43 research outputs found

    Electrical and thermal properties of C\u3csub\u3e60\u3c/sub\u3e-filled single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    We report measurements of electrical resistivity, thermopower, and thermal conductivity of highly C60-filled single-wall carbon nanotubes and unfilled controls, from 1.5 to 300 K. The data suggest that the C60 chains provide additional conductive paths for charge carriers, increase the rate of phonon scattering, and block interior sites from sorbing other gas molecules

    Magnetically aligned single wall carbon nanotube films: preferred orientation and anisotropic transport properties

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    Thick films of single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) exhibiting in-plane preferred orientation have been produced by filter deposition from suspension in strong magnetic fields. We characterize the field-induced alignment with x-ray fiber diagrams and polarized Raman scattering, using a model which includes a completely unaligned fraction. We correlate the texture parameters with resistivity and thermal conductivity measured parallel and perpendicular to the alignment direction. Results obtained with 7 and 26 Tesla fields are compared. We find no significant field dependence of the distribution width, while the aligned fraction is slightly greater at the higher field. Anisotropy in both transport properties is modest, with ratios in the range 5–9, consistent with the measured texture parameters assuming a simple model of rigid rod conductors. We suggest that further enhancements in anisotropic properties will require optimizing the filter deposition process rather than larger magnetic fields. We show that both x-ray and Raman data are required for a complete texture analysis of oriented SWNT materials

    Thermoelectric Power of p-Doped Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes and the Role of Phonon Drag

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    We measured thermoelectric power S of bulk single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) materials p-doped with acids. In contrast to oxygen-exposed or degassed samples, S is very small at the lowest temperatures, increases super-linearly above a characteristic and sample-dependent T, and then levels off. We attribute this unusual behavior to 1-D phonon drag, in which the depression of the Fermi energy cuts off electron-phonon scattering at temperatures below a characteristic T0. This idea is supported by a model calculation in which the low temperature behavior of phonon drag is specifically related to the one-dimensional character of the electronic spectrum

    Sensitive HIV-1 DNA Pol Next-Generation Sequencing for the Characterisation of Archived Antiretroviral Drug Resistance

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    Modern HIV-1 treatment effectively suppresses viral amplification in people living with HIV. However, the persistence of HIV-1 DNA as proviruses integrated into the human genome remains the main barrier to achieving a cure. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) offers increased sensitivity for characterising archived drug resistance mutations (DRMs) in HIV-1 DNA for improved treatment options. In this study, we present an ultra-sensitive targeted PCR assay coupled with NGS and a robust pipeline to characterise HIV-1 DNA DRMs from buffy coat samples. Our evaluation supports the use of this assay for Pan-HIV-1 analyses with reliable detection of DRMs across the HIV-1 Pol region. We propose this assay as a new valuable tool for monitoring archived HIV-1 drug resistance in virologically suppressed individuals, especially in clinical trials investigating novel therapeutic approaches

    Analytical solution of 1D lattice gas model with infinite number of multiatom interactions

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    We consider a 1D lattice gas model in which the atoms interact via an infinite number of cluster interactions within contiguous atomic chains plus the next nearest neighbor pairwise interaction. All interactions are of arbitrary strength. An analytical expression for the size distribution of atomic chain lengths is obtained in the framework of the canonical ensemble formalism. Application of the exact solution to the problems of self-assembly and self-organization is briefly discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Applications of multi-walled carbon nanotube in electronic packaging

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    Thermal management of integrated circuit chip is an increasing important challenge faced today. Heat dissipation of the chip is generally achieved through the die attach material and solders. With the temperature gradients in these materials, high thermo-mechanical stress will be developed in them, and thus they must also be mechanically strong so as to provide a good mechanical support to the chip. The use of multi-walled carbon nanotube to enhance the thermal conductivity, and the mechanical strength of die attach epoxy and Pb-free solder is demonstrated in this work

    Evaluation of a Real-Time Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplification Assay Using Molecular Beacons for Detection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1

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    We evaluated the performance characteristics of a new, real-time nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA) assay that incorporates molecular beacon technology for detection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). The quantitative results were comparable to those obtained with three leading commercially available assays. The analytical sensitivity was 37 IU/ml. The NASBA assay detected clinically relevant recombinant viruses and all group M HIV-1 subtypes