100 research outputs found

    Towards Deep Semantic Analysis Of Hashtags

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    Hashtags are semantico-syntactic constructs used across various social networking and microblogging platforms to enable users to start a topic specific discussion or classify a post into a desired category. Segmenting and linking the entities present within the hashtags could therefore help in better understanding and extraction of information shared across the social media. However, due to lack of space delimiters in the hashtags (e.g #nsavssnowden), the segmentation of hashtags into constituent entities ("NSA" and "Edward Snowden" in this case) is not a trivial task. Most of the current state-of-the-art social media analytics systems like Sentiment Analysis and Entity Linking tend to either ignore hashtags, or treat them as a single word. In this paper, we present a context aware approach to segment and link entities in the hashtags to a knowledge base (KB) entry, based on the context within the tweet. Our approach segments and links the entities in hashtags such that the coherence between hashtag semantics and the tweet is maximized. To the best of our knowledge, no existing study addresses the issue of linking entities in hashtags for extracting semantic information. We evaluate our method on two different datasets, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique in improving the overall entity linking in tweets via additional semantic information provided by segmenting and linking entities in a hashtag.Comment: To Appear in 37th European Conference on Information Retrieva

    Summarizing Indian Languages using Multilingual Transformers based Models

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    With the advent of multilingual models like mBART, mT5, IndicBART etc., summarization in low resource Indian languages is getting a lot of attention now a days. But still the number of datasets is low in number. In this work, we (Team HakunaMatata) study how these multilingual models perform on the datasets which have Indian languages as source and target text while performing summarization. We experimented with IndicBART and mT5 models to perform the experiments and report the ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, ROUGE-3 and ROUGE-4 scores as a performance metric

    Language Independent Sentence-Level Subjectivity Analysis with Feature Selection

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    Passage Retrieval Using Answer Type Profiles in Question Answering

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    PACLIC 23 / City University of Hong Kong / 3-5 December 200

    Semi-Supervised Recurrent Neural Network for Adverse Drug Reaction Mention Extraction

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    Social media is an useful platform to share health-related information due to its vast reach. This makes it a good candidate for public-health monitoring tasks, specifically for pharmacovigilance. We study the problem of extraction of Adverse-Drug-Reaction (ADR) mentions from social media, particularly from twitter. Medical information extraction from social media is challenging, mainly due to short and highly information nature of text, as compared to more technical and formal medical reports. Current methods in ADR mention extraction relies on supervised learning methods, which suffers from labeled data scarcity problem. The State-of-the-art method uses deep neural networks, specifically a class of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) which are Long-Short-Term-Memory networks (LSTMs) \cite{hochreiter1997long}. Deep neural networks, due to their large number of free parameters relies heavily on large annotated corpora for learning the end task. But in real-world, it is hard to get large labeled data, mainly due to heavy cost associated with manual annotation. Towards this end, we propose a novel semi-supervised learning based RNN model, which can leverage unlabeled data also present in abundance on social media. Through experiments we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, achieving state-of-the-art performance in ADR mention extraction.Comment: Accepted at DTMBIO workshop, CIKM 2017. To appear in BMC Bioinformatics. Pls cite that versio
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