20 research outputs found

    Overexpression of DmDyrk2 in cells following the MF produces a rough eye phenotype.

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    <p>SEM was used to visualize adult eyes from the following genotypes: WT (A and F), <i>DmDyrk2<sup>−/−</sup></i> (B and G), <i>GMR-GAL4/+; UAS-DmDyrk2<sup>KD</sup>/+</i> (C and H), <i>GMR-GAL4/UAS-DmDyrk2<sup>WT</sup></i> (D and I), and <i>GMR-GAL4, UAS-DmDyrk2<sup>WT</sup>/UAS-DmDyrk2<sup>WT</sup></i> (E and J).</p

    <i>DmDyrk2</i> is expressed in the third antennae segment.

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    <p>Antennae were dissected from late pupae (65 hr APF) of WT and <i>DmDyrk2<sup>−/−</sup></i> flies. Specific probes were then used to examine the structures for the presence of <i>DmDyrk2</i> transcripts. Evidence of <i>DmDyrk2</i> expression is only seen in the third antennal segment of WT flies.</p

    <i>DmDyrk2<sup>−/−</sup></i> animals display a smell impaired phenotype.

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    <p>As described in the text, a T-maze assay was used to determine an RI value for WT and <i>DmDyrk2<sup>−/−</sup></i> male and female adult flies. The results with accompanying standard error bars are shown.</p

    Immunofluorescent confocal analysis of mid-pupal DmDyrk2 loss- and gain-of-function retinas.

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    <p>Pupal retinas were dissected 45-cadherin (red, left panels; black, middle panels) to mark apical cell membranes, and Cut (green, left and right panels) to mark cone cell nuclei. Overlays are represented in left panels. Genotypes are: wild type (Canton S), <i>DmDyrk2<sup>−/−</sup></i> (<i>1w17/1w17)</i>, GMR>UAS-KD-DmDyrk2 (<i>GMR-GAL4/+</i>, <i>UAS-DmDyrk2<sup>KD</sup>/+</i>), GMR>UAS-DmDyrk2 (<i>GMR-GAL4/UAS-DmDyrk2<sup>WT</sup></i>), and GMR>UAS-DmDyrk2-UAS-DmDyrk2 (<i>GMR-GAL4, UAS-DmDyrk2<sup>WT</sup>/UAS-DmDyrk2<sup>WT</sup></i>).</p

    WT and <i>DmDyrk2<sup>−/−</sup></i> flies exhibit distinct ERG profiles.

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    <p>(A) Example of a single ERG recording from a 5 sec light pulse from WT and <i>DmDyrk2<sup>−/−</sup></i> flies. (B) Maximal photoreceptor response of WT and <i>DmDyrk2<sup>−/−</sup></i> flies.</p

    The evolutionary age of the DYRK subfamilies.

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    <p>DYRK family members identified in our search of 21 sequenced genomes clustered into five separate subfamilies (class 1, class 2, HIPK, PRP4, and Yak). Individual DYRK subfamilies were then placed into their respective eukaryotic supergroup.</p