133 research outputs found

    Scintillating properties of frozen new liquid scintillators

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    The light emission from scintillators which are liquid at room temperature was studied in the interval between +20+20~^{\circ}C and 120-120~^{\circ}C, where the phase transition from liquid to solid takes place. The light yield measured at 120-120~^{\circ}C is about twice as much as that observed at +20+20~^{\circ}C. By cooling the scintillator from +20+20~^{\circ}C to 120-120~^{\circ}C and then heating it from 120-120~^{\circ}C to +20+20~^{\circ}C, the light yield varies in steps at well defined temperatures, which are different for the cooling and heating processes. These hysteresis phenomena appear to be related to the solvent rather than to the dopant. The decay time of scintillation light was measured at +20+20~^{\circ}C and 120-120~^{\circ}C. Whilst at room temperature most of the light is emitted with a decay time of 6--8 ns, at 120-120~^{\circ}C a slower component, with a decay time of 25--35 ns, becomes important


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    New production technologies of modern control systems have moved from the stage of research and experimentation into the stage of practical use. Modern communication standards for the exchange of information are developed and introduced. Digital devices, protectors and automation are widely used. There has been substantial development of hardware and software of control systems.Новые технологии производства современных систем управления перешли из стадии научных исследований и экспериментов в стадию практического использования. Разработаны и внедряются современные коммуникационные стандарты обмена информацией. Широко применяются цифровые устройства защиты и автоматики. Произошло существенное развитие аппаратных и программных средств систем управления.Нові технології виробництва сучасних систем управління перейшли зі стадії наукових досліджень і експериментів у стадію практичного використання. Розроблені та впроваджуються сучасні комунікаційні стандарти обміну інформацією. Широко застосовуються цифрові пристрої захисту та автоматики. Відбувся істотний розвиток апаратних і програмних засобів систем управління

    A high-resolution tracking hodoscope based on capillary layers filled with liquid scintillator

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    Results are given on tests of a high-resolution tracking hodoscope based on layers of \hbox{26-μ\mum-bore} glass capillaries filled with organic liquid scintillator (1-methylnaphthalene doped with R39). The detector prototype consisted of three 2-mm-thick parallel layers, with surface areas of 2.1×212.1 \times 21~cm2^2. The layers had a centre-to-centre spacing of 6~mm, and were read by an optoelectronic chain comprising two electrostatically focused image intensifiers and an Electron-Bombarded Charge-Coupled Device (EBCCD). Tracks of cosmic-ray particles were recorded and analysed. The observed hit density was 6.6~hits/mm for particles crossing the layers perpendicularly, at a distance of 1~cm from the capillaries' readout end, and 4.2~hits/mm for particles at a distance of 20~cm. A track segment reconstructed in a single layer had an rms residual of \sim~20~μ\mum, and allowed determination of the track position in a neighbouring layer with a precision of \sim~170~μ\mum. This latter value corresponded to an rms angular resolution per layer of about 30~mrad. A comparison is made between capillary layers and silicon microstrip planes

    Карциносаркома предстательной железы: клинический случай

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    Carcinosarcoma is an exceedingly rare and highly aggressive malignant tumor. Some patients with carcinosarcoma have normal levels of prostate specific antigen; therefore, digital rectal examination is the only method of early diagnosis in them. In this article, we report a case of prostate carcinosarcoma and describe its diagnosis and treatment.Карциносаркома — крайне редкая высокоагрессивная злокачественная опухоль. У части пациентов с карциносаркомой уровень простатического специфического антигена может находиться в пределах нормальных значений, что делает пальцевое ректальное исследование единственным методом ранней диагностики этой патологии. В настоящей статье представлен клинический случай диагностики и лечения карциносаркомы предстательной железы

    Feshbach Shape Resonance in Multiband Superconductivity in Heterostructures

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    The use of herbicides for cultivation of the maize hybrid “Zernogradsky 354 MV” in the south of the Rostov region

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    The field trials were conducted in 2017–2019 in the laboratory for cultivation technologies of row crops in the FSBSI “Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy”. The experimental plots were located in the southern soil-climatic zone of the Rostov region characterized with insufficient and unstable moisture. The soil of the experimental plots was heavy-loamy ordinary blackearth (chernozem) on forestry loams with 3.2% of humus, fertilized with 18.5 – 20.0 mg/kg of P2O5 and 342 – 360 mg/kg of K2O. The current paper has presented the study results of the effect of herbicides on middle ripening maize hybrid “Zernogradsky 354 MV”, included in the State List of RF in 2010. The used herbicides had a positive effect on reducing the contamination of maize sowings with monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds (90% decrease), which contributed to an improvement of grain crop productivity. In the phase of full ripeness, the number of weeds in the experimental variants was 2.7–3.1 times less than in the control variant. The productivity increase in the control variant was 0.55–0.83 t/ha. The largest net income (22 545 rub/ha) was obtained due to the use of the herbicide “Elumis”. The high cost of the preparations negatively affected the cost of production, which exceeded the control variant on 436–519 rubles per ton. The profitability of the applied herbicides was lower than the control variant on 30 and 39%. The grain productivity increase obtained in the trials has paid for the costs of herbicides’ use; the payback amount was 1.15–1.57 rubles