3 research outputs found

    Mechatronic Design of a Lower Limb Exoskeleton

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    This chapter presents a lower limb exoskeleton mechatronic design. The design aims to be used as a walking support device focused on patients who suffer of partial lower body paralysis due to spine injuries or caused by a stroke. First, the mechanical design is presented and the results are validated through dynamical simulations performed in Autodesk Inventor and MATLAB. Second, a communication network design is proposed in order to establish a secure and fast data link between sensors, actuators, and microprocessors. Finally, patient‐exoskeleton system interaction is presented and detailed. Movement generation is performed by means of digital signal processing techniques applied to electromyography (EMG) and electrocardiography (EEG) signals. Such interaction system design is tested and evaluated in MATLAB whose results are presented and explained. A proposal of real‐time supervisory control is also presented as a part of the integration of every component of the exoskeleton

    Design and implementation of wireless sensor network with LoRa technology for industrial monitoring

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    El creciente desarrollo del Internet de las Cosas (IoT, Internet of Things) ha diversificado sus campos de aplicación, mejorando no solo la interconexión de personas, sino también, la comunicación entre maquinaria industrial (M2M, Machine-to-Machine), en las que sus características en alcance, escalabilidad y bajo costo de despliegue, pueden ser aprovechadas. Las tecnologías LoRa y LoRaWAN se muestran como una de las principales opciones de comunicación inalámbrica de bajo costo en la integración de sistemas industriales con mira a los nuevos requerimientos de la Industria 4.0. En este trabajo se realizó una campaña de mediciones y el análisis de los datos obtenidos, para evaluar el comportamiento y la aplicabilidad de las tecnologías LoRa y LoRaWAN dentro de ambientes industriales. Para contrastar los resultados, se realizaron pruebas en ambientes urbanos despejados, donde se observó que las condiciones dentro de las naves industriales, permiten establecer un enlace con condiciones de radio frecuencia favorables. Inicialmente se han considerado escenarios de corto alcance (<100 m) en los que se mantiene una línea de vista entre el transmisor y el receptor.The growing development of the Internet of Things (IoT) has diversified its fields of application, improving not only the interconnection of people but as well the communication between industrial machinery (M2M, Machine-to-Machine), in which its features in range, scalability, and low cost of deployment can be taken advantage of. LoRa and LoRaWAN technologies are presented as one of the main low-cost wireless communication options in the integration of industrial systems with a view to the new requirements of Industry 4.0. In this work, a measurement campaign and the analysis of the data obtained were performed to evaluate the behavior and applicability of LoRa and LoRaWAN technologies within industrial environments. To contrast the results, tests were performed in clear urban environments, where it was observed that the conditions inside the industrial buildings allow the establishment of a link with favorable radio frequency conditions. Initially, short-range scenarios (<100 m) have been considered in which a line of sight is maintained between the transmitter and the receiver