17 research outputs found

    Finasteride adverse effects and post-finasteride syndrome; implications for dentists

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    Finasteride is a 5Ī±-reductase inhibitor widely used in present in the therapeutic approach of androgenic alopecia. Adverse effects consist in variable sign and symptoms, the most common being represented by mental troubles (reduced feeling of life pleasure or emotions, depression), physical impairments (loss of muscle tone and/or mass) and sexual complains (loss of libido and sexual potency). An increasing number of studies identify and describe even a post-finasteride syndrome (persistent adverse affects three months or more after finasteride cessation) or new adverse effects including but not limited at the skin level or oral cavity (marginal periodontium). We intend to present in this study several oral adverse effects encountered during finasteride administration, represented by mild and moderate signs which generally responded to topical procedures without to require the stop of the drug administration. New studies on large samples will further document the existing relation between the described oral adverse effects and the implied pathophysiological mechanisms. For this moment, we are taking into account as possible mechanisms- a direct action of finasteride administration, possible indirect consequences due to hormonal interferences, or coexisting factors with finasteride administration that were not detected

    The diagnostic algorithm in pre-invasive cervical lesions

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    The screening for pre-invasive cervical lesions has significantly decreased the incidence of cervical neoplasm. It is recommended to be performed starting with the age of 21 with a frequency of 3-5 years and it consists of pap smear testing and HPV genotyping, and, if required, it can be continued with colposcopy or biopsy followed by pathological assessment. The importance of the early diagnosis of pre-invasive cervical lesions has led to several studies on this topic. The paper analyzed the modern literature published on the PubMed and Scopus databases. Reference studies have found that most intraepithelial lesions are caused by the presence of HPV. Other commonly associated factors are immunosuppression, multiparity and other viral infections. HPV infection can be prevented by vaccination. It is recommended for people between 11 and 26 years old and also over 27 years old if they associate risk factors. A meta-analysis performed on patients diagnosed with CIN2 revealed a lower recurrence rate in vaccinated women than in unvaccinated women. Other studies have shown the transient nature of HPV infection and spontaneous regression of pre-invasive lesions. The early diagnosis of pre-invasive lesions is necessary for the initiation of therapeutic and follow-up behavior as soon as possible, with the aim of reducing the incidence of cervical cancer. This is possible and easy to access through national health programs

    Caesarean section versus vaginal birth in the perception of woman who gave birth by both methods

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    The increase in the number of births by Caesarean section is a phenomenon whose global expansion is generated by numerous factors and especially by the contemporary perceptions of women regarding childbirth meeting the interests of the professionals in the field. However, the opinion of many women towards the benefits of Caesarean delivery is often not based on the experience or information from reliable sources. This study aimed at sharing the experience of women who gave birth both vaginally and by Caesarean section, focusing on their perception of these events. The study included 26 women and the conclusion of the vast majority (77%) was that natural birth is preferable and they would recommend it as the first option to future mothers. In addition, the analysis of the cases in which, on the contrary, they would recommend birth by Caesarean section (23%) revealed that they objectively had births that had not been optimally managed and hence, the recommendation for careful, professional evaluation of the conditions of birth for each case. Reaching an optimal rate of Caesarean sections is an objective that can be achieved through correct information, health education and the correct management of the cases

    Studies Regarding Nickel Electrodeposition from Watts Bath with Addition of Polyvinylpyrrolidone and Sodium Saccharine

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    This paper is based on some studies about the influence ofĀ polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and sodium saccharine as far as concern their influenceĀ on the nickel electroplating processes from Watts bath. PVP is a wetting agentĀ which improves the quality of deposited layers. Sodium saccharine is a levelingĀ agent which improves adherence and brightness of the deposited layers. PVPĀ actions through the inhibition of adsorption of (NiOH)+Ā species on the cathodeĀ surface. Sodium saccharine controls crystals growth on the electro-crystallizationĀ process. Our results are able to promote using of these additives for futureĀ commercial applications. SEM-EDX techniques and optical microscopy were usedĀ with the aim to emphasize the uniformity, the continuality and the micro-structuralĀ granularity of the electrodeposited layers,, correlated with chemical compositionĀ and metallic brightness, through absorption spectroscopy

    Elemental composition of salt and vulnerability assessment of saline groundwater sources selected based on ethnoarchaeological evidence in Romania

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    The study aimed to evaluate the elemental composition of salt extracted from shallow to saline groundwater sources selected based on ethnoarchaeological evidence in the Eastern Carpathians and Sub-Carpathians area of Romania and to assess their specific vulnerability using groundwater pollution potential (DRASTIC and DRASTIC-LU methodology). 198 saline water samples were collected from different site types, including natural saline springs, catchment saline springs, brine wells, salted lakes and ponds, during the period between 2007 and 2019. Scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was employed to characterize the elemental composition of salt after dry-evaporating a predetermined volume of each collected sample. The results indicated that the salt concentration in the brines ranged from 0.1% to 41.3%, with the highest concentration found in wells and natural saline springs. The dominant component was sodium chloride, but several sites had high concentrations of potassium chloride, which is essential for human health. Over 95% of the analyzed samples also contained other minerals like calcium and magnesium, further highlighting the health benefits of these brine sources. However, two sites were slightly contaminated with heavy metals, posing potential health risks if consumed. The DRASTIC index, a standardized system for evaluating groundwater pollution potential, gave scores between 99 and 208, indicating moderate to very high intrinsic pollution potential. Similarly, the DRASTIC-LU index, which takes into account and the land use aspects, showed scores ranging from 114 to 258, suggesting low to very high vulnerability to contamination. These findings provide valuable information on the elemental composition of salt and the vulnerability of these brine sources, which are still used by rural communities for traditional practices like meat and fish preservation, milk curdling, and pickling. The study has important implications for sustainable management from both ethnoarchaeological and economic perspectives

    The Conservability of Old Wood at the Contact with Metallic Structural Components from Artifacts

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    The paper presents the impact of metallic pieces being in contact with wood, asĀ structural elements, used in obtaining artifacts. The paper studies, based on oldĀ samples, the reciprocal effect obtained at the wood-metal interface, the diffusionĀ and segregation area of metallic cations in wood and the protective role of someĀ wood volatile components on metal


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    Purpose. Even though there are no solid data regarding chemotherapy treated leukemia during pregnancy, the results based on short series reports show that the management of such condition can be safely achieved during the second and third trimester. We present three personal cases of pregnant women treated with cytostatic agents, two of them accidentally receiving complete chemotherapy during the entire pregnancy without malformative consequences. First case. A 19 yrs old woman diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia who conceived spontaneously and mistook the pregnancy signs for a relapse of the disease. During the pregnancy she continued the treatment, receiving until the fifth month an association of Hydroxyurea and alfa-interferon and afterwards switched to Imatinib until term. She presented at 38ā€“39 weeks and delivered by cesarean section a little girl of 3510 g in a perfect state of health. The blood count of both mother and child were normal. Second case. A similar situation in a young woman with lymphoblastic acute leukemia under treatment with Vincristin, Methotrexat, Purinethol. She presented in advanced spontaneous labour at 33ā€“34 weeks and delivered a little girl of 1700 g without malformative signs and normal blood count. Third case. A 17 years old girl who was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia at 29 weeks pregnancy. She received induction chemotherapy with Ara-C, due to the significant bone marrow infiltrate and disease induced disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. She presented premature uterine contractions at 32 weeks and delivered by cesarean section a premature boy of 1750g with Apgar score 8. The infant did not present any malformation (by clinical and ultrasound examination) and the blood count was normal. The studies have shown so far that in the case of chronic myeloid leukemia, the treatment with Imatinib was associated with 50% apparently normal live infants and that chemotherapy for acute leukemia during the second or third trimester may not require termination of pregnancy, because both remission and delivery of a normal infant are likely to be obtained.SAŽETAK. Cilj. Uopće nema čvrstih podataka o kemoterapijom liječenim leukemijama tijekom trudnoće. Rezultati na temelju kratkih izvjeŔća pokazuju da liječenje tijekom drugog i trećeg tromjesečja može biti uspjeÅ”no obavljeno. Prikazujemo tri trudnice liječene citostaticima, dvije od njih su bez posljedičnih malformacija primale kompletnu kemoterapiju tijekom cijele trudnoće. Prvi slučaj. Žena od 19 godina koja je spontano zanijela i krivo shvatila znakove trudnoće kao recidiv bolesti. Tijekom trudnoće je nastavila liječenjem, primivÅ”i do petog mjeseca smjesu hidroksiureje i -interferona i zatim do termina imatinib. Javila se s 38ā€“39 tjedana trudnoće te je carskim rezom rodila savrÅ”eno zdravu malu djevojčicu težine 3510 grama. Krvna slika majke i djeteta je bila potpuno normalna. Drugi slučaj. Sličan slučaj mlade žene s limfoblastičnom akutnom leukemijom, liječenom vinkristinom, metotreksatom, purinetolom. Javila se u uznapredovalom porodu s 33ā€“34 tjedana te je rodila djevojčicu teÅ”ku 1700 grama, bez malformacija i s normalnom krvnom slikom. Treći slučaj. Djevojka od 17 godina kojoj je s 29 tjedana trudnoće dijagnosticirana akutna mijeloična leukemija. Primila je indukcijsku kemoterapiju Ara-C-om, zbog značajne infiltracije koÅ”tane srži te boleŔću uzrokovane diseminirane intravaskularne koagulopatije. S 32 tjedna počeli su trudovi te je carskim rezom rodila nedonoÅ”ena dječačića težine 1750 grama s Apgar zbrojem 8. Dijete nije imalo malformacija ni klinički niti ultrazvučnim pregledom. Krvna slika je bila normalna. Do sada su studije pokazale da kronična mijeloična leukemija, liječena imatinibom, u 50% slučajeva rezultira rađanjem zdrava djeteta te da kemoterapija akutne leukemije tijekom drugog i trećeg tromjesečja trudnoće na zahtijeva prekid trudnoće, jer se može postići remisija bolesti i rađanje normalna djeteta

    Obtaining and Characterisation of Thermoresistive Pigments

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    The paper describes the obtaining and chemical and physico-structuralĀ characterisation of a green thermoresistive pigment. The pigment is made of ZnOĀ dopped with Sb, Bi, Cr, Co and Fe oxides and it is used at mosaics and stained glass.Ā The procedure is based on a sequential coprecipitation ā€œlayer on layerā€ process inĀ aqueous solution, followed by drying and calcinations at controlled temperatureĀ conditions, then grinding in a colloidal mill and mixed with glass powder formingĀ the ā€œfrit pigmentā€. This by vitrification and frosting colours superficial the glass. The powder was analysed by SEM-EDX and DSC


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    Purpose. Even though there are no solid data regarding chemotherapy treated leukemia during pregnancy, the results based on short series reports show that the management of such condition can be safely achieved during the second and third trimester. We present three personal cases of pregnant women treated with cytostatic agents, two of them accidentally receiving complete chemotherapy during the entire pregnancy without malformative consequences. First case. A 19 yrs old woman diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia who conceived spontaneously and mistook the pregnancy signs for a relapse of the disease. During the pregnancy she continued the treatment, receiving until the fifth month an association of Hydroxyurea and alfa-interferon and afterwards switched to Imatinib until term. She presented at 38ā€“39 weeks and delivered by cesarean section a little girl of 3510 g in a perfect state of health. The blood count of both mother and child were normal. Second case. A similar situation in a young woman with lymphoblastic acute leukemia under treatment with Vincristin, Methotrexat, Purinethol. She presented in advanced spontaneous labour at 33ā€“34 weeks and delivered a little girl of 1700 g without malformative signs and normal blood count. Third case. A 17 years old girl who was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia at 29 weeks pregnancy. She received induction chemotherapy with Ara-C, due to the significant bone marrow infiltrate and disease induced disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. She presented premature uterine contractions at 32 weeks and delivered by cesarean section a premature boy of 1750g with Apgar score 8. The infant did not present any malformation (by clinical and ultrasound examination) and the blood count was normal. The studies have shown so far that in the case of chronic myeloid leukemia, the treatment with Imatinib was associated with 50% apparently normal live infants and that chemotherapy for acute leukemia during the second or third trimester may not require termination of pregnancy, because both remission and delivery of a normal infant are likely to be obtained.SAŽETAK. Cilj. Uopće nema čvrstih podataka o kemoterapijom liječenim leukemijama tijekom trudnoće. Rezultati na temelju kratkih izvjeŔća pokazuju da liječenje tijekom drugog i trećeg tromjesečja može biti uspjeÅ”no obavljeno. Prikazujemo tri trudnice liječene citostaticima, dvije od njih su bez posljedičnih malformacija primale kompletnu kemoterapiju tijekom cijele trudnoće. Prvi slučaj. Žena od 19 godina koja je spontano zanijela i krivo shvatila znakove trudnoće kao recidiv bolesti. Tijekom trudnoće je nastavila liječenjem, primivÅ”i do petog mjeseca smjesu hidroksiureje i -interferona i zatim do termina imatinib. Javila se s 38ā€“39 tjedana trudnoće te je carskim rezom rodila savrÅ”eno zdravu malu djevojčicu težine 3510 grama. Krvna slika majke i djeteta je bila potpuno normalna. Drugi slučaj. Sličan slučaj mlade žene s limfoblastičnom akutnom leukemijom, liječenom vinkristinom, metotreksatom, purinetolom. Javila se u uznapredovalom porodu s 33ā€“34 tjedana te je rodila djevojčicu teÅ”ku 1700 grama, bez malformacija i s normalnom krvnom slikom. Treći slučaj. Djevojka od 17 godina kojoj je s 29 tjedana trudnoće dijagnosticirana akutna mijeloična leukemija. Primila je indukcijsku kemoterapiju Ara-C-om, zbog značajne infiltracije koÅ”tane srži te boleŔću uzrokovane diseminirane intravaskularne koagulopatije. S 32 tjedna počeli su trudovi te je carskim rezom rodila nedonoÅ”ena dječačića težine 1750 grama s Apgar zbrojem 8. Dijete nije imalo malformacija ni klinički niti ultrazvučnim pregledom. Krvna slika je bila normalna. Do sada su studije pokazale da kronična mijeloična leukemija, liječena imatinibom, u 50% slučajeva rezultira rađanjem zdrava djeteta te da kemoterapija akutne leukemije tijekom drugog i trećeg tromjesečja trudnoće na zahtijeva prekid trudnoće, jer se može postići remisija bolesti i rađanje normalna djeteta

    Corporate governance and banking performance in the context of globalization

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    Research background: Research background is written after the literature review. For example, Pham Q et al. (2020), emphasizes the effects of corporate governance, which is in a continuous development in the context of globalization. On the other hand, there is an obvious link between the banking activity, which is intended to be as efficient and governing as possible, which is also highlighted in the work of Arora A (2018). The impact of corporate governance on banking performance is also presented. Carrying out banking activity in compliance with the principles of corporate governance, leads to shaping an efficient and conducive environment for both employees and the company itself. At the same time, the application of the concept aims at the overall management of the entities, which allows the common functioning of the internal components and the performance of internal control. Purpose of the article: This paper aims to present the most important theoretical and practical aspects of the importance of corporate governance in banking performance. Corporate governance is currently receiving special attention, an argument being the numerous studies conducted and the growing interest that companies have in this concept Methods: This paper starts from the hypothesis of the influence of globalization on corporate governance and banking performance. The article was based on the study of the literature and the identification of recent data on certain banking indicators. At the same time, values of banking dynamics at the level of the period 2016-2019 were analyzed and calculated. Last but not least, the method of comparison regarding the financial performances at the banking level and the profitability rate was used. Findings & Value added: Following these researches, it was found the link between globalization and the magnitude that corporate governance currently has, in close connection with banking performance, determines the corporate variety of activity worldwide or regionally. The main results were disseminated through the article and it adds value through the analysis created at global and regional level (at European level) and the interpretation of statistical data related to banking