29 research outputs found

    Automated Reporting of Anti-Patterns and Decay in Continuous Integration

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    Continuous Integration (CI) is a widely-used software engineering practice. The software is continuously built so that changes can be easily integrated and issues such as unmet quality goals or style inconsistencies get detected early. Unfortunately, it is not only hard to introduce CI into an existing project, but it is also challenging to live up to the CI principles when facing tough deadlines or business decisions. Previous work has identified common anti-patterns that reduce the promised benefits of CI. Typically, these anti-patterns slowly creep into a project over time before they are identified. We argue that automated detection can help with early identification and prevent such a process decay. In this work, we further analyze this assumption and survey 124 developers about CI anti-patterns. From the results, we build CI-Odor, a reporting tool for CI processes that detects the existence of four relevant anti-patterns by analyzing regular build logs and repository information. In a study on the 18,474 build logs of 36 popular Java projects, we reveal the presence of 3,823 high-severity warnings spread across projects. We validate our reports in a survey among 13 original developers of these projects and through general feedback from 42 developers that confirm the relevance of our reports

    A large-scale empirical exploration on refactoring activities in open source software projects

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    Refactoring is a well-established practice that aims at improving the internal structure of a software system without changing its external behavior. Existing literature provides evidence of how and why developers perform refactoring in practice. In this paper, we continue on this line of research by performing a large-scale empirical analysis of refactoring practices in 200 open source systems. Specifically, we analyze the change history of these systems at commit level to investigate: (i) whether developers perform refactoring operations and, if so, which are more diffused and (ii) when refactoring operations are applied, and (iii) which are the main developer-oriented factors leading to refactoring. Based on our results, future research can focus on enabling automatic support for less frequent refactorings and on recommending refactorings based on the developer's workload, project's maturity and developer's commitment to the project

    Data-Driven Decisions and Actions in Today’s Software Development

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    Today’s software development is all about data: data about the software product itself, about the process and its different stages, about the customers and markets, about the development, the testing, the integration, the deployment, or the runtime aspects in the cloud. We use static and dynamic data of various kinds and quantities to analyze market feedback, feature impact, code quality, architectural design alternatives, or effects of performance optimizations. Development environments are no longer limited to IDEs in a desktop application or the like but span the Internet using live programming environments such as Cloud9 or large-volume repositories such as BitBucket, GitHub, GitLab, or StackOverflow. Software development has become “live” in the cloud, be it the coding, the testing, or the experimentation with different product options on the Internet. The inherent complexity puts a further burden on developers, since they need to stay alert when constantly switching between tasks in different phases. Research has been analyzing the development process, its data and stakeholders, for decades and is working on various tools that can help developers in their daily tasks to improve the quality of their work and their productivity. In this chapter, we critically reflect on the challenges faced by developers in a typical release cycle, identify inherent problems of the individual phases, and present the current state of the research that can help overcome these issues

    Configuration Smells in Continuous Delivery Pipelines: A Linter and a Six-Month Study on GitLab

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    An effective and efficient application of Continuous Integration (CI) and Delivery (CD) requires software projects to follow certain principles and good practices. Configuring such a CI/CD pipeline is challenging and error-prone. Therefore, automated linters have been proposed to detect errors in the pipeline. While existing linters identify syntactic errors, detect security vulnerabilities or misuse of the features provided by build servers, they do not support developers that want to prevent common misconfigurations of a CD pipeline that potentially violate CD principles (“CD smells”). To this end, we propose CD-Linter, a semantic linter that can automatically identify four different smells in pipeline configuration files. We have evaluated our approach through a large-scale and long-term study that consists of (i) monitoring 145 issues (opened in as many open-source projects) over a period of 6 months, (ii) manually validating the detection precision and recall on a representative sample of issues, and (iii) assessing the magnitude of the observed smells on 5,312 open-source projects on GitLab. Our results show that CD smells are accepted and fixed by most of the developers and our linter achieves a precision of 87% and a recall of 94%. Those smells can be frequently observed in the wild, as 31% of projects with long configurations are affected by at least one smell

    Principle-driven continuous integration: simplifying failure discovery and raising anti-pattern awareness

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    Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice that enables developers to build software more reliably and quickly. Most organizations have started adopting CI, however, only a few of them achieve the expected benefits. The reason is that living up to the recommended practices (called principles) of CI is not easy and developers tend to follow anti-patterns, which are ineffective solutions to recurrent problems. Anti-patterns violate principles and lower the effectiveness of CI. In this dissertation, we characterize the problem of anti-patterns to implement solutions that help developers follow principles. We start with classifying the anti-patterns encountered by developers in practice and identifying their four root causes, which are (i) the poor knowledge of the prerequisites for adopting CI, (ii) the difficulty of inspecting build failure logs, (iii) the presence of bad configurations, and (iv) the wrong usage of a CI process. While only better coaching in CI can efficiently remove the former, we implement several approaches to address the other causes. To improve the understandability of build failure logs, we develop Bart, a tool that produces summaries for the most common build failure types. To identify anti-patterns caused by configuration smells that developer should remove, we propose CD-Linter, a semantic linter for CI/CD configuration files. We implement CI-Odor, an automated reporting tool that leverages information from repository and build history, to monitor the wrong adoption of CI over time. The results of multiple empirical studies conducted with professional developers show that the proposed approaches are effective at identifying and removing the aforementioned causes of anti-patterns and, consequently, at enforcing a principle-driven continuous integration practice

    Enabling Continuous Improvement of a Continuous Integration Process

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    Continuous Integration (CI) is a widely-adopted software engineering practice. Despite its undisputed benefits, like higher software quality and improved developer productivity, mastering CI is not easy. Among the several barriers when transitioning to CI, developers need to face a new type of software failures (i.e., build failures) that requires them to understand complex build logs. Even when a team has successfully introduced a CI culture, living up to its principles and improving the CI practice are also challenging. In my research, I want to provide developers with the right support for establishing CI and the proper recommendations for continuously improving their CI process

    Continuous Refactoring in CI: A Preliminary Study on the Perceived Advantages and Barriers

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    By definition, the practice of Continuous Integration (CI) promotes continuous software quality improvement. In systems adopting such a practice, quality assurance is usually performed by using static and dynamic analysis tools (e.g., SonarQube) that compute overall metrics such as maintainability or reliability measures. Furthermore, developers usually define quality gates, i.e., source code quality thresholds that must be reached by the software product after every newly committed change. If certain quality gates fail (e.g., a maintainability metric is below a settled threshold), developers should refactor the code possibly addressing some of the proposed warnings. While previous research findings showed that refactoring is often not done in practice, it is still unclear whether and how the adoption of a CI philosophy has changed the way developers perceive and adopt refactoring. In this paper, we preliminarily study—running a survey study that involves 31 developers—how developers perform refactoring in CI, which needs they have and the barriers they face while continuously refactor source code

    Continuous code quality: are we (really) doing that?

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    Continuous Integration (CI) is a software engineering practice where developers constantly integrate their changes to a project through an automated build process. The goal of CI is to provide developers with prompt feedback on several quality dimensions after each change. Indeed, previous studies provided empirical evidence on a positive association between properly following CI principles and source code quality. A core principle behind CI is Continuous Code Quality (also known as CCQ, which includes automated testing and automated code inspection) may appear simple and effective, yet we know little about its practical adoption. In this paper, we propose a preliminary empirical investigation aimed at understanding how rigorously practitioners follow CCQ. Our study reveals a strong dichotomy between theory and practice: developers do not perform continuous inspection but rather control for quality only at the end of a sprint and most of the times only on the release branch. Preprint [https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1341036]. Data and Materials [http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1341015]

    Every Build You Break: Developer-Oriented Assistance for Build Failure Resolution

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    Continuous integration is an agile software development practice. Instead of integrating features right before a release, they are constantly being integrated into an automated build process. This shortens the release cycle, improves software quality, and reduces time to market. However, the whole process will come to a halt when a commit breaks the build, which can happen for several reasons, e.g., compilation errors or test failures, and fixing the build suddenly becomes a top priority. Developers not only have to find the cause of the build break and fix it, but they have to be quick in all of it to avoid a delay for others. Unfortunately, these steps require deep knowledge and are often time-consuming. To support developers in fixing a build break, we propose Bart, a tool that summarizes the reasons for Maven build failures and suggests possible solutions found on the internet. We will show in a case study with 17 participants that developers find Bart useful to understand build breaks and that using Bart substantially reduces the time to fix a build break, on average by 37%. We have also conducted a qualitative study to better understand the workflows and information needs when fixing builds. We found that typical workflows differ substantially between various error categories, and that several uncommon build errors are both very hard to investigate and to fix. These findings will be useful to inform future research in this area

    An Empirical Characterization of Bad Practices in Continuous Integration

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    Continuous Integration (CI) has been claimed to introduce several benefits in software development, including high software quality and reliability. However, recent work pointed out challenges, barriers and bad practices characterizing its adoption. This paper empirically investigates what are the bad practices experienced by developers applying CI. The investigation has been conducted by leveraging semi-structured interviews of 13 experts and mining more than 2,300 Stack Overflow posts. As a result, we compiled a catalog of 79 CI bad smells belonging to 7 categories related to different dimensions of a CI pipeline management and process. We have also investigated the perceived importance of the identified bad smells through a survey involving 26 professional developers, and discussed how the results of our study relate to existing knowledge about CI bad practices. Whilst some results, such as the poor usage of branches, confirm existing literature, the study also highlights uncovered bad practices, e.g., related to static analysis tools or the abuse of shell scripts, and contradict knowledge from existing literature, e.g., about avoiding nightly builds. We discuss the implications of our catalog of CI bad smells for (i) practitioners, e.g., favor specific, portable tools over hacking, and do not ignore nor hide build failures, (ii) educators, e.g., teach CI culture, not just technology, and teach CI by providing examples of what not to do, and (iii) researchers, e.g., developing support for failure analysis, as well as automated CI bad smell detectors