2 research outputs found

    Analiza kvaliteta vode reke Jablanice na osnovu zajednice vodenih makroinvertebrata

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    Cilj rada je da se prikažu rezultati ocene kvaliteta vode reke Jablanice (sliv Kolubare) zasnovane na prisutnoj zajednici vodenih makroinvertebrata. Jablanica je relativno kratka (25 km) desna sastavnica, koja u blizini Valjeva sa Obnicom (leva sastavnica) formira Kolubaru. Kolubara, kao poslednja veća pritoka Save, protiče kroz područje sa izraženim i različitim antropogenim uticajima. Sama Jablanica nastaje spajanjem većeg broja potoka sa obronaka planina Jablanik i Medvednik. U skladu sa zahtevima EU prilikom ocene stanja rečnih sistema neophodno je utvrđivanje referentnih uslova. Da bi se utvrdilo recentno stanje, i usaglašenost sa zahtevima za dostizanje referentnog statusa, izvršeno je ispitivanje ove reke u aprilu 2013. godine na tri lokaliteta gornjeg toka. Kao parametri za ocenu kvaliteta vode, korišćeni su sledeći pokazatelji: ukupan broj taksona, saprobni indeks (SI; Zelinka & Marvan), BMWP i ASPT skorovi, broj taksona grupa Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) i indeks diverziteta (SWI; Shannon-Wiener’s indeks). Zabeležena su ukupno 72 taksona makroinvertebrata. Kao najraznovrsnije grupe izdvajaju se Trichoptera (16 taksona) i Ephemeroptera (15 taksona). U odnosu na saprobnu vrednost, utvrđeno je da je većina prisutnih taksona osetljiva na organsko zagađenje (ksenosaprobni i oligosaprobni organizmi). Dobijene vrednosti praktično svih korišćenih pokazatelja kvaliteta vode, upućuju na veoma dobar status (klasa I), čime su ispunjeni uslovi da se ispitivani deo toka Jablanice može smatrati referentnim stanjem, za potrebe istraživanja sliva Kolubare. Puštanje u rad akumulacije u Rovnima (srednji tok Jablanice) može izmeniti zatečeno stanje, zbog čega je neophodan redovni monitoring

    Unravelling the effects of multiple stressors on diatom and macroinvertebrate communities in European river basins using structural and functional approaches

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    Rivers suffer from more severe decreases in species diversity compared to other aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems due to a variety of pressures related to human activities. Species provide different roles in the functioning of the ecosystem, and their loss may reduce the capacity of the ecosystems to respond to multiple stressors. The effects on diversity will differ based on the type, combination and severity of stressors, as well as on the characteristics of the community composition and tolerance. Multiple trait-based approaches (MTBAs) can help to unravel the effects of multiple stressors on communities, providing a mechanistic interpretation, and, thus, complementing traditional biodiversity assessments using community structure. We studied the relationships between diversity indexes and trait composition of macroinvertebrate and diatom communities, as well as environmental variables that described the hydrological and geomorphological alterations and toxic pollution (pesticides and pharmaceuticals) of three different European river basins: the Adige, the Sava, and the Evrotas. These river basins can be considered representative cases of different situations in European freshwater systems. Hydrological variables were the main drivers determining the community structure and function in the rivers, for both diatoms and macroinvertebrates. For diatom communities, pharmaceutical active compound (PhAC) toxic units were also identified as a very important driver of diversity changes, explaining up to 57% of the variance in taxonomic richness. For macroinvertebrates, river geomorphology was an important driver of structural changes, particularly affecting Plecoptera richness. In addition, PhAC and pesticide toxic units were also identified as stressors for macroinvertebrate communities. MTBA provided a detailed picture of the effects of the stressors on the communities and confirmed the importance of hydrological variables in shaping the functional attributes of the communities