1 research outputs found

    Modern techniques for the restauration of contact point in direct restorations with composite resins

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    Rezumat. Restaurarea punctului de contact are drept obectiv reproducerea conturului proximal natural al unui contact suficient de strâns pentru a preveni acumularea alimentelor. Este necesar de utilizat un sistem de matrici care să fie adaptat cât mai intim la marginea cavităţii preparate. Tehnica de aplicare a materialul compozit la fel are o importanţă majoră la eficienţa formării punctului de contact [9]. Acest studiu a avut drept scop studierea literaturii de specialitate cu referire la particularităţile de formare a punctului de contact interproximal prin utilizarea diferitor tehnici şi materiale moderne. Datele acumulate de la 15 pacienţi au fost prelucrate şi ulterior analizate după diferite criterii.Summary. The objective of the restoration of the contact point is to reproduce the natural proximal contour of a close enough contact to prevent food accumulation. It is necessary to use a matrix system that is adapted as closely as possible to the edge of the prepared cavity. The technique of applying the composite material has also a major importance for the efficiency of contact point formation [9]. The purpose of this study was to study the specialized literature with reference to the peculiarities of the formation of the interproximal contact point by using different techniques and modern materials. Data collected from 15 patients were processed and subsequently analyzed according to different criteria