536 research outputs found

    Energy Extraction Resistors for the Main Dipole and Quadrupole Circuits of the LHC

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    When the LHC will be operating at its maximum beam energy, its superconducting dipole chains store a total magnetic energy of more than 11 GJ. At the same time, the QF and QD quadrupole circuits store a total energy of 400 MJ. Even with the sectorisation of each of the three principal power circuits into eight individually powered segments, the stored energy of a single circuit is considerable. During normal operation the energy in the dipole circuits is safely returned to the mains grid, using the thyristor-based, 'booster' unit of the power converters, operating in inversion. For the quadrupole chains, where the converter is of a mono-polar topology, the stored energy is dissipated into the resistive part of the warm d.c. power lines (busbars and cables) in a slow, controlled run-down. When a magnet quenches, however, such a slow energy transfer, taking 20 minutes from the rated LHC current, will not be possible. The 'cold' diode, taking over the magnet current in case of a quench, will not survive this slow current decay. For this reason, energy extraction facilities will be inserted into the power circuits. These systems are being designed to absorb the total circuit energy and de-excite the chains with a current decay time constant of 104 s for the dipoles and 40 s for the quadrupoles. The resulting maximum decay rates (-125 A/s and -325 A/s respectively) are comfortably below the levels where quench-back will occur. The energy extraction systems are based on an array of special, mechanical d.c. circuit breakers and absorber resistors, which are switched into the circuit by opening of the breakers. The design and construction of these large power resistors of a unique concept are the topics of this paper. The project is being realised as collaboration between, IHEP-Protvino, CERN and European Industry

    Energy Extraction in the CERN Large Hadron Collider: a Project Overview

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    In case of a resistive transition (quench), fast and reliable extraction of the magnetic energy, stored in the superconducting coils of the electromagnets of a particle collider, represents an important part of its magnet protection system. In general, the quench detectors, the quench heaters and the cold by-pass diodes across each magnet, together with the energy extraction facilities provide the required protection of the quenching superconductors against damage due to local energy dissipation. In CERN's LHC machine the energy stored in each of its eight superconducting dipole chains exceeds 1300 MJ. Following an opening of the extraction switches this energy will be absorbed in large extraction resistors located in the underground collider tunnel or adjacent galleries, during the exponential current decay. Also the sixteen, 13 kA quadrupole chains (QF, QD) and more than one hundred and fifty, 600 A circuits of the corrector magnets will be equipped with extraction systems. The extraction switch-gear is based on specially designed, mechanical high-speed DC breakers, in certain cases combined with capacitive snubber circuits for arc suppression. This paper is an overview of the complete project with emphasis on the arguments and motivation for the choice of equipment and methods. It presents the basic properties of the principal components, the operational aspects and the present state of advancement. Finally, it highlights the implications of the extraction process on other systems of the LHC collider

    Midventricular variant of Takotsubo syndrome in a patient with threatening status epilepticus from simple motor seizures

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    We present a clinical case of a 70-year-old woman who was urgently admitted to the Department of Neurology with threatening status epilepticus from simple motor seizures in the right half of the face and right hand. Computed tomography of the head visualized a calcified extra axial round formation in the left posterofrontal, possibly a meningioma. On admission and during the symptomatic attacks, dynamic ECG changes were recorded with negative T waves precordially, as well as a dynamic increase in serum troponin. Echocardiography revealed hypokinesia involving the middle segments of the left ventricle. Coronary angiography was performed with no evidence of coronary disease. From the ventriculography hypokinesia of middle segments was found and measured EF 47%. Complex therapy with valproate, dexamethasone, mannitol and clonazepam, levetiracetam, acetizal, a statin and a beta-blocker was initiated. After controlling the epileptic seizures and diagnostic work-up of the cardiovascular status, the patient was referred for neurosurgical treatment of the tumor formation
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