128 research outputs found

    Identification and characterization of the BZR transcription factor family and its expression in response to abiotic stresses in Zea mays L.

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    Brassinosteroids (BRs) are plant specific steroidal hormones that play diverse roles in regulating a broad spectrum of plant growth and developmental processes, as well as, in responding to various biotic and abiotic stresses. Extensive research over the years has established stress-impact-mitigating role of BRs and associated compounds in different plants exposed to various abiotic and biotic stresses, suggesting the idea that they may act as immunomodulators, thus opening new approaches for plant resistance against hazardous environmental conditions. In this research the characterization of the transcriptional response of 11 transcription factors (TFs) belonging to BRASSINAZOLE-RESISTANT 1 (BZR1) TF family of Zea mays L. was analyzed in seedlings subjected to different stress conditions. Being important regulators of the BR synthesis, BZR TFs might have stress resistance related activities. However, no stress resistance related functional study of BZR TFs has been reported in maize so far. In silico analyses of the selected 11 TFs validated the features of their protein domains, where a highest degree of similarity observed with recognized BZR TFs of rice and Sorghum bicolor. Additionally, we investigated the organ-specific expression of 11 ZmBZR in maize seedlings. Five of them did not show any transcript accumulation, suggesting that ZmBZR expression might be regulated in a manner dependent on plant developmental stage. For the remaining six ZmBZR, their ubiquitous expression in the whole plant indicates they could function as growth regulators during maize development. More importantly, in response to various stress conditions, the spatial transcript accumulation of all ZmBZR varies along the plant. All six ZmBZR showed up-regulation against N starvation, hypoxia and salt stress. On the contrary, heat stress clearly down-regulated gene expression of all ZmBZR analysed. Consistently with the expression results, the distribution of stress-related cis-acting elements in the promoter of these genes inferred that the maize BZR TFs might play some roles in regulating the expression of the corresponding genes in response to multifarious stresses. In conclusion, these data reveal that BZR TFs have stress signaling activity in maize, in addition to their confirmed role in regulating plant physiology and morphology

    The Maize PIN Gene Family of Auxin Transporters

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    Auxin is a key regulator of plant development and its differential distribution in plant tissues, established by a polar cell to cell transport, can trigger a wide range of developmental processes. A few members of the two families of auxin efflux transport proteins, PIN-formed (PIN) and P-glycoprotein (ABCB/PGP), have so far been characterized in maize. Nine new Zea mays auxin efflux carriers PIN family members and two maize PIN-like genes have now been identified. Four members of PIN1 (named ZmPIN1a–d) cluster, one gene homologous to AtPIN2 (ZmPIN2), three orthologs of PIN5 (ZmPIN5a–c), one gene paired with AtPIN8 (ZmPIN8), and three monocot-specific PINs (ZmPIN9, ZmPIN10a, and ZmPIN10b) were cloned and the phylogenetic relationships between early-land plants, monocots, and eudicots PIN proteins investigated, including the new maize PIN proteins. Tissue-specific expression patterns of the 12 maize PIN genes, 2 PIN-like genes and ZmABCB1, an ABCB auxin efflux carrier, were analyzed together with protein localization and auxin accumulation patterns in normal conditions and in response to drug applications. ZmPIN gene transcripts have overlapping expression domains in the root apex, during male and female inflorescence differentiation and kernel development. However, some PIN family members have specific tissue localization: ZmPIN1d transcript marks the L1 layer of the shoot apical meristem and inflorescence meristem during the flowering transition and the monocot-specific ZmPIN9 is expressed in the root endodermis and pericycle. The phylogenetic and gene structure analyses together with the expression pattern of the ZmPIN gene family indicate that subfunctionalization of some maize PINs can be associated to the differentiation and development of monocot-specific organs and tissues and might have occurred after the divergence between dicots and monocots

    Current perspectives on the hormonal control of seed development in Arabidopsis and maize: a focus on auxin.

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    The seed represents the unit of reproduction of flowering plants, capable of developing into another plant, and to ensure the survival of the species under unfavorable environmental conditions. It is composed of three compartments: seed coat, endosperm and embryo. Proper seed development depends on the coordination of the processes that lead to seed compartments differentiation, development and maturation.Funded by the Ministry for Education and University, Italy(FIRB grant no. RBFR08UG7)Postprint (published version

    Morphological changes and expressions of AOX1A, CYP81D8, and Putative PFP genes in a large set of commercial maize hybrids under extreme waterlogging.

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    Waterlogging is a severe abiotic stressor causing significant growth impairment and yield losses in many crops. Maize is highly sensitive to the excess of water, and against the background of climate change there is an urgent need for deeper insights into the mechanisms of crop adaptation to waterlogging. In the present study, changes in maize morphology at the 4\u20135 leaf stage and the expression of three candidate genes for flooding tolerance in plants subjected to six continuous days of waterlogging were recorded in 19 commercial hybrids and in the inbred line B73, with the aim of investigating the current variability in cultivated hybrids and identifying useful morphological and molecular markers for screening tolerant genotypes. Here it was demonstrated that root parameters (length, area, biomass) were more impaired by waterlogging than shoot parameters (shoot height and biomass). Culm height generally increased in stressed plants (by up to C24% vs. controls), while shoot biomass was significantly reduced in only two hybrids. Root biomass was reduced in all the hybrids, by an average of 30%, and significantly in 7 hybrids, while root length and area were even more severely reduced, by 30\u201355% vs. controls, depending on the hybrid. The earlier appearance of aerial roots seemed to be associated with greater root injuries. In leaves, the transcript of the PFP enzyme (phosphofructokinase), which is involved in glycolytic reactions, was markedly up-regulated (up to double the values) in half the waterlogged hybrids, but down-regulated in the others. The transcript of CYP81D8 (ROS-related proteins) in waterlogged plants exhibited relevant increases or strong decreases in level, depending on the hybrid. The transcript of the AOX1A gene, coding for a mitochondrial respiratory electron transport chain-related protein, was markedly down-regulated in all the treated hybrids. Expression analysis of these genes under extreme waterlogging only partially correlate with the shoot and root growth impairments observed, and AOX1A seems to be the most informative of them

    Development of a non-chemical RNAi-based strategy for Amaranthus hybridus L. weed management

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    Weeds are one of the major issues in cropping systems, responsible for significant yield losses. Herbicide applications are the most effective strategy to control weeds, but stricter legislation has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of herbicides available on the market. Furthermore, the recent European legislation on the sustainable use of pesticides will require farmers to drastically reduce chemical use over the next ten years while promoting integrated weed management strategies that improve environmental sustainability and lower the risks to animal and human health. In addition, the over-reliance on chemical control has resulted in the evolution of resistant biotypes. As a result, new technologies to effectively manage weeds and weed resistance should be developed. In this regard, the development of a non-chemical weed control strategy based on RNA interference (RNAi) technology could: i) represent a potential non-chemical weed control strategy, ii) provide an emerging GMO-free strategy for managing invasive and resistant weeds, and iii) provide a valid opportunity to go inside the molecular mechanisms of weed biology. In this study, the acetolactate synthase (ALS) gene of Amaranthus hybridus L. has been used as the target to assess the effectiveness and applicability of in-vitro synthesized double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) direct application for endogenous gene silencing and weed control. A. hybridus is a monoecious and self-pollinated weed that has evolved multiple resistance to herbicides with different sites of action, including ALS inhibitors, which are the most used herbicides in soybean. ALS represents an ideal target for the development and future application of dsRNA-mediated gene silencing because it is an intronless, nucleotide-stable, and single-copy gene. We have produced dsRNAs of various lengths (ranging from 218 to 460bp) targeting three distinct ALS regions: the 5’- and 3’-ends, and a central region. dsRNAs molecules were transcribed in-vitro by T7 RNA polymerase and externally applied to the abaxial leaf surface of A. hybridus plants at 4-6 true leaves developmental stage by: i) mechanical inoculation, or ii) high-pressure spraying. Despite the expression of ALS gene transcripts was found to be lightly downregulated when synthetic 2 ALS-dsRNAs were applied, no phenotypic effects were observed. Our current research focuses on the determination of the effectiveness of ALS-dsRNAs silencing using agroinfiltration techniques, and on dsRNAs delivery techniques through the use of nanomaterials to maximize the effectiveness of gene silencing by exogenous dsRNAs application. This second approach was preliminary studied by RNA electrophoretic mobility of functionalized nanomaterial and by means of confocal microscopy on A. hybridus leaves. In parallel, we are examining the expression patterns of genes thought to be involved in the RNAi pathway in A. hybridus to verify if their expression is triggered by dsRNA applications

    Time course of biochemical, physiological, and molecular responses to field-mimicked conditions of drought, salinity, and recovery in two maize lines

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    Drought and salinity stresses will have a high impact on future crop productivity, due to climate change and the increased competition for land, water, and energy. The response to drought (WS), salinity (SS), and the combined stresses (WS+SS) was monitored in two maize lines: the inbred B73 and an F1 commercial stress-tolerant hybrid. A protocol mimicking field progressive stress conditions was developed and its effect on plant growth analyzed at different time points. The results indicated that the stresses limited growth in the hybrid and arrested it in the inbred line. In SS, the two genotypes had different ion accumulation and translocation capacity, particularly for Na+ and Cl 12. Moreover, the hybrid perceived the stress, reduced all the analyzed physiological parameters, and kept them reduced until the recovery. B73 decreased all physiological parameters more gradually, being affected mainly by SS. Both lines recovered better from WS than the other stresses. Molecular analysis revealed a diverse modulation of some stress markers in the two genotypes, reflecting their different response to stresses. Combining biochemical and physiological data with expression analyses yielded insight into the mechanisms regulating the different stress tolerance of the two lines

    Epigenetics: possible applications in climate-smart crop breeding

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    To better adapt transiently or lastingly to stimuli from the surrounding environment, the chromatin states in plant cells vary to allow the cells to fine-tune their transcriptional profiles. Modifications of chromatin states involve a wide range of post-transcriptional histone modifications, histone variants, DNA methylation, and activity of non-coding RNAs, which can epigenetically determine specific transcriptional outputs. Recent advances in the area of '-omics' of major crops have facilitated identification of epigenetic marks and their effect on plant response to environmental stresses. As most epigenetic mechanisms are known from studies in model plants, we summarize in this review recent epigenetic studies that may be important for improvement of crop adaptation and resilience to environmental changes, ultimately leading to the generation of stable climate-smart crops. This has paved the way for exploitation of epigenetic variation in crop breeding

    Comparison of leaf morpho-anatomical characters in Amaranthus spp.: phenotyping as an investigative tool for environmental and agricultural sciences

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    Plant phenotyping is an important tool that can provide insight into the interaction between plants and the environment, often as supporting information for genotype studies. The resulting knowledge can be useful in eco-physiological research, to understand how species adapt to their growing conditions and to biotic competition. In recent years, phenotyping techniques for the study of plant morpho-anatomical traits have developed in the field of the imaging analysis, starting from microscope images up to high scale acquisitions through remote sensing. In this work, we focused on the detailed study of single-leaf morphometric traits through the processing of photographic and confocal microscope acquisitions. Four species of Amaranthus were used, being plants of interest due to their high invasiveness into fields. Their morphological traits could become a useful tool to describe their adaptative responses and to define strategies for the sustainable management of the agro-ecosystem

    Dissecting postharvest chilling injuries in pome and stone fruit through integrated omics

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    Lowering the storage temperature is an effective method to extend the postharvest and shelf life of fruits. Nevertheless, this technique often leads to physiological disorders, commonly known as chilling injuries. Apples and pears are susceptible to chilling injuries, among which superficial scald is the most economically relevant. Superficial scald is due to necrotic lesions of the first layers of hypodermis manifested through skin browning. In peaches and nectarines, chilling injuries are characterized by internal symptoms, such as mealiness. Fruits with these aesthetic or compositional/structural defects are not suitable for fresh consumption. Genetic variation is a key factor in determining fruit susceptibility to chilling injuries; however, physiological, or technical aspects such as harvest maturity and storage conditions also play a role. Multi-omics approaches have been used to provide an integrated explanation of chilling injury development. Metabolomics in pome fruits specifically targets the identification of ethylene, phenols, lipids, and oxidation products. Genomics and transcriptomics have revealed interesting connections with metabolomic datasets, pinpointing specific genes linked to cold stress, wax synthesis, farnesene metabolism, and the metabolic pathways of ascorbate and glutathione. When applied to Prunus species, these cutting-edge approaches have uncovered that the development of mealiness symptoms is linked to ethylene signaling, cell wall synthesis, lipid metabolism, cold stress genes, and increased DNA methylation levels. Emphasizing the findings from multi-omics studies, this review reports how the integration of omics datasets can provide new insights into understanding of chilling injury development. This new information is essential for successfully creating more resilient fruit varieties and developing novel postharvest strategies

    Exploitation of epigenetic variation of crop wild relatives for crop improvement and agrobiodiversity preservation

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    Crop wild relatives (CWRs) are recognized as the best potential source of traits for crop improvement. However, successful crop improvement using CWR relies on identifying variation in genes controlling desired traits in plant germplasms and subsequently incorporating them into cultivars. Epigenetic diversity may provide an additional layer of variation within CWR and can contribute novel epialleles for key traits for crop improvement. There is emerging evidence that epigenetic variants of functional and/or agronomic importance exist in CWR gene pools. This provides a rationale for the conservation of epigenotypes of interest, thus contributing to agrobiodiversity preservation through conservation and (epi)genetic monitoring. Concepts and techniques of classical and modern breeding should consider integrating recent progress in epigenetics, initially by identifying their association with phenotypic variations and then by assessing their heritability and stability in subsequent generations. New tools available for epigenomic analysis ofer the opportunity to capture epigenetic variation and integrate it into advanced (epi)breeding programmes. Advances in -omics have provided new insights into the sources and inheritance of epigenetic variation and enabled the efcient introduction of epi-traits from CWR into crops using epigenetic molecular markers, such as epiQTLs