23 research outputs found

    Non-Equilibrium Phonon Transport Across Nanoscale Interfaces

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    Despite the ubiquity of applications of heat transport across nanoscale interfaces, including integrated circuits, thermoelectrics, and nanotheranostics, an accurate description of phonon transport in these systems remains elusive. Here we present a theoretical and computational framework to describe phonon transport with position, momentum and scattering event resolution. We apply this framework to a single material spherical nanoparticle for which the multidimensional resolution offers insight into the physical origin of phonon thermalization, and length-scale dependent anisotropy of steady-state phonon distributions. We extend the formalism to handle interfaces explicitly and investigate the specific case of semi-coherent materials interfaces by computing the coupling between phonons and interfacial strain resulting from aperiodic array of misfit dislocations. Our framework quantitatively describes the thermal interface resistance within the technologically relevant Si-Ge heterostructures. In future, this formalism could provide new insight into coherent and driven phonon effects in nanoscale materials increasingly accessible via ultrafast, THz and near-field spectroscopies.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Iterative Phase Retrieval Algorithms for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

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    Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) has been extensively used for imaging complex materials down to atomic resolution. The most commonly employed STEM imaging modality of annular dark field produces easily-interpretable contrast, but is dose-inefficient and produces little to no contrast for light elements and weakly-scattering samples. An alternative is to use phase contrast STEM imaging, enabled by high speed detectors able to record full images of a diffracted STEM probe over a grid of scan positions. Phase contrast imaging in STEM is highly dose-efficient, able to measure the structure of beam-sensitive materials and even biological samples. Here, we comprehensively describe the theoretical background, algorithmic implementation details, and perform both simulated and experimental tests for three iterative phase retrieval STEM methods: focused-probe differential phase contrast, defocused-probe parallax imaging, and a generalized ptychographic gradient descent method implemented in two and three dimensions. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each of these approaches using a consistent framework to allow for easier comparison. This presentation of STEM phase retrieval methods will make these methods more approachable, reproducible and more readily adoptable for many classes of samples.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, 1 tabl

    Imaging phonon-mediated hydrodynamic flow in WTe2

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    In the presence of interactions, electrons in condensed-matter systems can behave hydrodynamically, exhibiting phenomena associated with classical fluids, such as vortices and Poiseuille flow. In most conductors, electron-electron interactions are minimized by screening effects, hindering the search for hydrodynamic materials; however, recently, a class of semimetals has been reported to exhibit prominent interactions. Here we study the current flow in the layered semimetal tungsten ditelluride by imaging the local magnetic field using a nitrogen-vacancy defect in a diamond. We image the spatial current profile within three-dimensional tungsten ditelluride and find that it exhibits non-uniform current density, indicating hydrodynamic flow. Our temperature-resolve current profile measurements reveal a non-monotonic temperature dependence, with the strongest hydrodynamic effects at approximately 20 K. We also report ab initio calculations showing that electron-electron interactions are not explained by the Coulomb interaction alone, but are predominantly mediated by phonons. This provides a promising avenue in the search for hydrodynamic flow and prominent electron interactions in high-carrier-density materials.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures + supplementary materia

    Catalytically mediated epitaxy of 3D semiconductors on van der Waals substrates

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    © 2020 Author(s). The formation of well-controlled interfaces between materials of different structure and bonding is a key requirement when developing new devices and functionalities. Of particular importance are epitaxial or low defect density interfaces between two-dimensional materials and three-dimensional semiconductors or metals, where an interfacial structure influences electrical conductivity in field effect and optoelectronic devices, charge transfer for spintronics and catalysis, and proximity-induced superconductivity. Epitaxy and hence well-defined interfacial structure has been demonstrated for several metals on van der Waals-bonded substrates. Semiconductor epitaxy on such substrates has been harder to control, for example during chemical vapor deposition of Si and Ge on graphene. Here, we demonstrate a catalytically mediated heteroepitaxy approach to achieve epitaxial growth of three-dimensional semiconductors such as Ge and Si on van der Waals-bonded materials such as graphene and hexagonal boron nitride. Epitaxy is "transferred"from the substrate to semiconductor nanocrystals via solid metal nanocrystals that readily align on the substrate and catalyze the formation of aligned nuclei of the semiconductor. In situ transmission electron microscopy allows us to elucidate the reaction pathway for this process and to show that solid metal nanocrystals can catalyze semiconductor growth at a significantly lower temperature than direct chemical vapor deposition or deposition mediated by liquid catalyst droplets. We discuss Ge and Si growth as a model system to explore the details of such hetero-interfacing and its applicability to a broader range of materials

    Simulating Infiltration as a Sequence of Pinning and De-pinning Processes

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    The infiltration of a non-wetting liquid, such as molten metal, into a porous solid, such as a ceramic preform, is influenced by the wetting angle of the liquid on the solid. The link between local wetting and the minimum pressure required for initiation of infiltration or the pressure required for full preform infiltration can deviate strongly from what one would expect on the basis of elementary thermodynamic considerations or simple geometrical models. In this work, we explain the trends observed in experimental studies of pressure infiltration of molten metal into ceramic preforms by means of a percolation model, in which the pores themselves are given a simple geometric shape. This gives a simple yet rich and realistic treatment of the infiltration process. Specifically, the pop-through pressure necessary to traverse a throat between two neighboring circular (2D) or spherical (3D) pores can easily be calculated and incorporated in a 3D network model of many pores produced by generating a packing of slightly overlapping circles or spheres. The resulting pore structure defines a bond percolation network that agrees overall both with predictions of percolation theory and observations from experiment, and which can be extended to address a range of other aspects of multi-phase flow through porous media

    Electron hydrodynamics in anisotropic materials

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Rotational invariance strongly constrains the viscosity tensor of classical fluids. When this symmetry is broken in anisotropic materials a wide array of novel phenomena become possible. We explore electron fluid behaviors arising from the most general viscosity tensors in two and three dimensions, constrained only thermodynamics and crystal symmetries. We find nontrivial behaviors in both two- and three-dimensional materials, including imprints of the crystal symmetry on the large-scale flow pattern. Breaking time-reversal symmetry introduces a non-dissipative Hall component to the viscosity tensor, and while this vanishes for 3D isotropic systems we show it need not for anisotropic materials. Further, for such systems we find that the electronic fluid stress can couple to the vorticity without breaking time-reversal symmetry. Our work demonstrates the anomalous landscape for electron hydrodynamics in systems beyond graphene, and presents experimental geometries to quantify the effects of electronic viscosity

    Influence of Magnetic Fields on Electrochemical Reactions of Redox Cofactor Solutions

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    Redox cofactors mediate many enzymatic processes and are increasingly employed in biomedical and energy applications. Exploring the influence of external magnetic fields on redox cofactor chemistry can enhance our understanding of magnetic-field-sensitive biological processes and allow the application of magnetic fields to modulate redox reactions involving cofactors. Through a combination of experiments and modeling, we investigate the influence of magnetic fields on electrochemical reactions in redox cofactor solutions. By employing flavin mononucleotide (FMN) cofactor as a model system, we characterize magnetically induced changes in Faradaic currents. We find that radical pair intermediates have negligible influence on current increases in FMN solution upon application of a magnetic field. The dominant mechanism underlying the observed current increases is the magneto-hydrodynamic effect. We extend our analyses to other diffusion-limited electrochemical reactions of redox cofactor solutions and arrive at similar conclusions, highlighting the opportunity to use this framework in redox cofactor chemistry

    Influence of Magnetic Fields on Electrochemical Reactions of Redox Cofactor Solutions

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    Redox cofactors mediate many enzymatic processes and are increasingly employed in biomedical and energy applications. Exploring the influence of external magnetic fields on redox cofactor chemistry can enhance our understanding of magnetic-field-sensitive biological processes and allow the application of magnetic fields to modulate redox reactions involving cofactors. Through a combination of experiments and modeling, we investigate the influence of magnetic fields on electrochemical reactions in redox cofactor solutions. By employing flavin mononucleotide (FMN) cofactor as a model system, we characterize magnetically induced changes in Faradaic currents. We find that radical pair intermediates have negligible influence on current increases in FMN solution upon application of a magnetic field. The dominant mechanism underlying the observed current increases is the magneto-hydrodynamic effect. We extend our analyses to other diffusion-limited electrochemical reactions of redox cofactor solutions and arrive at similar conclusions, highlighting the opportunity to use this framework in redox cofactor chemistry