1,335 research outputs found
A Kennicutt-Schmidt relation at molecular cloud scales and beyond
Using N-body/gasdynamic simulations of a Milky Way-like galaxy we analyse a
Kennicutt-Schmidt relation, , at different
spatial scales. We simulate synthetic observations in CO lines and UV band. We
adopt the star formation rate defined in two ways: based on free fall collapse
of a molecular cloud - , and calculated by using a UV flux
calibration - . We study a KS relation for spatially smoothed
maps with effective spatial resolution from molecular cloud scales to several
hundred parsecs. We find that for spatially and kinematically resolved
molecular clouds the relation
follows the power-law with index . Using UV flux as SFR
calibrator we confirm a systematic offset between the and
distributions on scales compared to molecular cloud sizes.
Degrading resolution of our simulated maps for surface densities of gas and
star formation rates we establish that there is no relation below the resolution pc. We find a transition
range around scales pc, where the power-law index increases
from 0 to 1-1.8 and saturates for scales larger pc. A value of the
index saturated depends on a surface gas density threshold and it becomes
steeper for higher threshold. Averaging over scales with size of
pc the power-law index equals 1.3-1.4 for surface gas density
threshold pc. At scales pc surface SFR densities
determined by using CO data and UV flux, , demonstrate a discrepancy about a factor of 3. We argue that this may be
originated from overestimating (constant) values of conversion factor, star
formation efficiency or UV calibration used in our analysis.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
Fast and robust two- and three-qubit swapping gates on multi-atomic ensembles in quantum electrodynamic cavity
Creation of quantum computer is outstanding fundamental and practical
problem. The quantum computer could be used for execution of very complicated
tasks which are not solvable with the classical computers. The first prototype
of solid state quantum computer was created in 2009 with superconducting
qubits. However, it suffers from the decoherent processes and it is desirable
to find more practical encoding of qubits with long-lived coherence. It could
be single impurity or vacancy centers in solids, but their interaction with
electromagnetic radiation is rather weak. So, here, ensembles of atoms were
proposed for the qubit encoding by using the dipole blockade mechanism in order
to turn multilevel systems in two level ones. But dipole-dipole based blockade
introduces an additional decoherence that limits its practical significance.
Recently, the collective blockade mechanism has been proposed for the system of
three-level atoms by using the different frequency shifts for the Raman
transitions between the collective atomic states characterized by a different
number of the excited atoms. Here, we propose two qubit gate by using another
collective blockade mechanism in the system of two level atoms based on
exchange interaction via the virtual photons between the multi-atomic ensembles
in the resonator. Also we demonstrate the possibility of three qubit gate
(Controlled SWAP gate) using a suppression of the swap-process between two
multi-atomic ensembles due to dynamical shift of the atomic levels controlled
by the states of photon encoded qubit
This paper provides guidelines for sampling and preserving black flies (Diptera, Simuliidae), aiming to standardize field and laboratory procedures. The authors detail the methods for processing black fly samples, from collection to identification, for each stage. They also propose a sampling protocol that considers various environmental factors influencing species distribution and abundance. The paper is based on the authors' personal experience and aims to contribute to a broader understanding of black fly ecology and taxonomy
Methods of Russian Patent Analysis
The article presents a method for extracting predicate-argument constructions characterizing the composition of the structural elements of the inventions and the relationships between them. The extracted structures are converted into a domain ontology and used in prior art patent search and information support of automated invention. The analysis of existing natural language processing (NLP) tools in relation to the processing of Russian-language patents has been carried out. A new method for extracting structured data from patents has been proposed taking into account the specificity of the text of patents and is based on the shallow parsing and segmentation of sentences. The value of the F1 metric for a rigorous estimate of data extraction is 63% and for a lax estimate is 79%. The results obtained suggest that the proposed method is promising
El sistema de protección penal de la vida y la salud en virtud de la prestación de asistencia sanitaria
The value of human health cannot be overestimated. We considered the creation of an effective system of its protection is a priority for all branches of law. We believed that number of objective and subjective factors determined the necessity of question regards the changing of the system of criminal law health care in the provision of medical care last years in legal science and practice. The authors did not dismiss the need for a qualitative change in the criminal law, while argued the necessity of a preceding systematic study of the existing criminal legal model for the protection of life and health in the provision of health care. We also suggested to analyst the law enforcement practice and confirmed the impossibility of unjustified extension of criminal liability.El valor de la salud humana no puede ser sobreestimado. Consideramos que la creación de un sistema efectivo de protección es una prioridad para todas las ramas del derecho. Consideramos que varios factores objetivos y subjetivos determinaron la necesidad de cuestionar el cambio del sistema de atención de la ley penal en la provisión de atención médica los últimos años en la ciencia y la práctica jurídica. Los autores no descartaron la necesidad de un cambio cualitativo en el derecho penal, mientras que argumentaron la necesidad de un estudio sistemático anterior del modelo legal penal existente para la protección de la vida y la salud en la provisión de atención médica. También sugerimos al analista la práctica de aplicación de la ley y confirmamos la imposibilidad de una extensión injustificada de la responsabilidad penal
”’The promise of participation culture’: Publikens deltagande i crowdfundingskampanjer”
Uppsatsen ”’The promise of participation culture’: Publikens deltagande i crowdfundingskampanjer” är författad av Sergey Vasiliev under kursen i medie-och kommunikationsvetenskap, vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds universitet. Uppsatsen är en fallstudie av två framgångsrika med olikartade crowdfundingskampanjer, ”Veronica Mars Movie Project” och ”The Pirate Bay – Away From Keyboard” och undersöker publikens deltagande i gräsrotsfinansieringen av de här kampanjerna. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys används för att studera deltagarnas kommentarer och identifiera de centrala teman och betydelsefulla diskurser i kommentarsfälten. Analysen lyfter socioemotionella och gruppdynamiska aspekter av interaktion mellan medlemmar av fangemenskaper och mellan fans och projektens skapare. De här socioemotionella och gruppdynamiska processerna indikerar förändringar i relationer mellan mediekonsumenter och medieproducenter då mediekonsumenter får en mer framträdande och betydelsefull roll i utformningen av en kulturell produktion. Den deltagande publikens diskussioner formar en diskurs i vilken fangemenskaper manifesterar sin ökande betydelse och gör anspråk på inflytande över kulturproduktionsprocesser och över kulturindustrins maktstrukturer. Samtidigt inkorporeras fangemenskaper aktiviteter och behovet av inflytande i kulturindustrins nya ekonomiska modeller där publikens emotionella engagemang riktas in i konsumtionsorienterade kanaler. Uppsatsen belyser hur den moderna kulturindustrin effektivt exploaterar deltagarnas frivilliga och obetalda arbete och deras engagemang och upprätthåller sin maktposition och kontroll över kommersiella strömmar och immateriella rättigheter. Diskursen om den deltagande publikens inflytande framstår som en alltför optimistisk när publikens roll analyseras i en kontext av kulturindustrins existerande maktstrukturer
La Blogotheques video ”The Kooks – Ooh La” som genrehybrid
Uppsatsen undersöker genretillhörighet av Youtubevideoklippet ”La Blogotheque – The Kooks/ Ooh la” som ingår i en grupp av nya medietexter ”live music sessions”. Analysen av videoklippets substans, form och funktion visar på att videoklippet är en genrehybrid som dels följer genrekonventioner av rockdokumentärgenren och dels konventioner av genren av fanproducerade Youtubevideor. Formandet av den här genrehybriden avspeglar den utvecklingen som musikindustrin och mediekonsumtionen har genomgått sedan digitaliseringen av kulturprodukter och uppkomsten av Internet och Web 2.0. Uppsatsen poängterar den förändrade rollen som ”prosumers” och användargenererade kulturprodukter spelar i i kulturindustrins nya ekonomiska modeller. Den kontextuella genreanalysen av La Blogotheques videoklipp indikerar också hur kulturkonvergenstendenserna leder till omfattande strukturella förändringar av kulturindustrier och utvecklingen av nya ekonomiska förutsättningar för kulturproduktionen
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