39 research outputs found

    International students, beneficiaries of the state scholarships of the Republic of Serbia and their education in the 21st century

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    Nowadays, there is an increasing number of international students interested in studying in Serbia. More precisely, ever since the World in Serbia project was first launched in 2010, the number of international beneficiaries of scholarships has been a continuous increase but so far, no research of this population has been done. Results from the past, as well as the launching of the World in Serbia study programme, have inspired us to choose temporary migration of international beneficiaries of student scholarships in Serbia in the 21st century as the subject of our research. The purpose of this paper is to define the profile of international beneficiaries of student scholarships, whose education is funded by the Government of the Republic of Serbia funds, but also to establish motivation that led these students to their decision to study in Serbia. For this reason, we have conducted the research on the basis of a survey, on a sample of 126 international beneficiaries of student scholarships

    Developing creativity in mathematics instruction

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    Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na važnost i mogućnosti razvoja kreativnosti i kreativnog mišljenja u nastavi matematike. Jedan od ključnih zadataka vaspitno-obrazovnog procesa, u školi, jeste podsticanje i razvoj stvaralačkih sposobnosti učenika. Stvaralačke sposobnosti učenika i divergentni oblici rada sa njima nisu ekskluzivno u vezi sa pojedinim oblastima i područjima ljudskih delatnosti, već se radi o specifičnostima i osobenostima razvoja kreativnosti i kreativnog izražavanja u pojedinim područjima, odnosno nastavnim predmetima. U radu se razmatraju potreba i mogućnosti razvijanja kreativnog mišljenja kod dece na osnovnoškolskom uzrastu i u okviru nastave matematike u prvom i drugom ciklusu osnovnog obrazovanja, jer kreativnost nije isključivo u vezi sa umetnošću ili pojedinim oblastima ili nastavnim predmetima, niti je privilegija samo darovite i talentovane dece i učenika.Cel' dannoj stat'i - ukazat' na važnost' i vozmožnosti razvitiâ kreativnosti i kreativnogo myšleniâ v processe prepodavaniâ matematiki. Odnoj iz klûčevyh zadač obrazovatel'no-vospitatel'nogo processa âvlâetsâ pooŝrenie i razvitie tvorčeskih sposobnostej učaŝihsâ. Tvorčeskie sposobnosti učaŝihsâ i različnye formy raboty s nimi ne svâzany isklûčitel'no s opredelennymi oblast'âmi i sferami čelovečeskoj deâtel'nosti. Zdes' reč' idet o specifike i osobennost'âh razvitiâ tvorčeskih sposobnostej i kreativnogo samovyraženiâ v opredelennyh sferah, to est' učebnyh predmetah. V dannoj stat'e rassmatrivaetsâ neobhodimost' i vozmožnosti razvitiâ kreativnogo myšleniâ u detej mladšego škol'nogo vozrasta, a takže v ramkah prepodavaniâ matematiki na pervom i vtorom cikle načal'nogo obrazovaniâ, poskol'ku kreativnost' ne svâzana isklûčitel'no s iskusstvom, otdel'nymi oblastâmi ili učebnymi predmetami, a takže ne âvlâetsâ privilegiej tol'ko odarennyh i talantlivyh detej i učenikov.This paper aims to highlight the importance and the possibilities of developing creativity and creative thinking in mathematics instruction. One of the key tasks of the educational process in schools is the stimulation and development of students' creative abilities. Students' creative abilities and divergent forms of working with them are not restricted to specific areas and fields of human activity; rather, it is a matter of the specific and distinctive qualities of the development of creativity and creative expression in certain areas, or school subjects. The paper examines the need and the possibilities of developing creative thinking in children of primary school age and in mathematics instruction in the lower and upper grades of primary school, since creativity is not linked exclusively to art or certain fields or school subjects, nor is it the privilege only of gifted and talented children and students

    Life satisfaction of returnee scholarship holders in Serbia

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    Educated and talented people drive progress in every country. That’s why no country can neglect these people; that would mean losing one’s own potential. This paper emphasises the importance of educating scholarship students abroad as a means of developing and accumulating human resources and a key determinant of sustainable development in the modern world. Investing in the education of the best students (scholarship holders) is an investment in the future, which brings multiple benefits on a social, economic, and political level. Migration is an important phenomenon that attracts public attention, especially when it comes to highly educated experts leaving their home country in search of better education. Highly educated experts have been leaving Serbia for several decades, which poses an obvious problem for local society. The topic of permanent migration is dominant both in foreign and domestic literature, but studies on the temporary migration of highly educated students (scholarship holders) is almost nonexistent. The aim of this paper is to point out the value of returnee scholarship holders and the importance of creating the appropriate conditions for them to stay in the country. A survey conducted on a group of 96 returnee scholarship holders identified factors that affect their satisfaction with living in Serbia. The survey involved experts from Serbia who were educated abroad as scholarship holders, where they acquired academic titles and are now employed: as faculty teachers (32); as researchers at scientific institutes (24); in the private sector (21); at universities (12); in state administrative departments (5); and in medical institutions (2). The criterion for selecting this group of respondents was that they had stayed abroad as scholarship holders, whether they used scholarships from domestic (24) or foreign (72) funds. Scholarship students go abroad mostly because of their personal aspirations for training, gaining new experiences, and because of the inability to study the desired discipline in their country, as was the case for 74 respondents. The main reasons for deciding to return are family (25) and the belief that they have a good chance to work in Serbia (18), while 16 respondents could not stay abroad. In this paper, we used the factor analysis method. The main factors that create satisfaction with life in Serbia are isolated. These factors are: satisfaction with work and a set of factors that strongly correlate with it (the ability to make decisions, the implementation of acquired knowledge, peer acceptance), as well as the recognition of their diploma in Serbia without any difficulties. By improving these factors, there might be a significant increase in the chance that returnee scholarship holders remain in Serbia for a long time. Based on this, it would be wise to build a strategy on how to encourage returnee scholarship holders to stay in the country. The results obtained in this study represent a contribution to a search for a strategy that will attract, involve, and retain educated people in the country

    Developing creativity in mathematics instruction

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    Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na važnost i mogućnosti razvoja kreativnosti i kreativnog mišljenja u nastavi matematike. Jedan od ključnih zadataka vaspitno-obrazovnog procesa, u školi, jeste podsticanje i razvoj stvaralačkih sposobnosti učenika. Stvaralačke sposobnosti učenika i divergentni oblici rada sa njima nisu ekskluzivno u vezi sa pojedinim oblastima i područjima ljudskih delatnosti, već se radi o specifičnostima i osobenostima razvoja kreativnosti i kreativnog izražavanja u pojedinim područjima, odnosno nastavnim predmetima. U radu se razmatraju potreba i mogućnosti razvijanja kreativnog mišljenja kod dece na osnovnoškolskom uzrastu i u okviru nastave matematike u prvom i drugom ciklusu osnovnog obrazovanja, jer kreativnost nije isključivo u vezi sa umetnošću ili pojedinim oblastima ili nastavnim predmetima, niti je privilegija samo darovite i talentovane dece i učenika.Cel' dannoj stat'i - ukazat' na važnost' i vozmožnosti razvitiâ kreativnosti i kreativnogo myšleniâ v processe prepodavaniâ matematiki. Odnoj iz klûčevyh zadač obrazovatel'no-vospitatel'nogo processa âvlâetsâ pooŝrenie i razvitie tvorčeskih sposobnostej učaŝihsâ. Tvorčeskie sposobnosti učaŝihsâ i različnye formy raboty s nimi ne svâzany isklûčitel'no s opredelennymi oblast'âmi i sferami čelovečeskoj deâtel'nosti. Zdes' reč' idet o specifike i osobennost'âh razvitiâ tvorčeskih sposobnostej i kreativnogo samovyraženiâ v opredelennyh sferah, to est' učebnyh predmetah. V dannoj stat'e rassmatrivaetsâ neobhodimost' i vozmožnosti razvitiâ kreativnogo myšleniâ u detej mladšego škol'nogo vozrasta, a takže v ramkah prepodavaniâ matematiki na pervom i vtorom cikle načal'nogo obrazovaniâ, poskol'ku kreativnost' ne svâzana isklûčitel'no s iskusstvom, otdel'nymi oblastâmi ili učebnymi predmetami, a takže ne âvlâetsâ privilegiej tol'ko odarennyh i talantlivyh detej i učenikov.This paper aims to highlight the importance and the possibilities of developing creativity and creative thinking in mathematics instruction. One of the key tasks of the educational process in schools is the stimulation and development of students' creative abilities. Students' creative abilities and divergent forms of working with them are not restricted to specific areas and fields of human activity; rather, it is a matter of the specific and distinctive qualities of the development of creativity and creative expression in certain areas, or school subjects. The paper examines the need and the possibilities of developing creative thinking in children of primary school age and in mathematics instruction in the lower and upper grades of primary school, since creativity is not linked exclusively to art or certain fields or school subjects, nor is it the privilege only of gifted and talented children and students

    Образовни аспекти средњовековног српског зидног сликарства

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    Образовни аспекти средњовековног српског зидног сликарства присутни су у школској настави, као и у наставним плановима и програмима за све циклусе у образовном систему Републике Србије. Ученици имају прилику да се упознају са основама живописа од основне школе кроз наставне јединице из Ликовне културе, Историје, Српског језика и књижевности, Цртања, сликања и вајања и Верске наставе. Примећени историјски дисконтинуитет у теоријском изучавању и разумевању византијског и српског зидног сликарства један је од разлога да се истраживање усмери ка образовним аспектима овог вида сликарства. Циљ рада је да се сагледа актуелно стање што би представљало полазну тачку за формирање препорука за његово унапређење

    Advantages and disadvantages of online teaching with reference to religious education

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    Svedoci smo brojnih istraživanja i teorijskih razmatranja, kako kod nas tako i u svetu, koja se bave analizom onlajn učenja. Pregled relevantne literature ukazuje na to da je pojava pandemije Covid-19 uslovila povećan broj radova iz ove oblasti, učestaliju primenu onlajn modela, kao i povećan broj termina koji definišu ovaj model učenja. I pored porasta zastupljenosti onlajn modela u obrazovnom procesu i upotrebe digitalnih medija često nailazimo na nedoumice po pitanju tog modela nastave. Ovim radom želeli smo da predstavimo prednosti i nedostatke onlajn nastave sa fokusom na realizovanje verske nastave u onlajn prostoru.We are witnessing numerous researches and theoretical considerations, both in our country and in the world, which deal with the analysis of online learning. A review of relevant literature indicates that the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has caused larger number of papers in this field, more frequent use of online model, as well as an increasing number of terms that define this learning model. Despite the increase in the prevalence of online models in the educational process and the expansion of use of digital media, we often encounter doubts about online teaching. With this paper, we wanted to present the advantages and disadvantages of online teaching with a focus on the implementation of religious teaching (catechization) in the online space

    Educational aspects of medieval Serbian wall painting

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    Obrazovni aspekti srednjovekovnog srpskog zidnog slikarstva prisutni su u školskoj nastavi, kao i u nastavnim planovima i programima za sve cikluse u obrazovnom sistemu Republike Srbije. Učenici imaju priliku da se upoznaju sa osnovama živopisa od osnovne škole kroz nastavne jedinice iz Likovne kulture, Istorije, Srpskog jezika i književnosti, Crtanja, slikanja i vajanja i Verske nastave. Primećeni istorijski diskontinuitet u teorijskom izučavanju i razumevanju vizantijskog i srpskog zidnog slikarstva jedan je od razloga da se istraživanje usmeri ka obrazovnim aspektima ovog vida slikarstva. Cilj rada je da se sagleda aktuelno stanje što bi predstavljalo polaznu tačku za formiranje preporuka za njegovo unapređenje.Educational aspects of medieval Serbian wall painting are present in school teaching, as well as in curricula for all cycles in the education system of the Republic of Serbia. Students have the opportunity to learn about the basics of fresco painting from elementary school through the teaching units of Art, History, Serbian language and literature, Drawing, painting and sculpting, and Religious teaching. The observed historical discontinuity in the theoretical study and understanding of Byzantine and Serbian wall painting is one of the reasons to deal with their educational aspects in this paper. The goal of the paper is to review the current situation, which would be the starting point for the formation of recommendations for its improvement

    The Serbian primary school teachers' profiles regarding the preference for a teaching model during the COVID-19 pandemics

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    Kvalitet nastavnog procesa u velikoj meri zavisi od nastavnika i njihovih kvalifikacija - uloga nastavnika je veoma značajna za uspešnu implementaciju novih nastavnih metoda. Ovaj rad je deo kvantitativne studije ispitivanja iskustva nastavnika osnovnih škola u Srbiji o radu u modelu onlajn nastave realizovanom tokom pandemije COVID-19, u poređenju sa tradicionalnim modelom nastave. Cilj rada je da se na osnovu iskaza i stavova nastavnika sagleda i definiše profil nastavnika u odnosu na izbor nastavnog modela koji im više odgovara za rad: profil nastavnika koji preferiraju isključivo tradicionalni model nastave i profil nastavnika koji preferiraju onlajn model nastave ili ne prave razliku u radu između ova dva nastavna modela. Pretpostavka je bila da će nastavnici koji imaju manje godina radnog staža, više stručnog usavršavanja i viši stepen obrazovanja preferirati onlajn model nastave. Za potrebe istraživanja konstruisan je onlajn upitnik iz dva dela. Prvi deo upitnika odnosio se na socio-demografske podatke, a drugi na karakteristike nastavnog procesa u zavisnosti od primenjenog modela. Za procenu uticprethodnih obuka na izbor preferiranog modela nastave korišćen je t-test nezavisnih uzoraka. Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom januara i februara 2021. godine. Uzorak istraživanja činilo je 609 predmetnih nastavnika. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da izbor tradicionalnog ili onlajn nastavnog modela zavisi od toga koliko se nastavnik oseća kompetentnim za izvođenje onlajn nastave i od dužine trajanja prethodne obuke u okviru redovnog stručnog usavršavanja iz oblasti IKT-a. Rezultati istraživanja samo su delimično potvrdili početnu pretpostavku.The quality of the teaching process highly depends on teachers and their qualifications, and the teacher's role plays a very important part in the implementation of the new teaching methods. The results presented in this paper are part of the quantitative study which investigated the primary teachers' perception of the online teaching model that has been realized in Serbia during the COVID-19 pandemic, in comparison to the traditional teaching model. The paper aims to define and present the teachers' profiles, based on their preference for a certain teaching model: the profile of the teachers who prefer working in the traditional teaching model, and the profile of the teachers who prefer working in the online teaching model, or do not make any difference between the two, based on the professional data and their statements and attitudes regarding the comparison of traditional and online teaching models. It was assumed that the teachers with less work experience, more professional training and higher education level would generally prefer the online teaching model. For the research purposes, the specialized two-part questionnaire was designed. The first part included questions concerning the socio-demographic background, while the second part investigated the teachers' attitudes towards the characteristics of the teaching process in both traditional and online teaching models. The independent-sample t-test was used to estimate the influence of previous training on the choice of the preferred teaching model. The research was conducted during January and February 2021. The research sample included 609 examinees. The research results showed that the choice of the preferred teaching model depends on the self-assessment of the teachers' competencies required for the online teaching model, as well as on the duration of the training in the field of Information and Communication Technologies, as a part of the regular professional improvement training. The initial assumption was only partially confirmed by the research results

    Prednosti i nedostaci onlajn nastave sa osvrtom na versku nastavu

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    Svedoci smo brojnih istraživanja i teorijskih razmatranja, kako kod nas tako i u svetu, koja se bave analizom onlajn učenja. Pregled relevantne literature ukazuje na to da je pojava pandemije Covid-19 uslovila povećan broj radova iz ove oblasti, učestaliju primenu onlajn modela, kao i povećan broj termina koji definišu ovaj model učenja. I pored porasta zastupljenosti onlajn modela u obrazovnom procesu i upotrebe digitalnih medija često nailazimo na nedoumice po pitanju tog modela nastave. Ovim radom želeli smo da predstavimo prednosti i nedostatke onlajn nastave sa fokusom na realizovanje verske nastave u onlajn prostoru

    Primenenie lin menedžmenta v školah: Obzor praktičeskih primerov

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    Ideja lina je nastala u automobilskoj industriji, gde brze montažne linije i standardizovane radne procedure predstavljaju sasvim drugačije okruženje od škole. Ipak, u svetu je prepoznato da se principi lin razmišljanja u značajnoj meri mogu primeniti u velikom broju oblasti ljudskog delovanja. Svrha ovog rada je da prikaže kako se alati i principi lin filozofije mogu implementirati u oblasti obrazovanja i primeniti za poboljšanje efikasnosti. Kreatori obrazovnih politika u Srbiji predlažu različite modele koji će dovesti do uvećanja efikasnosti obrazovnog sistema, pri čemu može biti korisno razmotriti i lin pristup koji je u svetu pokazao svoje prednosti. Rad se zasniva na analizi relevantnih izvora naučne i stručne literature. Autorke su koristile pregled literature i primenu lina u obrazovanju na konkretnom primeru da bi objasnile odnos i između lin filozofije i obrazovanja, kako bi odgovorile na pitanja, kakve koristi savremene škole mogu očekivati od primene ove filozofije.Ideâ LIN voznikla v avtomobil'noj promyšlennosti, gde bystrye sboročnye linii i standartizirovannye rabočie procedury predstavlâût soboj soveršenno druguû sredu, čem škola. Tem ne menee, v mire priznaetsâ, čto principy LIN-myšleniâ mogut v značitel'noj stepeni primenât'sâ vo mnogih oblastâh čelovečeskoj deâtel'nosti. Cel'û dannoj raboty âvlâetsâ demonstraciâ togo, kak instrumenty i principy filosofii LIN mogut byt' realizovany v oblasti obrazovaniâ i primeneny dlâ povyšeniâ èffektivnosti. Lica, formiruûŝie politiku v oblasti obrazovaniâ v Serbii, predlagaût različnye modeli, kotorye povysât èffektivnost' sistemy obrazovaniâ, i možet byt' polezno rassmotret' LIN podhod, kotoryj pokazal svoi preimuŝestva v mire. Stat'â osnovana na analize sootvetstvuûŝih istočnikov naučnoj i professional'noj literatury. Avtory ispol'zovali obzor literatury i primenenie ssylki v obrazovanii na tematičeskoe issledovanie, čtoby ob"âsnit' svâz' meždu filosofiej LIN i obrazovaniem, čtoby otvetit' na voprosy o tom, kakie vygody mogut ožidat' sovremennye školy ot primeneniâ ètoj filosofii