271 research outputs found

    Analysis of the state of electronic banking services in the Arab countries

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    The analysis of the provision of electronic banking services in Arab countries has been performed. The banking sector is an important part of the economy in any country, however in the Arab countries there are certain problems in the application of the concept of electronic banking. The purpose of this study is a comparative analysis of approaches to the application of information and communication technologies in the banking sector in Algeria, the United Arab Emirates and Syria, identification of the features and bottlenecks in the development of electronic banking services.It has been shown that in order to develop a strong economy and provide quality services that meet customer needs, Arab countries are clearly keen to implement the concept of electronic banking in their banks, but there are still some obstacles which prevent them from competing with international financial organisations. On the other hand, there are several successful scenarios for providing electronic services around the world, for example, the experience of the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Lebanon and other Arab countries.To assess the level of use of electronic services by the Syrian population at the present time, the authors conducted a survey of clients of the Syrian state and private banks. Based on the survey results, it has been concluded that customers are interested in receiving services in electronic form, but this is hindered by the political situation in the country and a number of other problems. General conclusions have been made about the priority of measures that should be taken at the state level in order for Arab banks to meet modern trends in the financial sector

    Modern approaches to digital product development in the conditions of market variability

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    Currently, the interest in design thinking in the world has made it possible to add many techniques and visual schemes that can solve various kinds of problems, including for building a strategy to achieve the company’s goals, its corporate spirit and the development of creative skills of its employees. Already today, it is possible to call the merit of design thinking the shift of emphasis in corporate goals to customer orientation, to the mobilization of collective intelligence to solve problems, to understanding the importance of empathy, creativity and entrepreneurship. A comparative analysis of existing design thinking frameworks is given, including from researchers of companies and design centers such as Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University (d.school), The HPI-Stanford Design Thinking Research Program, Stanford d.school’s Design Thinking framework (IDEO), Google, Intel. Frameworks structure the process of design thinking in 5-6 phases: from empathy, when the needs and requests of consumers are studied, to testing an innovative product or service being created. The place of “design thinking” approach in the general concept of human-centered design is shown. The task of design thinking, the development of innovative products or services focused on human needs, is to provide a solution to a specific problem of a certain target audience. The paper outlines the principles of designing a digital innovative product. The five steps of designing a new product are described and the features of using various visualization techniques are given. The study uses such tools as the “Persona” model, Job Stories and User Stories frameworks. The creating process features of an innovative product based on the integration of design thinking, Lean Startup methodology and the theory of Jobs to Be Done are described. The life cycle of the innovation development “Creation – Evaluation – Training” is presented which is based on the process of validated learning. Changes in the outline of the business model in the lean startup methodology are presented. New segments have been added to the Lean Canvas business model – “Key Partners”, “Key Activities”, “Key Resources”, “Consumer Relations”

    Analysis of the current situation in the field of electronic services in Syrian banks and prospects for their development

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    The study is aimed at determining the level of electronic services provided in Syrian banks and identifying the level of their compliance with the trends of modern technological developments. The authors make the comparison of the Syrian banks with the best practices of using information technologies to provide their services by world banks that use the concept of electronic service.The study showed, that despite the banking sector in Syria is striving to be modern and improve along with technological developments, there is a significant reduction in the use of electronic banking. Syrian banks are required to adhere to a sufficient number of material and technical requirements to implement the concept of a real electronic service. Among the priority tasks the authors highlight the expansion of the use of electronic money in the country, the network of ATM machines, bank cards. However, in order to reach the level of global banks, it is important to move to a digital omnichannel development strategy.As an example of the implementation of ecosystem projects, the paper considers some of leading Russian companies that build their ecosystem around customers based on the principle of “Lifestyle Banking”. Based on Russian practice, the article presents a number of recommendations that will improve the electronic banking of Syria. This will allow the country not only to restore the banking system, but also give the opportunity to keep up with global technological advances, as well as compete with international banks

    A computerized method for objective measurement of muscle tone

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    This article is concentrated on the objective computerizing method of measuring of muscle tone using compressive and decompressive deformation of superficial skeletal muscle of wrist in vivo. Four indices were highly recommended for complex analysis of muscle tone

    E-Government and Citizens: An Empirical Study of Interaction on the Official Portal in St. Petersburg

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    This article examines the conformity of e-government theoretical aspects with practical outcomes of interaction between executive authorities and citizens while governance optimization. The empirical part of this study evaluates the current level of communication between local authorities and citizens via electronic resources based on the portal “Our Saint Petersburg” data. Citizens capacities and claims causes are revealed as well as portal functioning problems over the past two years

    Economic potential and development prospects of small businesses in rural areas

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    The article examines the role of small business in the development of rural areas by the example of bakery production. Moreover, it demonstrates the need for the interaction of small bakery businesses with large enterprises of the industry and grain processors. The article reveals the development trends of small bakery production in rural areas. The conditions for the participation of small bakery businesses in rural areas in the development of the production of functional and specialized bread are substantiated. The article proposes the directions and mechanisms of support for small bakery production at the level of rural territories. The development of modern methods of redistribution of bakery production in proportion to the living population, measures of state support for small bakery production and expansion of the range of bread products that contribute to improving the health of the population of Russia, is the theme of this study. The object of the research is the development of small bakery production as a condition for improving the quality of life of the population in rural areas. The subject of the research is production and management relations that ensure the development of small bakery production and its impact on the quality of life of the population in rural areas.peer-reviewe


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    Seeing the formation of new system pathology of musculoskeletal system under the condition of man-made pollution of the habitat of the population of Eastern Siberia the authors suggest the creation of new organizational forms of detection and treatment of this pathology because it promotes prevention and reduction of the disability level in children and teenagers. Teenagers of 15-18 years old don't have opportunity to get specialized inpatient orthopedic and trauma care in hospitals of Irkutsk region. In it's turn early prophylaxis of disability of children and teenagers with pathology of musculoskeletal system has not only medical, social but economic efficiency as well. Saving a decent quality of life has a humanitarian significance for great part of children population of Irkutsk region. The creation of efficient programs of rehabilitation needs understanding of general mechanisms of pathological process development. Noninvasive methods of diagnostics let to reveal the disease in early stages
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