5 research outputs found

    Stevens Johnson syndrome following paraquat poisoning: a case report

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    Paraquat is a herbicidal agent used extensively, mainly in developing countries where there is a high incidence of its poisoning. It causes damage to kidneys, lungs and liver. Reports of mucocutaneous manifestations following paraquat ingestion are rare. Here we describe a case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome(SJS) presenting in a case of paraquat ingestion. A 22 year old male was admitted to our hospital for difficulty in swallowing and micturation since ingestion of 10-15 ml of paraquat 7 days before. He had multiple hemorrhagic crusted erosions over lips and left maxillary area with diffuse erythematous erosions over bilateral buccal mucosa, palate, labial mucosa and urethral mucosa with whitish slough over them. Upper GI endoscopy revealed oral, esophageal and fundal sloughing. Patient was treated with oral corticosteroids and antibiotics which caused complete resolution of skin lesions within 15 days.Paraquat dichloride exerts its toxicity by generation of reactive oxygen species. Skin lesions following topical application of paraquat are common, but very few cases have been reported of the same after oral ingestion. SJS is caused by a variety of drugs and commonly presents with muco-cutaneous tenderness, hemorrhagic erosions and erythematous macules with 90% developing oral, genital and gastrointestinal mucosal involvement. As the oral and genital manifestations in our patient developed the day after paraquat ingestion, possibility of SJS developing due to the same are the highest. Paraquat should not be ruled out as a drug causality if mucocutaneous manifestations of SJS/TEN appear in a patient of paraquat ingestion.

    Scaling the Great Wall

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    With the full implementation of China’s WTO commitments over the next two or three years, insurance companies and buyers in China, both local and foreign, are expected to benefit. Some of the changes that will occur in this sector include the phasing out of geographic restrictions by 2004, expansion of the product portfolio of property and casualty and life insurance.Master of Business Administratio

    RadiobotCFF: A Spoken Dialogue System for Military Training

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    We describe a spoken dialogue system which can engage in Call For Fire (CFF) radio dialogues to help train soldiers in proper procedures for requesting artillery fire missions. We describe the domain, an information-state dialogue manager with a novel system of interactive information components, and provide evaluation results. Index Terms: spoken dialogue systems. 1

    Neural Network Methods for Natural Language Processing

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