9 research outputs found

    Updated options in the management of chronic myelogenous leukemia in the Republic of Moldova

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    Determinarea concomitentă a Ph cromozomului, genei de fuziune BCR/ABL cu proteinele himerice p210 / p190 este de importanţă practică majoră atît pentru diagnosticarea leucemiei mieloide cronice, cît şi pentru evaluarea adecvată a răspunsului la tratament. Imatinib mesilat este inhibitor al tirozinkinazei şi se aplică cu succes în toate fazele leucemiei mieloide cronice. Imatinib mesilat constituie opţiune terapeutică de prima linie în faza cronică şi de accelerare a leucemiei mieloide cronice, fi ind net superioară în raport cu chimioterapie convenţională prin posibilitatea atingerii remisiunii clinico-hematologice complete şi a remisiunii citogenetice complete. Tratamentul leucemiei mieloide cronice în faza cronică şi de accelerare fără complicaţii poate fi efectuat în condiţii de ambulator sau a staţionarului de zi. Faza de accelerare cu complicaţii (hemoragice, trombotice, infecţioase) şi acută a leucemiei mieloide cronice impune tratamentul în secţiile specializate de hematologie


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    This paper presents some results of the project entitled “Improve your emotional skills” (IYES), promoted in the framework of Erasmus+ program in a partnership of organizations from 6 European countries. The project concept started from the very poor academic student's performancein engineering and one of the main objectives of the I-YES project is to reduce school failure by increasing student's academic performance. In order to achieve the I-Yes project objective, this paper sought to identify their main emotional and social skill needs and deficits. The research employed both quantitative and qualitative instruments, namely questionnaires and focus-groups. The research suggests that the following variables are most critical in this respect: self-management skills, school interest, self-awareness and well-being at school

    Set-up and study of a networked control system

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    A Coherence Optimization Model of Suicide

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    This article describes a model that approaches both individual and social dimensions of suicide. At the individual level, the model construes suicidal thoughts as optimization of coherence between relevant cognitive unit sets (i.e. collections of interrelated cognitive units that focus on a particular external or internal object). It assumes that suicidal thoughts are mostly affected by the manner individuals construe their egos, their economic, relational, professional, and health situations, as well as life, death, and suicide. At the social level, the model argues that suicide rates depend on the distributions of these cognitive unit sets and of the connections between them. The model has been implemented in a computer program that simulates important characteristics of suicide rates

    Tsallis Entropy for Loss Models and Survival Models Involving Truncated and Censored Random Variables

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    The aim of this paper consists in developing an entropy-based approach to risk assessment for actuarial models involving truncated and censored random variables by using the Tsallis entropy measure. The effect of some partial insurance models, such as inflation, truncation and censoring from above and truncation and censoring from below upon the entropy of losses is investigated in this framework. Analytic expressions for the per-payment and per-loss entropies are obtained, and the relationship between these entropies are studied. The Tsallis entropy of losses of the right-truncated loss random variable corresponding to the per-loss risk model with a deductible d and a policy limit u is computed for the exponential, Weibull, χ2 or Gamma distribution. In this context, the properties of the resulting entropies, such as the residual loss entropy and the past loss entropy, are studied as a result of using a deductible and a policy limit, respectively. Relationships between these entropy measures are derived, and the combined effect of a deductible and a policy limit is also analyzed. By investigating residual and past entropies for survival models, the entropies of losses corresponding to the proportional hazard and proportional reversed hazard models are derived. The Tsallis entropy approach for actuarial models involving truncated and censored random variables is new and more realistic, since it allows a greater degree of flexibility and improves the modeling accuracy

    The 12th Edition of the Scientific Days of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases “Prof. Dr. Matei Bals” and the 12th National Infectious Diseases Conference

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