32 research outputs found


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    Objective: GenoType MTBDRplus line probe assay (LPA) is developed for performing drug susceptibility testing (DST) for Rifampicin (RIF) and isoniazid in sputum specimens from smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) patients and revised national TB control Programme (RNTCP) has endorsed LPA for the diagnosis of multi drug resistant TB (MDR-TB). This study was conducted to assess the potential utility of LPA for MDR-TB patient management.Methods: MDR-TB suspects under RNTCP PMDT criteria C referred from different districts in Delhi state were included in the study January 2013 toDecember 2014. Sputum specimens found acid-fast bacilli positive by fluorescent microscopy were processed for LPA.Results: Out of 3062 specimens, 2055 (67.1%) MDR-TB suspects were read as positive and specimens from 1007 (32.9%) suspects were read as negative in sputum smear microscopy. Out of 2019 specimens valid LPA results, 1427 were found to be pan-sensitive, 280 were MDR-TB, 40 were RIF monoresistant, 183 were Isoniazid (INH) monoresistant, and 89 specimens were found negative for Mycobacterium tuberculosis.Conclusion: Routine use of LPA can substantially reduce the time to diagnosis of RIF and/or INH-resistant TB and can hence potentially enable earlier commencement of appropriate drug therapy and thereby facilitate prevention of further transmission of drug resistant strains.Keywords: Multi drug resistant tuberculosis, Line probe assay, Rifampicin, Isoniazid

    Disruption of APOL1-miR193a Axis Induces Disorganization of Podocyte Actin Cytoskeleton

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    Abstract APOL1-miR193a axis participates in the preservation of molecular phenotype of differentiated podocytes (DPDs). We examined the hypothesis that APOL1 (G0) preserves, but APOL1 risk alleles (G1 and G2) disrupt APOL1-miR193a axis in DPDs. DPDG0s displayed down-regulation of miR193a, but upregulation of nephrin expression. DPDG1s/G2s exhibited an increase in miR193a and down-regulation of the expression of adherens complex’s constituents (CD2AP, nephrin, and dendrin). DPDG0s showed decreased Cathepsin L, enhanced dynamin expressions, and the intact actin cytoskeleton. On the contrary, DPDG1s/G2s displayed an increase in Cathepsin L, but down-regulation of dynamin expressions and disorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. APOL1 silencing enhanced miR193a and Cathepsin L, but down-regulated dynamin expressions. DPDG1s/G2s displayed nuclear import of dendrin, indicating an occurrence of destabilization of adherens complexes in APOL1 risk milieu. These findings suggest that DPDG1s and DPDG2s developed disorganized actin cytoskeleton as a consequence of disrupted APOL1-miR193a axis. Interestingly, docking and co-labeling studies suggested an interaction between APOL1 and CD2AP. APOL1 G1/G1 and APOL1 G1/G2 transgenic mice displayed nuclear import of dendrin indicating destabilization of adherens complexes in podocytes; moreover, these mice showed a four-fold increase in urinary albumin to creatinine ratio and development of focal segmental glomerular lesions

    Modulation of APOL1-miR193a Axis Prevents Podocyte Dediffrentiation in High Glucose Milieu

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    The loss of podocyte (PD) molecular phenotype is an important feature of diabetic podocytopathy. We hypothesized that high glucose (HG) induces dedifferentiation in differentiated podocytes (DPDs) through alterations in the apolipoprotein (APO) L1-microRNA (miR) 193a axis. HG-induced DPD dedifferentiation manifested in the form of downregulation of Wilms’ tumor 1 (WT1) and upregulation of paired box 2 (PAX2) expression. WT1-silenced DPDs displayed enhanced expression of PAX2. Immunoprecipitation of DPD cellular lysates with anti-WT1 antibody revealed formation of WT1 repressor complexes containing Polycomb group proteins, enhancer of zeste homolog 2, menin, and DNA methyltransferase (DNMT1), whereas silencing of either WT1 or DNMT1 disrupted this complex with enhanced expression of PAX2. HG-induced DPD dedifferentiation was associated with a higher expression of miR193a, whereas inhibition of miR193a prevented DPD dedifferentiation in HG milieu. HG downregulated DPD expression of APOL1. miR193a-overexpressing DPDs displayed downregulation of APOL1 and enhanced expression of dedifferentiating markers; conversely, silencing of miR193a enhanced the expression of APOL1 and preserved DPD phenotype. Moreover, stably APOL1G0-overexpressing DPDs displayed the enhanced expression of WT1 but attenuated expression of miR193a; nonetheless, silencing of APOL1 reversed these effects. Since silencing of APOL1 enhanced miR193a expression as well as dedifferentiation in DPDs, it appears that downregulation of APOL1 contributed to dedifferentiation of DPDs through enhanced miR193a expression in HG milieu. Vitamin D receptor agonist downregulated miR193a, upregulated APOL1 expression, and prevented dedifferentiation of DPDs in HG milieu. These findings suggest that modulation of the APOL1-miR193a axis carries a potential to preserve DPD molecular phenotype in HG milieu.</jats:p

    Genetic polymorphism of rare mutations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected patients in Delhi

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    Background: There is a wide variation in existing Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains across the globe, and false results in line probe assay (LPA) can occur due to the presence of unique genetic mutations in different settings. Objectives: An attempt was made to observe uncommon mutations in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) strains and determination of genetic diversity by spoligotyping and to study the treatment outcome in patients with uncommon mutations. Materials and Methods: Band pattern analysis of LPA strips was performed as per manufacturer's instructions. DNA sequencing was performed to confirm the presence of uncommon mutations in Intermediate Reference Laboratory in Delhi state. Results: Four uncommon mutations were recognized along with 12 unique spoligotype patterns which serve as an update to worldwide databases. The noteworthy presence of a spoligotype previously rarely seen in India was the SIT53/T1 pattern. Central Asian (CAS) spoligotype was highly associated with MDR followed by Beijing type. During follow-up, the treatment outcomes of cases showing uncommon mutations were considered as cured, after completion of their treatment. Conclusion: The rifampicin resistance appears to be an effective marker of MDR-TB. The presence of uncommon mutations confirms genetic polymorphism that may require treatment targeted at both drug-resistant and drug-susceptible phenotypes for the better management of patients with MDR-TB

    MiR193a Modulation and Podocyte Phenotype

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    Apolipoprotein L1 (APOL1)-miR193a axis has been reported to play a role in the maintenance of podocyte homeostasis. In the present study, we analyzed transcription factors relevant to miR193a in human podocytes and their effects on podocytes&rsquo; molecular phenotype. The motif scan of the miR193a gene provided information about transcription factors, including YY1, WT1, Sox2, and VDR-RXR heterodimer, which could potentially bind to the miR193a promoter region to regulate miR193a expression. All structure models of these transcription factors and the tertiary structures of the miR193a promoter region were generated and refined using computational tools. The DNA-protein complexes of the miR193a promoter region and transcription factors were created using a docking approach. To determine the modulatory role of miR193a on APOL1 mRNA, the structural components of APOL1 3&rsquo; UTR and miR193a-5p were studied. Molecular Dynamic (MD) simulations validated interactions between miR193a and YY1/WT1/Sox2/VDR/APOL1 3&prime; UTR region. Undifferentiated podocytes (UPDs) displayed enhanced miR193a, YY1, and Sox2 but attenuated WT1, VDR, and APOL1 expressions, whereas differentiated podocytes (DPDs) exhibited attenuated miR193a, YY1, and Sox2 but increased WT1, VDR, APOL1 expressions. Inhibition of miR193a in UPDs enhanced the expression of APOL1 as well as of podocyte molecular markers; on the other hand, DPD-transfected with miR193a plasmid showed downing of APOL1 as well as podocyte molecular markers suggesting a causal relationship between miR193a and podocyte molecular markers. Silencing of YY1 and Sox2 in UPDs decreased the expression of miR193a but increased the expression of VDR, and CD2AP (a marker of DPDs); in contrast, silencing of WT1 and VDR in DPDs enhanced the expression of miR193a, YY1, and Sox2. Since miR193a-downing by Vitamin D receptor (VDR) agonist not only enhanced the mRNA expression of APOL1 but also of podocyte differentiating markers, suggest that down-regulation of miR193a could be used to enhance the expression of podocyte differentiating markers as a therapeutic strategy

    Role of Apolipoprotein L1 in Human Parietal Epithelial Cell Transition

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    Human parietal epithelial cells (PECs) are progenitor cells that sustain podocyte homeostasis. We hypothesized that the lack of apolipoprotein (APO) L1 ensures the PEC phenotype, but its induction initiates PEC transition (expression of podocyte markers). APOL1 expression and down-regulation of miR193a coincided with the expression of podocyte markers during the transition. The induction of APOL1 also stimulated transition markers in human embryonic kidney cells (cells with undetectable APOL1 protein expression). APOL1 silencing in PECs up-regulated miR193a expression, suggesting the possibility of a reciprocal feedback relationship between APOL1 and miR193a. HIV, interferon-gamma, and vitamin D receptor agonist down-regulated miR193a expression and induced APOL1 expression along with transition markers in PECs. Luciferase assay suggested a putative interaction between miR193a and APOL1. Since silencing of APOL1 attenuated HIV-, vitamin D receptor agonist-, miR193a inhibitor-, and interferon-gamma-induced expression of transition markers, APOL1 appears to be a critical functional constituent of the miR193a- APOL1 axis in PECs. This notion was confirmed by further enhanced expression of PEC markers in APOL1 mRNA-silenced PECs. In vivo studies, glomeruli in patients with HIV, and HIV/APOL1 transgenic mice had foci of PECs expressing synaptopodin, a transition marker. APOL1 likely regulates PEC molecular phenotype through modulation of miR193a expression, and APOL1 and miR193a share a reciprocal feedback relationship

    Inhibition of p66ShcA redox activity in cardiac muscle cells attenuates hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis

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    Apoptotic myocyte cell death, diastolic dysfunction, and progressive deterioration in left ventricular pump function characterize the clinical course of diabetic cardiomyopathy. A key question concerns the mechanism(s) by which hyperglycemia (HG) transmits danger signals in cardiac muscle cells. The growth factor adapter protein p66ShcA is a genetic determinant of longevity, which controls mitochondrial metabolism and cellular responses to oxidative stress. Here we demonstrate that interventions which attenuate or prevent HG-induced phosphorylation at critical position 36 Ser residue (phospho-Ser36) inhibit the redox function of p66ShcA and promote the survival phenotype. Adult rat ventricular myocytes obtained by enzymatic dissociation were transduced with mutant-36 p66ShcA (mu-36) dominant-negative expression vector and plated in serum-free media containing 5 or 25 mM glucose. At HG, adult rat ventricular myocytes exhibit a marked increase in reactive oxygen species production, upregulation of phospho-Ser36, collapse of mitochondrial transmembrane potential, and increased formation of p66ShcA/cytochrome-c complexes. These indexes of oxidative stress were accompanied by a 40% increase in apoptosis and the upregulation of cleaved caspase-3 and the apoptosis-related proteins p53 and Bax. To test whether p66ShcA functions as a redox-sensitive molecular switch in vivo, we examined the hearts of male Akita diabetic nonobese (C57BL/6J) mice. Western blot analysis detected the upregulation of phospho-Ser36, the translocation of p66ShcA to mitochondria, and the formation of p66ShcA/cytochrome-c complexes. Conversely, the correction of HG by recombinant adeno-associated viral delivery of leptin reversed these alterations. We conclude that p66ShcA is a molecular switch whose redox function is turned on by phospho-Ser36 and turned off by interventions that prevent this modification

    Interleukin-33 / Cyclin D1 imbalance in severe liver steatosis predicts susceptibility to ischemia reperfusion injury

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    Transplanting donor livers with severe macrosteatosis is associated with increased risk of primary non-function (PNF). The purpose of this study was to identify steatosis-driven biomarkers as a predisposition to severe liver damage and delayed recovery following ischemia reperfusion injury. Wistar rats were fed a methionine- and choline-deficient (MCD) diet for up to three weeks to achieve severe macrosteatosis (>90%). Animals underwent diet withdrawal to control chow and/or underwent ischemia reperfusion and partial hepatectomy injury (I/R-PHx) and reperfused out to 7 days on control chow. For animals with severe macrosteatosis, hepatic levels of IL-33 decreased while Cyclin D1 levels increased in the absence of NF-ÎșB p65 phosphorylation. Animals with high levels of nuclear Cyclin D1 prior to I/R-PHx either did not survive or had persistent macrosteatosis after 7 days on control chow. Survival 7 days after I/R-PHx fell to 57% which correlated with increased Cyclin D1 and decreased liver IL-33 levels. In the absence of I/R-PHx, withdrawing the MCD diet normalized IL-33, Cyclin D1 levels, and I/R-PHx survival back to baseline. In transplanted grafts with macrosteatosis, higher Cyclin D1 mRNA expression was observed. Shifts in Cyclin D1 and IL-33 expression may identify severely macrosteatotic livers with increased failure risk if subjected to I/R injury. Clinical validation of the panel in donor grafts with macrosteatosis revealed increased Cyclin D1 expression corresponding to delayed graft function. This pre-surgical biomarker panel may identify the subset of livers with increased susceptibility to PNF