31 research outputs found

    European Territorial Trends - Facts and Prospects for Cities and Regions Ed. 2017

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    This report analyses a set of territorial trends at continental and sub-national scale, looking at patterns and determinants of regional growth, while considering pan-European and national characteristics. Past and prospective demographic and economic trends are analysed to provide a picture of ‘what, where, when and how’ things happen in European cities and regions. Specific emphasis is placed on urban areas since acknowledged sources of both opportunities and challenges. The indicators used in the analysis herein presented are freely and openly accessible in the Territorial Dashboard of the Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies at: http://urban.jrc.ec.europa.eu/t-board/index.htmlJRC.B.3-Territorial Developmen

    Optics, the science of vision

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    Histoire de la lumière

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    �ber einen zweifelhaften Punkt der Abbeschen Theorie der optischen Abbildung

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    Ancora sull’ impiego dei eeticoli nello studio dei sistemi ottici

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    Sul comportamento e l’impiego delle fragie d’ombra nella prova dei sistemi ottici

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    A proposito dello spettroscopio a gradinata di 40 gradini dell’ istituto di fisica di firenze

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