17 research outputs found
Stiffness and deformation analysis of cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels made of Nordic spruce based on experimental testing, analytical calculation and numerical modeling
Timber structures are currently more important for solving tasks in construction practice.
For this reason, there is an opportunity for research in the area of physical tests and numerical
models. This paper deals with the determination and comparison of the deformation properties of
cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels based on laboratory tests, analytical calculation and numer ical modeling. CLT panels are structural building components consisting of cross-oriented solid
timber layers. Three types of panels with different geometry and number of layers (three, five and
seven) were experimentally tested using a four-point bending test, where load–deformation curves
were recorded. The results of the experimental testing of the three-layer panels were subsequently
compared with a numerical model in SCIA Engineer, a numerical model in ANSYS Workbench and
an analytical calculation. The research shows a good agreement in bending behavior between the
laboratory tests, the analytical calculation according to the standard and two different approaches in
numerical analysis.Web of Science131art. no. 20
Carying capacity assessment of one-shear nail joint of cement-splinter boards
Obsahem tohoto příspěvku je popis chování a únosnost jednostřižných hřebíkových spojů ve
spojích cementoštěpkových desek s prostředním prvkem z rostlého dřeva. Toto je provedeno na
základě destruktivního laboratorního testování podle platných evropských norem [1]. V druhé části
tohoto příspěvku je popsáno typické porušení těchto spojů a srovnání s výsledky spojů, kde
cemetoštěpkové desky jsou nahrazeny rostlým dřevem.The aim of this article is in description of behavior and bearing capacity of one-shear nail joint
of cement-splinter boards with middle solid wood element. This is made on the base of destructive
laboratory testing according to valid European standards [1]. In the second part of this paper there is
described typical damage of these joints and comparison of these results with bearing capacity of the
same way arranged and loaded joints, where however instead of cement-splinter boards solid wood
boards were used
Verification of selected mechanical and physical charakteristics of wood structures materials
Import 04/04/2011Obsahem této disertační práce je stanovení vybraných fyzikálních a mechanických vlastností jehličnatého a listnatého řeziva malých konstrukčních rozměrů destruktivním a nedestruktivním testováním, tvorba histogramů těchto vlastností, a korelace výsledků jednotlivých metod měření. Závěr této práce je věnován shrnutí získaných výsledků, popisu jejich možností využití ajejich aplikaci na jednoduchý příklad vypočtený dle EC5 a plně pravděpodobnostní metodou SBRA.The content of this thesis is the determination of selected physical and mechanical properties of softwood and hardwood lumber of small construction scale us ing destructive and non-destructive testing, creation of histograms of these properties, and correlation of results of different methods of measurement. The conclusion of this paper is a summary of the obtained results, describes opportunities of their usage and their application into a simple example, calculated according to EC5 and fully probabilistic SBRA method.Prezenční221 - Katedra konstrukcívyhově
Rekonstrukce zámku
Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta stavební. Katedra (225) pozemního stavitelstv
Behavior of round timber bolted joints under tension load
In the current European standards for the design of timber structures, the issue of timber-to-timber joint type is addressed only to squared timber, which makes the pinpointing of the round timber bolted joints carrying capacity near-unfeasible due to the insufficient support in the current standards. There have been made series of tests of round timber joints in different inclinations tensile load to the grainand also the reference tests of squared timber joints to compare the behaviour of this type of joints. Mechanical behaviour of round and squared timber bolted joints were tested in the laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Ostrava. This paper presents results of static tests in tension at an angle of 0, 90 and 60 to the grain of squared and round timber bolted joints. Carrying capacity was determined according to the applicable standards and theories of fracture mechanics. Round timber joints were also numerically simulated. The test results of numerical models were then compared with the results of laboratory tests and theoretical calculations.Web of Science61582981