12 research outputs found

    KCNMA1 knock down in LNCaP and PC3 cell lines using siRNA methodology.

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    <p>The percent reduction in response is plotted as a bar graft, the first bar in each set indicating the absence and the second bar representing the presence of selenium treatment of both cell lines. The siRNA experiments are done in triplicates and the average is taken. The (*) indicates the statistically significant (p<0.05) differences in response to selenium treatment.</p

    Summary of the whole-genome case-control association study for the Selenium resistant and sensitive NCI60 cell line panel.

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    <p>C<b>hr</b>: chromosome; <b>All</b>: alleles; <b>CHISQ</b>: X<sup>2</sup>; <b>OR</b>: odds ratio; <b>L95</b>: lower confidence interval; <b>U95</b>: upper confidence interval; <b>FDR_BH</b>: False discovery rate by Benjamini and Hochberg; <b>BONF:</b> Bonferroni method.</p

    Partek Genomics Suite Visualization.

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    <p>(A) <i>BMP7</i> and (B) <i>HOXD3</i>. Line graphs in the upper panel of each show log<sub>2</sub> ratio values for each probe, with red representing PP4 cases A–J and blue representing PP3 cases 1–10. The lower panel of each is a heat map for each probe in individual PP4 and PP3 cases. Red arrows correspond to regions selected for EpiTYPER analysis while black arrows correspond to regions chosen for MethyLight analysis.</p

    Representative homeobox genes showing methylation for cancer/reference and progression dataset (genes in bold overlap with Table 1).

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    <p>Representative homeobox genes showing methylation for cancer/reference and progression dataset (genes in bold overlap with <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0004830#pone-0004830-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>).</p

    EpiTYPER analysis of <i>BMP7</i>.

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    <p>(A) PP3 cases 3 and 4 and (B) PP4 cases B and I. Reference lymphocyte is shown for each. Coloured bars represent the average methylation over three replicates with standard error bars displayed.</p