorbed within such films. The capacitive current densities of these 3D-electrodes as well as the amount of adsorbed MP-11 were shown to be linearly correlated to the GLAD ITO film thickness, indicating a homogeneous distribution of MP-11 across the film as well as homogeneous film porosity. Under saturating adsorption conditions, MP-11 film concentration as high as 60 mM was reached. This is equivalent to a stack of 110 monolayers of MP-11 per micrometer film thickness. This high MP-11 film loading combined with the excellent ITO film conductivity has allowed the simultaneous characterization of the heterogeneous one-electron transfer dynamics of the MP-11 Fe<sup>III</sup>/Fe<sup>II</sup> redox couple by cyclic voltammetry and cyclic voltabsorptometry, up to a scan rate of few volts per second with a satisfactory single-scan signal-to-noise ratio. The potency of the method to unravel complex redox coupled chemical reactions was also demonstrated with the catalytic reduction of oxygen by MP-11. In the presence of O<sub>2</sub>, cross-correlation of electrochemical and spectroscopic data has allowed us to determine the key kinetics and thermodynamics parameters of the redox catalysis that otherwise could not be easily extracted using conventional protein film voltammetry. On the basis of numerical simulations of cyclic voltammograms and voltabsorptograms and within the framework of different plausible catalytic reaction schemes including appropriate approximations, it was shown possible to discriminate between different possible catalytic pathways and to identify the relevant catalytic cycle. In addition, from the best fits of simulations to the experimental voltammograms and voltabsorptograms, the partition coefficient of O<sub>2</sub> for the ITO film as well as the values of two kinetic rate constants could be extracted. It was finally concluded that the catalytic reduction of O<sub>2</sub> by MP-11 adsorbed within nanoporous ITO films occurs via a 2-electron mechanism with the formation of an intermediate Fe<sup>III</sup>–OOH adduct characterized by a decay rate of 11 s<sup>–1</sup>. The spectroelectroanalytical strategy presented here opens new opportunities for characterizing complex redox-coupled chemical reactions not only with redox proteins, but also with redox biomimetic systems and catalysts. It might also be of great interest for the development and optimization of new spectroelectrochemical sensors and biosensors, or eventually new photoelectrocatalytic systems or biofuel cells