29 research outputs found

    The prognostic role of galectin-3 and endothelial function in patients with heart failure

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    Background: Heart failure (HF) is nowadays classified as HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), HF with mildly reduced EF (HFmrEF), and HF with preserved EF (HFpEF). Endothelial dysfunction (assessed by flow-mediated dilatation [FMD]), increased arterial stiffness (assessed by carotid-femoral pulse-wave velocity [PWV]), and galectin-3, a biomarker of myocardial fibrosis, have been linked to major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) in patients with ischemic HF. Methods: In this study we prospectively enrolled 340 patients with stable ischemic HF. We assessed the brachial artery FMD, carotid-femoral PWV, and galectin-3 levels, and patients were followed up for MACE according to EF group. Results: Interestingly, the FMD values exhibited a stepwise improvement according to left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) (HFrEF: 4.74 ± 2.35% vs. HFmrEF: 4.97 ± 2.81% vs. HFpEF: 5.94 ± 3.46%, p = 0.01), which remained significant after the evaluation of possible confounders including age, sex, cardiovascular risk factors, and number of significantly stenosed epicardial coronary arteries (b coefficient: 0.990, 95% confidence interval: 0.166–1.814, p = 0.019). Single-vessel coronary artery disease (CAD) was more frequent in the group of HFpEF (HFrEF: 56% vs. HFmrEF: 64% vs. HFpEF: 73%, p = 0.049). PWV did not display any association with LVEF. Patients who presented MACE exhibited worse FMD values (4.51 ± 2.35% vs. 5.32 ± 2.67%, p = 0.02), and the highest tertile of galectin-3 was linked to more MACEs (36% vs. 5.9%, p = 0.01). Conclusions: Flow-mediated dilatation displayed a linear improvement with LVEF in patients with ischemic HF. Deteriorated values are associated with MACE. Higher levels of galectin-3 might be used for risk stratification of patients with ischemic HF

    Μελέτη αντιμικροβιακής δράσης ενεργούς/βρώσιμης συσκευασίας τροφίμων έναντι τροφιμογενών παθογόνων βακτηρίων.

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    Σκοπός της παρούσας έρευνας ήταν η μελέτη της αντιμικροβιακής δράσης ενεργών μεμβρανών (εδώδιμων και μη) που προορίζονται για συσκευασία τροφίμων, έναντι των πιο κοινών τροφογενών παθογόνων βακτηρίων. Η ερευνητική ομάδα του τμήματος Επιστήμης Υλικών του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων και Επιστήμης και Τεχνολογίας Τροφίμων του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών προετοίμασαν μια σειρά από ενεργές μεμβράνες με βάση τα πολυμερή: χιτοζάνη, πολυγαλακτικό οξύ και πολυστυρόλιο. Οι μεμβράνες χιτοζάνης εμπλουτίστηκαν με πολυβινυλαλκοόλη (PVOH) και τροποποιημένους πηλούς μοντμοριλλονίτη (Mt) με χαλκό (Cu), ψευδάργυρο (Zn) και τιτάνιο (Ti), ενώ οι μεμβράνες πολυγαλακτικού οξέος και πολυστυρολίου εμπλουτίστηκαν με θυμαρέλαιο και ριγανέλαιο. Οι μικροοργανισμοί που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για την μελέτη των μεμβρανών ήταν: Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Staphylococcus aureus και Listeria monocytogenes. Η δοκιμή της αντιμικροβιακής δράσης των φιλμς πραγματοποιήθηκε χρησιμοποιώντας τη μέθοδο διάχυσης σε άγαρ και αξιολογήθηκε η διάμετρος των ζωνών αναστολής. Όσον αφορά τις μεμβράνες χιτοζάνης, τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν πως η σκέτη χιτοζάνη και η εμπλουτισμένη με PVOH/NaMt δεν εμφάνισαν αντιβακτηριακή δράση, ενώ οι μεμβράνες χιτοζάνης/PVOH ήταν δραστικές έναντι των E. coli, S. aureus και S. enterica. Τα αποτελέσματα βελτιώθηκαν όταν ενσωματώθηκαν στις μεμβράνες χιτοζάνης/ PVOH οι νανοδομές Cu+@Mt, Ti+2@Mt, ZnO@NaMt και ZnO@HNT. Στην πλειοψηφία των περιπτώσεων, η αύξηση των ποσοστών των νανοδομών που ενσωματώθηκαν στα φιλμς χιτοζάνης, οδήγησε σε αύξηση της αντιμικροβιακής τους δράσης, χωρίς ωστόσο να είναι αυτή η διαφορά στατιστικά σημαντική(p <0,05). Αντίθετα οι μεμβράνες πολυγαλακτικού οξέος (PLLA)/ θυμαρέλαιου και πολυστυρολίου (PS)/ ριγανέλαιου, δεν έδειξαν καμία αντιβακτηριακή δράση, παρόλο που τα αντίστοιχα έλαια επέδειξαν ισχυρή ανασταλτική δράση έναντι των υπό μελέτη βακτηρίων. Η αντιμικροβιακή δράση των μεμβρανών εξαρτάται από πληθώρα παραγόντων, όπως τρόπος παρασκευής, η ικανότητα διάχυσης των συστατικών τους, το βακτηριακό στέλεχος, τον τύπο/μέγεθος νανοσωματιδίων, το είδος του μέσου ανάπτυξης, την αρχική συγκέντρωση βακτηριακών κυττάρων κ.α.The purpose of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial activity of active membranes (edible and non-edible) intended for food packaging, against the most common food-borne pathogenic bacteria. The research team of the Department of Materials Science of the University of Ioannina and the Department of Food Science and Technology of the University of Patras prepared a series of active membranes based on polymers: chitosan, polylactic acid and polystyrene. The membranes of chitosan were enriched with polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) and modified montmorillonite (Mt) clays with copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), titanium (Ti), while polylactic acid and polystyrene membranes were enriched with thyme oil (TO) and oregano oil (OO). The microorganisms used to study of membranes were: Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes. The test of the antimicrobial activity of the films was performed using the agar diffusion method and the diameter of the inhibition zones was evaluated. Regarding chitosan membranes, the results showed that pure chitosan and PVOH/ NaMt enriched, didn’t show antibacterial activity, while chitosan/PVOH membranes were active against E. coli, S. aureus and S. enterica. The results were improved when the nanostructures Cu+@Mt, Ti+2@ Mt, ZnO@NaMt and ZnO@HNT were incorporated into the chitosan /PVOH membranes. In the majority of cases, the increase in the percentages of nanostructures incorporated in the chitosan films, led to an increase in their antimicrobial activity, although this difference is not statistically significant (p <0.05). In contrast, polylactic acid membranes (PLLA) / thyme oil and polystyrene (PS) / oregano oil, showed no antibacterial activity, although the oils showed a strong inhibitory effect against the bacteria of study. The antimicrobial activity of the membranes depends on a variety of factors, such as method of preparation, the ability to diffuse their components, the bacterial strain, the type / size of nanoparticles, the type of material of growth, the initial concentration of bacterial cells, etc

    Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Agricultural Residues Produced in Southern and Northern Greece

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    In Greece biomass is often being disposed of uncontrollably, resulting in significant environmental impacts. The aim of this study is the single-stage anaerobic co-digestion assessment, valorizing Northern and Southern Greece mixtures, resulting from previous literature reviews, experimental designs, and biochemical methane potential (BMP) assays. Regarding the methane yield maximization, in Northern Greece, the most suitable mixture was 10% corn silage, 80% cattle manure, and 10% malt; while in Southern Greece it was 10% corn silage, 57% cattle manure, 23% orange peels, and 10% olive pomace for fall/winter season. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) was set at 20 d and an initial organic loading rate (OLR) of 2 g COD/(L·d) was applied, with a view to gradually increase it. However, volatile fatty acids accumulation was observed, which led to OLR reduction to 1.5 g COD/(L·d) for both experiments. The Northern Greece reactor operated successfully for OLR 1.5–5 g COD/(L·d), while further increase led to system failure. On the other hand, the reactor of the Southern Greece mixture operated successfully at OLR 1.5–2 g COD/(L·d), but further operation indicated inadequacy, probably due to inhibitor (such as limonene) accumulation. Mixtures consisting of corn silage, cattle manure, and malt can be successfully valorized at high OLR. However, further investigation for mixtures with orange peels is suggested due to the presence of inhibitors

    Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Agricultural Residues Produced in Southern and Northern Greece

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    In Greece biomass is often being disposed of uncontrollably, resulting in significant environmental impacts. The aim of this study is the single-stage anaerobic co-digestion assessment, valorizing Northern and Southern Greece mixtures, resulting from previous literature reviews, experimental designs, and biochemical methane potential (BMP) assays. Regarding the methane yield maximization, in Northern Greece, the most suitable mixture was 10% corn silage, 80% cattle manure, and 10% malt; while in Southern Greece it was 10% corn silage, 57% cattle manure, 23% orange peels, and 10% olive pomace for fall/winter season. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) was set at 20 d and an initial organic loading rate (OLR) of 2 g COD/(L·d) was applied, with a view to gradually increase it. However, volatile fatty acids accumulation was observed, which led to OLR reduction to 1.5 g COD/(L·d) for both experiments. The Northern Greece reactor operated successfully for OLR 1.5–5 g COD/(L·d), while further increase led to system failure. On the other hand, the reactor of the Southern Greece mixture operated successfully at OLR 1.5–2 g COD/(L·d), but further operation indicated inadequacy, probably due to inhibitor (such as limonene) accumulation. Mixtures consisting of corn silage, cattle manure, and malt can be successfully valorized at high OLR. However, further investigation for mixtures with orange peels is suggested due to the presence of inhibitors

    The Interaction Between Gender and Diabetes Mellitus in the Coronary Heart Disease Risk

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) despite the advances in medical management keeps on as the primary cause of morbidity and mortality for both genders in Western societies. Sex differences though modify the clinical picture as well as the effectiveness of treatment. Methods and Results: In this literature review article we searched publications in English-language on MEDLINE and the Cochrane Database from the beginning of the databases to January 2016. Among the specific key words and phrases we used were Diabetes Mellitus; Gender; Coronary artery disease; Stroke and Cardiovascular disease. Various studies have found that diabetic women have increased risk of coronary heart disease than their male counterparts; however, further research into this field has questioned this finding and there is much controversy among many researchers. Women have a different risk factor profile, are usually treated less effectively than men, and have a variance in the levels of sex hormones throughout their life which complicate the study and understanding of the mechanisms involved in insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular risk profile. Conclusion: The connection between diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease is variable according to gender and further studies are needed to elucidate the lenient differentiations in gender specific hormones, risk factor profile, and therapeutic implications between genders

    Effect of Copper and Titanium-Exchanged Montmorillonite Nanostructures on the Packaging Performance of Chitosan/Poly-Vinyl-Alcohol-Based Active Packaging Nanocomposite Films

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    In this study, CuMt and TiMt montmorillonites were produced via an ion-exchange process with Cu+ and Ti4+ ions. These nanostructured materials were characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) measurements and added as nanoreinforcements and active agents in chitosan (CS)/poly-vinyl-alcohol (PVOH)-based packaging films. The developed films were characterized by XRD and FTIR measurements. The antimicrobial, tensile, and oxygen/water-barrier measurements for the evaluation of the packaging performance were carried out to the obtained CS/PVOH/CuMt and CS/PVOH/TiMt films. The results of this study indicated that CS/PVOH/CuMt film is a stronger intercalated nanocomposite structure compared to the CS/PVOH/TiMt film. This fact reflected higher tensile strength and water/oxygen-barrier properties. The antibacterial activity of these films was tested against four food pathogenic bacteria: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes. Results showed that in most cases, the antibacterial activity was generated by the CuMt and TiMt nanostructures. Thus, both CS/PVOH/CuMt and CS/PVOH/TiMt films are nanocomposite candidates with very good perspectives for future applications on food edible active packaging

    MicroRNAs: Novel Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers in Atherosclerosis

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are an emerging class of highly conserved, non-coding small RNAs that regulate gene expression on the post-transcriptional level by inhibiting the translation of protein from mRNA or by promoting the degradation of mRNA. The involvement of miRNAs in the regulation of lipid metabolism, inflammatory response, cell cycle progression and proliferation, oxidative stress, platelet activation, endothelial function, angiogenesis and plaque formation and rapture indicates important roles in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis. In the light of this evidence we will review the role of miRNAs in atherosclerosis

    Performance of Thyme Oil@Na-Montmorillonite and Thyme Oil@Organo-Modified Montmorillonite Nanostructures on the Development of Melt-Extruded Poly-L-lactic Acid Antioxidant Active Packaging Films

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    Today, the use of natural biodegradable materials in the production processes is more and more adopted by industry to achieve cyclic economy targets and to improve environmental and human health indexes. Active packaging is the latest trend for food preservation. In this work, nanostructures were prepared by incorporation of thyme oil with natural natrium-montmorillonite and organo-montmorillonite with two different techniques, direct impregnation and the green evaporation–adsorption process. Such nanostructures were mixed with poly-L-lactic-acid for the first time via an extrusion molding process to develop a new packaging film. Comparisons of morphological, mechanical, and other basic properties for food packaging were carried out via XRD, FTIR, TG, SEM/EDS, oxygen and water vapor permeation, and antimicrobial and antioxidant activity for the first time. Results showed that poly-L-lactic-acid could be modified with clays and essential oils to produce improved active packaging films. The final product exhibits food odor prevention characteristics and shelf-life extension capabilities, and it could be used for active packaging. The films based on OrgMt clay seems to be more promising, while the thyme oil addition improves their behavior as active packaging. The PLLA/3%TO@OrgMt and PLLA/5%TO@OrgMt films were qualified between the tested samples as the most promising materials for this purpose