24 research outputs found

    Male patient with mild cognitive impairment and extremely high P300 and Slow-wave latencies: a case report

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    We present a case of a 74-year-old Greek male who suffered from paraphasias, memory and orientation problems. The patient was assessed with neuropsychometric tests, auditory event-related potentials and cerebrospinal fluid proteins and was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment. The emphasis on the case is on the unexplained high levels of P300 and Slow wave of the auditory event-related potentials

    Inhibitory Control, Task/Rule Switching, and Cognitive Planning in Vascular Dementia: Are There Any Differences From Vascular Aging?

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    Recent studies have shown that patients diagnosed with Vascular Dementia (VaD) exhibit deficits in executive functions. According to “vascular hypothesis of cognitive aging,” community-dwelling older adults having risk factors for vascular disease development (RVD) may suffer from cognitive decline of the same type. The aim of the study was to assess the level of specific executive functions (EF) that have been revealed as most affected by vascular abnormalities, in older adults with incipient VaD and RVD. Subsequently specific ways of EF measuring could be suggested for more accurate diagnosis of early stage VaD. The study compared three adult groups (N = 60): (a) patients diagnosed with incipient VaD, according to DSM-5 criteria (n = 20); (b) community-dwelling older adults presenting cardiovascular risk factors (RVD; n = 20); (c) healthy young adult controls (n = 20). Three types of executive functions were examined: inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility as rule/task switching, and planning. The following D-KEFS subtests were administered for their evaluation: The ‘Color-Word Interference Test,’ the ‘Verbal Fluency Test,’ and the ‘Tower Test.’ Mixed-measures ANOVA, MANOVA, and one-way ANOVA as well as Scheffe post hoc test were applied to the data of the scores in each condition of each test. The results showed that VaD patients had significantly lower performance in test conditions requiring switching and planning, compared to RVD group and young controls. The specific deficits of VaD patients, compared to older adults presenting RVD according to multiple-group path analyses were: more uncorrected errors in inhibition, the use of semantic knowledge primarily instead of switching ability to switch between semantic categories, as well as a lower level of movement precision in planning

    Usefulness of event-related potentials in the assessment of mild cognitive impairment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to determine if changes in latencies and amplitudes of the major waves of Auditory Event-Related Potentials (AERP), correlate with memory status of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and conversion to Alzheimer's disease (AD).</p> <p>91 patients with MCI (mean ± SD age = 66.6 ± 5.4, MMSE score = 27.7) and 30 age-matched healthy control (AMHC) subjects (mean ± SD age = 68.9 ± 9.9) were studied. 54 patients were re-examined after an average period of 14(± 5.2) months. During this time period 5 patients converted to AD. Between-group differences in latency and amplitude of the major AERP waves (N200, P300 and Slow Wave) were determined. Within each group, correlation coefficients (CC) between these characteristics of the different AERP waves were calculated. Finally, for patients, CCs were determined among each AERP wave and their age and MMSE scores. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to examine the underlying structure of waveforms both in the control and the patient groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Latencies of all major AERP components were prolonged in patients compared to controls. Patients presented with significantly higher N200 amplitudes, but no significant differences were observed in P300 amplitudes. Significant differences between follow-up and baseline measurements were found for P300 latency (p = 0.009), N200 amplitude (p < 0.001) and P300 amplitude (p = 0.05). MMSE scores of patients did not correlate with latency or amplitude of the AERP components. Moreover, the establishment of a N200 latency cut-off value of 287 ms resulted in a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 91% in the prediction of MCI patients that converted to AD.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although we were not able to establish significant correlations between latencies and amplitudes of N200, P300 and SW and the patients' performance in MMSE, which is a psychometric test for classifying patients suffering from MCI, our results point out that the disorganization of the AERP waveform in MCI patients is a potential basis upon which a neurophysiologic methodology for identifying and "staging" MCI can be sought. We also found that delayed N200 latency not only identifies memory changes better than the MMSE, but also may be a potential predictor of the MCI patients who convert to AD.</p

    Assessment of apoptosis with cerebrospinal fluid proteins and event related potentials in patients with mild cognitive impairment

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    Patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) have memory problems bigger than those expected due to aging, but do not experience any impairment in any other cognitive functions such as thought, cognition and attention or difficulties in daily life activities. Apoptosis is a normal procedure, essential for the development of multicellular organisms, and is believed to play a role in MCI pathogenesis. The aim of this study was the examination of the cognitive function of MCI patients, the assessment of the apoptotic process, using measurements of cerebrospinal fluid proteins levels, and the finding of potential correlations between possible mechanisms involved in MCI and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The study group consisted of a total of one hundred and twenty one (121) subjects of which ninety one (91) patients with MCI and thirty (30) healthy controls. The mean±SD age of the patient group was 67.1±6.9 years (range 46-83 years) and of the control subjects 68.7±9.9 years (range 49-90 years). The patient group consisted of 35 males and 56 females and the control group of 15 males and 15 females. The two groups were matched for age (t-test, t=-0.96, p=0.34) and gender (χ²=1.24, p=0.27). All subjects underwent: a) An examination with auditory event-related potentials (AERPs). The exam was performed in the Clinical Neurophysiology Department of the 3rd Neurological Clinic of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the hospital “G. Papanikolaou”. From the 91 patients, who underwent an exam with AERPs, 43 were re-examined after an average period time of 12 months (range 7-17 months) and 11 after an average time of 22 months (18-26 months) from baseline. 22 patients underwent a third examination after an average time of 23 (±3) months from baseline. b) The MMSE neuropsychometric test. A clinical evaluation of the current disease situation was performed in MCI patients. Furthermore a lumbar puncture was performed in 54 patients and the levels of the CSF proteins: beta amyloid₁₋₄₂, tau, Bcl-2, Fas, Fas-L and cytochrome c were determined. In 20 of these patients a second sample of CSF was taken after an average period of 11.5 months. During the study period, five patients developed AD. A statistical analysis was performed in the results of all the parameters in control subjects and MCI patients. The results in the control subjects reveal a significant increase with age of the latencies of the AERP waves N200, P300 and SW. Furthermore the latencies of all waves correlate significantly with each other. Therefore it seems that each one is dependent upon the other. There is a highly significant association between P300-N200 latency difference and P300, whereas similar correlation exists between the difference between SW and P300 latencies and the difference between the latencies of SW and N200. The difference between SW and P300 latencies is highly correlated with SW wave latency and associated with P300 latency. From the statistical analysis of the results in the MCI patients, similar correlations as those of the control group were observed, except for the correlations between latency differences SW-N200 and SW-P300 and SW-P300 with latencies of P300 and SW, which do not exist in MCI patients. Moreover, no significant correlation was observed in MCI patients between their performance in MMSE and the characteristics of the three AERP waves. A significant increase was observed in N200 latency in the baseline examination of the MCI patients that later developed AD. The use of a cut-off value of 300 ms resulted in a high sensitivity and specificity in the discrimination between MCI and AD patients. Therefore, there are indications that N200 latency may serve as an accurate neurophysiological diagnostic marker for the early diagnosis of AD. Moreover a significant correlation was observed between beta-amyloid levels and N200 latency both in the baseline and follow up exam. The combination of these parameters (cut-off values >287 ms for N200 latency and 287 ms για το χρόνο εμφάνισης του Ν200 και <500 pg/ml για το β-αμυλοειδές) έχει τη μέγιστη διαγνωστική ακρίβεια (100% ευαισθησία, 100% ειδικότητα) όσον αφορά την εξέλιξη των ασθενών με ΗΝΔ σε ΝΑ. Όσον αφορά τις πρωτεΐνες του ΕΝΥ οι οποίες εξετάσθηκαν, βρέθηκε πολύ μεγάλη αύξηση των επιπέδων της τ-πρωτεΐνης (τετραπλασιασμός) της Fas-L και του κυτοχρώματος c (τριπλασιασμός) σε αυτούς τους λίγους ασθενείς στους οποίους η ΗΝΔ εξελίχθηκε σε ΝΑ, γεγονός που ενισχύει την άποψη ότι η απόπτωση παίζει ρόλο στη ΝΑ. Αντίθετα στους ασθενείς με ΗΝΔ που η νόσος δεν εξελίχθηκε, παρατηρείται αύξηση μόνο στην τ-πρωτεΐνη. Εκτός από τις τιμές του λανθάνοντα χρόνου εμφάνισης N200L, η αύξηση των τιμών του κυτοχρώματος c μεταξύ των περιόδων εξέτασης, έχει επίσης μεγάλη ευαισθησία και ειδικότητα στο διαχωρισμό ασθενών με ΗΝΔ στους οποίους η νόσος εξελίχθηκε σε ΝΑ και αυτών που η ΗΝΔ παρέμεινε σταθερή. Τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας, κατά την άποψή μας, υποδηλώνουν ότι η ΗΝΔ και η ΝΑ είναι δυο διαφορετικές και με πολλούς τρόπους μη σχετικές κλινικές οντότητες. Η ΗΝΔ μπορεί να λειτουργεί ως υποστρωματικός παράγοντας για την μετέπειτα εξέλιξη σε ΝΑ, αλλά δεν αποτελεί αιτιολογικό παράγοντα της νόσου. Επίσης οι συσχετίσεις που παρατηρήθηκαν μεταξύ των επιπέδων του κυτοχρώματος c στο ΕΝΥ και του ύψους του επάρματος Ν200, όπως επίσης και των επιπέδων του β-αμυλοειδούς και του λανθάνοντα χρόνου εμφάνισης του Ν200 (που υποδηλώνει ότι ο λανθάνων χρόνος εμφάνισης και το ύψος του Ν200 επηρεάζονται από τις αποπτωτικές διαδικασίες που λαμβάνουν χώρα κατά την ΗΝΔ) καταδεικνύει ότι η ΗΝΔ προσβάλλει κατά πάσα πιθανότητα τα κύτταρα του εγκεφαλικού φλοιού που συμμετέχουν στην παράπλευρη αναστολή

    Cognitive Impairment in Neurological Diseases

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    The complex link between cognitive impairment and neurological disorders underscores the intricacies of neurological sciences [...

    Correlates of Functional Impairment in Patients with the Behavioral Variant of Frontotemporal Dementia: A PRISMA-Compliant Systematic Review

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    The behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) has a devastating effect on multiple domains of daily living. The purpose of this PRISMA-compliant systematic review is to summarize the most important factors associated with functional impairment in this clinical group by critically analyzing the existing literature spanning the period from 2000 to 2023. To be included in the review, a study had to investigate any kind of correlates of functional status in bvFTD patients, using a previously validated instrument of functional assessment. Out of 40 articles assessed for eligibility, 18 met the inclusion criteria. The anatomical pattern of cerebral atrophy at baseline appeared to be the strongest predictor of the rate of functional decline over time, with the frontal-dominant anatomical subtype being associated with a faster rate of functional impairment. Additionally, executive dysfunction as well as apathy appeared to contribute significantly to functional disability in bvFTD patients. A comparative examination of bvFTD in relation to other clinical subtypes of FTD and other types of dementia in general suggests that it is the predominant atrophy of the frontal lobes along with the subsequent unique combination of cognitive and neuropsychiatric manifestations that account for the pronounced functional limitations observed in these individuals, even from the early stages of the disease

    Trajectories of Cognitive Impairment in Adults Bearing Vascular Risk Factors, with or without Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment: Findings from a Longitudinal Study Assessing Executive Functions, Memory, and Social Cognition

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    With the aging of the population, a key concern of both societies and health services is to keep the population cognitively healthy until the maximum age limit. It is a well-known fact that vascular aging has a negative effect on the cognitive skills of adults, putting them at greater risk of developing dementia. The present longitudinal study aimed to evaluate the main dimensions of cognition in two pathological groups with different health profiles: a group of adults with vascular risk factors (VRF) (n = 35) and a group of adults with vascular risk factors and mild cognitive impairment (VRF + MCI) (n = 35). The two groups were matched in age, education, and gender. They were assessed with extensive neuropsychological testing at three different times with a distance of about 8 months between them; the assessment regarded executive functions, memory capacity, and Theory of Mind abilities. The analyses carried out were (a) mixed-measures ANOVA, (b) repeated measures ANOVA, and (c) ANOVA. The findings showed that global cognitive status and short-term memory are the main cognitive abilities that decline in community dwelling people bearing VRF. Hence, this group of adults should be examined at least every 2 years for this decline. As regards people with both VRF and MCI, it seems that the assessment of Theory of Mind abilities can better capture their further impairment. Global cognitive status, task/rule switching function, and long-term memory (delayed verbal recall) were revealed as the abilities that clearly and steadily differentiate VRF people with and without MCI

    An Examination of the Motives for Attributing and Interpreting Deception in People with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    The aim of the present study was to examine how a person with amnestic mild cognitive impairment perceives the phenomenon of deception. Amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) usually represents the prodromal phase of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), with patients showing memory impairment but with normal activities of daily living. It was expected that aMCI patients would face difficulties in the attribution and interpretation of deceptive behavior due to deficits regarding their diagnosis. The main sample of the study consisted of 76 older adults who were patients of a daycare center diagnosed with aMCI. A sample of 55 highly educated young adults was also examined in the same experiment to qualitatively compare their performance with that of aMCI patients. Participants were assigned a scenario where a hypothetical partner (either a friend or a stranger) was engaged in a task in which the partner could lie to boost their earnings at the expense of the participant. The results showed that aMCI patients, even if they understood that something was going wrong, did not invest in interpretations of potential deception and tended to avoid searching for confirmative information related to the hypothetical lie of their partner compared to highly educated young adults. It seems that aMCI patients become somehow “innocent”, and this is discussed in terms of cognitive impairment and/or socioemotional selectivity

    R4Alz-Revised: A Tool Able to Strongly Discriminate ‘Subjective Cognitive Decline’ from Healthy Cognition and ‘Minor Neurocognitive Disorder’

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    Background: The diagnosis of the minor neurocognitive diseases in the clinical course of dementia before the clinical symptoms’ appearance is the holy grail of neuropsychological research. The R4Alz battery is a novel and valid tool that was designed to assess cognitive control in people with minor cognitive disorders. The aim of the current study is the R4Alz battery’s extension (namely R4Alz-R), enhanced by the design and administration of extra episodic memory tasks, as well as extra cognitive control tasks, towards improving the overall R4Alz discriminant validity. Methods: The study comprised 80 people: (a) 20 Healthy adults (HC), (b) 29 people with Subjective Cognitive Decline (SCD), and (c) 31 people with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). The groups differed in age and educational level. Results: Updating, inhibition, attention switching, and cognitive flexibility tasks discriminated SCD from HC (p ≤ 0.003). Updating, switching, cognitive flexibility, and episodic memory tasks discriminated SCD from MCI (p ≤ 0.001). All the R4Alz-R’s tasks discriminated HC from MCI (p ≤ 0.001). The R4Alz-R was free of age and educational level effects. The battery discriminated perfectly SCD from HC and HC from MCI (100% sensitivity—95% specificity and 100% sensitivity—90% specificity, respectively), whilst it discriminated excellently SCD from MCI (90.3% sensitivity—82.8% specificity). Conclusion: SCD seems to be stage a of neurodegeneration since it can be objectively evaluated via the R4Alz-R battery, which seems to be a useful tool for early diagnosis