59 research outputs found

    Evaluarea diagnostică preoperatorie a cancerului de col uterin

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    Cancerul de col la femei este una din cele mai frecvente neoplazii ale tractului genital. Aprecierea corectă a stadiului în această maladie este crucială pentru determinarea prognosticului şi a modului de tratament. Deseori însă aprecierea clinică este incorectă. Utilizarea imagisticii prin rezonanţa magnetică (IRM), în special secvenţele SE (T2 şi postcontrast în ponderaţia T1), a devenit o metodă prioritară în stadializarea corectă a acestor afecţiuni. Ultrasonografia trans-vaginală şi trans-rectală, Dopplerul au o valoare diagnostică limitată. Tomografia helicoidală mai frecvent se utilizează pentru evaluarea carcinomului endometrial

    Strategy and Tactics of Soviet Security Bodies in the Fight Against Religion and Religious Communities on the Territory of Ukraine

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    The article analyzes the strategy and tactics of state security agencies in the fight against religion and religious Protestant communities on the territory of Soviet Ukraine. It was revealed that the communist totalitarian system, in order to maintain its dominant position in society and master fully the consciousness of its population and influence its spiritual life (strategic task), shortly after the end of the Second World War, in 1946 in the system of the newly formed Ministry of State Security of the Soviet Union of the Socialist Republics and its republican departments created new special operational departments endowed with extraordinary powers to carry out punitive and repressive and complex preventive actions (tactical tasks). It was observed that the “O” (operational) department of the Ministry of State Security of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was formed as a part of these functional divisions, which was engaged in the supervision of religious organizations, sects, groups, etc. It was found that the special department “O” of the Ministry of State Security – State Security Committee of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was engaged in the planning and implementation of operational work on “agent and operational development of sectarians”, and in its work relied on a number of punitive, repressive and preventive measures, which were discussed carefully at special meetings, the reports and minutes of which were classified, and only recently the “top secret” seal has been removed from them. It is substantiated that the execution of tasks related to the desacralization and liquidation of the prayer houses of the Evangelical Baptist Christians relied on operational commissioners and their agencies. It is shown that for the successful implementation of tasks related to the liquidation and termination of the prayer houses of Evangelical Baptist Christians, the special services of the State Security Committee combined skillfully punitive, repressive and preventive methods and systematically involved the cultural, educational and artistic intelligentsia of Soviet Ukraine

    Graphite Electrode Modified with a New Phenothiazine Derivative and with Carbon Nanotubes for NADH Electrocatalytic Oxidation

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    The electrochemical behavior of a modified electrode obtained by immobilization of single-walled carbon nanotubes onto a graphite electrode modified with a new phenothiazine derivative, bis-phenothiazin-3-yl methane (BPhM), G/BPhM-CNT, has been evaluated and compared with BPhM adsorbed on graphite electrode (G/BPhM). The G/BPhM-CNT electrode presents improved performances for NADH electrocatalytic oxidation in comparison with G/BPhM electrode, expressed by: (i) a significant increase of electrocatalytic rate constant (kobs,[NADH] 0) for NADH oxidation (856.32 L mol–1 s–1 for G/BPhM-CNT and 51.63 L mol–1 s–1 for G/BPhM, in phosphate buffer, pH 7); (ii) the obtained amperometric sensors for NADH detection present increase sensitivity (S = 6.9 mA L mol–1 for G/BPhM-CNT and S = 0.55 mA L mol–1 for G/BPhM, pH 7)


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    Electricity, DC voltage – AC voltage, conversion generated from certain renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic panels should be made with quality factors imposed by the present standards. In the case of multilevel converters the achievement of reasonable distortion factor is realized by optimizing the targeted waveform using Newton Raphson method. This paper presents an optimization solution based on genetic algorithm. Voltage waveforms obtained by this technique and the total harmonic distortion degree of reduction are presented by comparing the results obtained from supplying a consumer with a voltage generated in classical way through DC-AC conversion, using multilevel converter

    Elaborarea algoritmului imagistic în aprecierea stadializării cancerului de col uterin

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    Departamentul de Obstetrică şi Ginecologie, Spitalul Judeţean de Urgență Satu Mare, România, Laboratorul de Radioimagistică şi Radioterapie, IMSP Institutul Oncologic, Chişinău, R. MoldovaCancerul de col uterin are un impact mondial major, indicii morbidităţii fiind în continuă creștere. Impactul social al acestei maladii este mai mare decât sugerează numărul de cazuri, cauzat de afectarea frecventă a femeilor relativ tinere, fiind o cauză importantă a mortalităţii în ţările în curs de dezvoltare. Scopul studiului constă în stabilirea prin metodele imagisticii medicale a diagnosticului și a gradului de avansare locală a cancerului de col uterin pentru determinarea tacticii de tratament. Pentru realizarea scopului și a obiectivelor cercetării, am examinat și am selectat riguros 172 de paciente cu cancer de col uterin, care au fost examinate în perioada 2007-2010, în IOC și IMSP IO, IO Cluj-Napoca. Pentru includerea în studiu pacientele au trebuit să îndeplinească următoarele criterii: - Carcinom de col uterin confirmat histologic. - Vârsta pacientelor cuprinsă între 20 și 69 de ani. - Să nu prezinte alte tumori maligne în antecedente sau cancere sincrone. Acurateţea diagnosticului este unul dintre criteriile urmărite în controlul calităţii tratamentului, cu impact decisiv în alegerea metodei chirurgicale, în confortul, prognosticul și supravieţuirea pacientei. În elaborarea algoritmului de diagnostic și aprecierea răspândirii procesului au fost utilizate următoarele procedee: semnele clinice ale maladiei; colposcopia; recoltarea biopsiei cu verificare morfologică; ecografia bazinului mic; aplicarea TC și IRM. Combinaţia optimă de metode imagistice de diagnosticare a cancerului de col uterin este TC + ecografia + IRM, având o eficacitate de 97%, urmată de ecografia + IRM (eficacitatea – 95,7%)

    Evaluarea stării ganglionilor limfatici prin IRM în cancerul de col uterin

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    We have discussed the importance of staging in making decisions about the type and extent of surgery and in determining prognosis, and at the same time have noted the remarkably poor accuracy of clinical staging. We have detailed the present and potential accuracy of MR imaging for assessing lymph nodes. In advanced stages and relapses MRI was found to have high accuracy in demonstrating lymph node status. This information is useful for treatment planning and for avoiding unnecessary surgical exploration

    Adhesives Based on Furan Resin for Structural Laminated Timber

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    In wood laminated products manufacturing thephenol-based adhesives are especially used. Recentlyother adhesives such as polyurethanes were promotedon the market for structural applications withremarkable properties. Structural adhesives have tofulfil the requirements according to their uses, underwet or dry conditions as adhesive type I and type IIrespectively. Criteria for evaluating structuraladhesives, includes delamination resistance, shearstrength of bond and percent of wood failure. Thisstudy has the objective to evaluate the bondingperformance of furan based resin and its suitability forstructural purposes. There are some investigationsabout the possibility of incorporating the furan resin intowood adhesive formulations but their industrialexploitation is still modest. Three experimentaladhesive compositions based on furan and ureaformaldehyderesins, were used to cold-glue beechand spruce lamellas to form a structural timber likeglued laminated timber. Adhesive formulations includedmixed furan resin with furfuryl alcohol (FC2) and twomodified furan resins with urea-formaldehyde resin(UR/FC2 and UR/FC3 at 50% UR). Bond shearstrength by longitudinal tensile and resistance todelamination were performed according to SR EN302:2004. The best performance was obtained withadhesive FC2 which showed shear strength above thevalues indicated for structural adhesives in EN301:2004. FC2 adhesive performed significantly betterin delamination tests too, both in dry and wetconditions, compared to the other two adhesives,showing promise for its use in load-bearing timberstructures

    Diagnosticul imagistic complex al cancerului de col uterin

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    În prezent cancerul colului uterin este a doua cauză de cancer feminin în lume. Prognosticul este în funcţie de stadiul maladiei, dimensiunile şi gradul histologic al tumorii primare. Stadializarea corectă preterapeutică este esenţială şi posibilă astăzi datorită mijloacelor imagistice moderne

    Managementul gravidelor din grupul de risc de dezvoltare a patologiei neurologice dobândite la făt

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    Afecţiunile severe apărute la nivel de unitate mamă-placentă-făt, deseori, sunt urmate de patologii ale SNC, manifestate pe parcursul întregii vieţi, infl uenţând calitatea acesteia şi sporind cheltuielile societăţii. Patologiile grave materne de diferită geneză afectează SNC prin leziuni hipoxico-ischemice, răspuns infl amator fetal şi afectare citotoxică directă. Pentru diagnosticul timpuriu al acestor patologii, pe parcursul perioadei de gestaţie, sunt propuse metode biochimice moderne, neinvazive, a căror sensibilitate şi selectivitate sunt demonstrate. Problema conduitei sarcinii şi naşterii la acest grup de gravide este încă discutabilă şi necesită studii aprofundate

    Particularităţile evoluţiei şi conduitei sarcinii şi naşterii la gravidele cu miom uterin

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    Lucrarea prezintă o sinteză a datelor literaturii de specialitate, care se referă la asocierea miomului uterin cu sarcina. În articol sunt elucidate particularităţile evoluţiei sarcinii şi naşterii la gravidele cu miom uterin, complicaţiile posibile, infl uenţa sarcinii asupra evoluţiei tumorii