93 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of the Serbian Credit Bureau model

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    This paper discusses key functional characteristics of the Serbian Credit Bureau (SCB) model and analyses its performances using the methodology of International Finance Corporation, the member of World Bank group. The results show high level of SCB business performances which are preconditioned by its unique technological-organisational structure. These results point out the fact that creditors in Serbia base their credit decisions on the reliable and top-quality information which considerably lowers the risk, and consequently the interest rates on granted loans. The ultimate result is controlled expansion of credit activity with the maintenance of citizens and economy indebtedness at optimum level

    A model of Credit Bureau in Serbia -instruments for preserving stability of the banking sector in conditions of global economic crisis

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    This paper presents the characteristics of the banking system in serbia before and during the global financial crisis. The model of the credit bureau in serbia which, according to its technical characteristics and the level of business performance, represents the original solution is analyzed. Its implementation, in conjunction with other control mechanisms, has provided the stability of the banking sector in terms of crisis. Consequently, the control of liquidity in the banking sector is achieved as well as the control of the expansion of credit activities, with the maintenance of population and economy indebtedness at optimal level, which is of great importance in terms of global crisis when economic policy makers in serbia, faced with a pronounced deficit in balance of payments of the country, as one of economic policy measures aimed at improving the balance of payment position, implement the measure of controlled reduction of private demand

    Serological monitoring of ornitobacteriosis in broilers in South Banat district

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    Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale is a relatively recently discovered bacterium and its role in the pathology of avian respiratory infections has not yet been clarified. Since there was no data relating to the prevalence of this infection in Serbia at the time of carrying out our investigations, we decided to explore the prevalence of the infection in broilers and its influence on clinical manifestations at the selected apizootiological area with developed poultry industry. A total of 430 blood samples from 26 flocks of broilers of different ages, from five municipalities were taken for examination. The serum samples were tested by ELISA for the presence of specific antibodies to the agent. Epizootiological investigation was carried out based on the results obtained with serological testing and epizootiological data, collected from the farms. The data were analyzed statistically to identify association between the infection and manifestation of clinical symptoms by Fisher’s exact test. Seropositive chickens were detected in 16 out of 26 examined broiler flocks at the age of 3 to 56 days. The percentage of seropositive samples per flock was 5-30%. The titer values of specific antibodies ranged from 946 to 6886. Serological response to O. rhinotracheale was evidenced in five flocks which had clinical symptoms in the form of respiratory tract disorders or stunting. However, specific antibodies against the agent were discovered in 11 flocks which did not show clinical symptoms. Statistical analysis revealed no association between the presence of infection and the appearance of clinical symptoms (p = 0.1213). The results are in agreement with those of other authors who investigated the prevalence of this infection and its manifestations in other countries. The present investigation determined indirectly, serologically a presence of O. rhinotracheale in the majority of examined broiler flocks (61,54%) and a small average number of individual seropositive chickens per flock - 10 % of all examined samples. Although O. rhinotracheale is wide-spread in intensive broiler production in South Banat its presence does not always lead to clinical manifestation of respiratory tract disorders. Seropositive chickens are detected in the first week of life, which indicates the presence of maternal antibodies. Presence of antibodies as the response of organism to the natural infection is detected in chickens after four weeks of age

    Electronic business model of local tourist communities

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    Предмет истраживања докторске дисертације је примена електронског пословања у локалним туристичким заједницама и могућности да се имплементацијом нових технологија унапреди комуникација са корисницима туристима. Истраживање у другом делу обухвата постојеће стање примене електронског пословања у Републици Србији и у свету, анализира се међузависност локалних туристичких заједница и потреба да се према корисницима туристима наступа обједињено. У трећем делу говори се о истраживању технологија електронског пословања локалних туристичких заједница и могућности да се оне технолошки и информационо обједине на бази заједничког интереса. Истраживањем су обухваћена до сада примењена технолошка решења и анализирана је потреба да се изврши координација комуникационих канала локалних туристичких заједница, како би оне биле у могућности да путем информација које се пласирају током пута,рутирају кориснике по жељеним путањама. Радом је показано да су комуникација и праћење и усмеравање корисника током пропутовања могући јединоприменом савремених технолошких решења. Централни проблем који се у дисертацији истражује и анализира је модел комуникационог повезивања локалних туристичких заједница. Да би се омогућило електронско пословање локалних туристичких заједница,мора се остварити трајна и аутоматизована комуникација на више нивоа и то хијерархијски од регионалних, преко локалних туристичких дестинација до појединачних објеката. Питање које се поставља je координација комуникационих канала локалних туристичких заједница. Пошто овакво пословање захтева ангажовање ресурса, рад обухвата проблем имплементације и одржавања овако конципираног модела. Друго релевантно питање које се разматра у овом раду је анализа могућности ангажовања значајног броја до сада незаинтересованих v учесника у пословању локалних туристичких заједница који би се мотивисали да прослеђивањем информација остваре одређени профит (affiliate маркетинг).This doctoral dissertation looks at the application of e-commerce in local tourist communities and the possibility of improving communication with end-users – tourists through implementation of new technologies. The second part of the research includes the analysis of the current situation regarding the implementation of e-commerce in the Republic of Serbia and worldwide, the inter-dependence of local tourist communities, as well as the need for a unified approach towards tourists. The third part of the paper deals with the research of e-commerce technologies in tourist communities and the possibilities of their technological and information integration to serve the communities' common interests. The research includes all technological solutions which have been applied so far and analyses the need for coordination of communication channels among local tourist communities, which should enable the communities to use the presented travel information in the manner which should direct the users to desired routes. The paper demonstrates that communication, monitoring and directions given to users during travel are possible only if modern technological solutions are applied. The doctoral dissertation focuses on the key issue – the analysis of the model of establishing communication links among local tourist communities. Local tourist communities can use e-commerce only if a continual and automated communication is established on many levels and in hierarchical order – from regional, through local travel destinations, to individual objects. As such business activities require resources, the paper also looks at the implementation and maintenance of the above-mentioned model. The second relevant research analyses the possibility of engaging in e-commerce a significant number of participants who have not been interested in the business of local tourist communities until now, by motivating them to share and circulate the information and thus make a profit (affiliate marketing). This relationship has been analysed not only in the context of the Internet, but also in terms of integrating the enetire tourist community, which is technologically unified, into a whole. Our conclusion is that the establishment of technological connections is not enough. All vii persons taking an active part in the business affairs of local tourist communities should develop interest in these connections

    Energy Chains Optimization for Selection of Sustainable Energy Supply

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    The notion of energy chain concept has been defined as the trajectory of energy transformations from the fuel source or energy sources to useful energy form to end users. Production of fuels, heat and electricity from different sources is defined by the appropriate energy supply chain. Every single energy supply chain can be uniquely defined by several sustainability criteria. These criteria are: total energy efficiency of production, total exergy efficiency of overall chain, the coefficient of exergy quality for different products at energy chains, economy of production, investment and environmental criteria. Optimal energy supply chain can be chosen by using multicriteria optimization which fulfils the above-mentioned sustainability criteria. This selected energy chain is close to ideal solution. The ideal energy supply chain is formed from the set of energy production ways which are defined from the perspective of sustainability criteria and which have connection with the current status of technologies, economic, environmental parameters, etc. The concept of optimization in practice is usually based on economics until recently, often neglecting all the other consequences of such a decision. Therefore, multicriteria decision making (MCDM) improves the opportunities in assessing the optimal variant of energy chain for defined ranking criteria. Before the optimization process, it is necessary to create a mathematical model for calculation of optimization criteria. Also, for each specific case of energy production, it is necessary to develop appropriate mathematical formulas to describe the energy chain. Numerical verification, all mathematical calculations and modelling have been applied and confirmed on wood biomass supply chain for energy production in this case. The reason for this is complexity of supply chains in the bioenergy and representation of renewable energy sources. For total ranking of energy chain for production of fuel or energy and selection of optimum variant, the multicriteria optimization and VIKOR method were applied. The significance of energy production from renewable energy sources is particularly expressed nowadays. Basically, the most significant part in the process of energy production from energy sources is the supply chain, final conversion of energy in useful form at the energy plant and the distribution process to end users. Due to the fact that there are various opportunities for the composition of energy chains of fuel supply and different ways of energy production, it is necessary to try to make a unique mathematical approach for this problem. With the proposed sustainability criteria and developed mathematical model, it is possible to unify the overall problem of energy supply chains’ optimization. The proposed developed method can be used for the optimization of any kind of energy supply chains (electricity, heat, fuels or their mix). All of these are enabled by proper selection criteria for the description of overall energy transformations in energy chains and quality evaluation of the energy produced. The developed approach and mathematical model have a very practical application in the selection of optimal variant of energy production and of course in designing new energy chains