903 research outputs found

    The influence of PMS and PDS oxidants on reaction rate of photocatalytic degradation of p-cresol over TiO2 powder - Advanced Oxidation Process

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    The degradation of p-cresol is approved out under UV-visible light by TiO2 as a photocatalyst. In the direction of determining the efficiency of the photocatalyst, the, unlike variables, studied built-in the amount of photocatalyst, consequence of oxidants peroxomonosulphate (PMS) and peroxodisulphate (PDS) on the photocatalytic oxidation of p-cresol on elucidation TiO2 surface have been investigating. The efficiencies of these oxidants on photocatalytic degradation of p-cresol are compared with that of PMS and PDS.The investigational results indicate that these oxidants reveal improved rates of mineralization of p-cresol. A response mechanism, linking the production of hydroxyl radicals and sulfate radicals. In conclusion, this investigation indicated a high potential of TiO2 suspension to remove the high-level concentration of p-cresol under UV radiation

    SRP-HEE: A Modified Stateless Routing Protocol based on Homomorphic Energy based Encryption for Wireless Sensor Network

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    Due to the wireless nature, the sensors node data are prone to location privacy of source and classification of the packet by unauthorized parties. Data encryption is one of the most effective ways to thwart unauthorized access to the data and trace information. Traditional wireless network security solutions are not viable for WSNs In this paper, a novel distributed forward aware factor based heuristics towards generating greedy routing using stateless routing is SRP-HEE for wireless sensor network. The model employs the homomorphic Energy based encryption technique. Energy based Encryption model is devoted as homomorphic mechanism due to their less computational complexity. Additionally, privacy constraint becoming a critical issue in the wireless sensor networks (WSNs) because sensor nodes are generally prone to attacks which deplete energy quickly as it is exposed to mobile sink frequently for data transmission. Through inclusion of the Forward aware factor on the Greedy routing strategies, it is possible to eliminate the attacking node which is depleting the energy of the source node. Heuristic conditions are used for optimizing the sampling rate and battery level for tackling the battery capacity constraints of the wireless sensor nodes. The Node characteristics of the propagating node have been analysed utilizing kalman filter and linear regression. The cooperative caching of the network information will enable to handle the fault condition by changing the privacy level of the network. The Simulation results demonstrate that SRP-HEE model outperforms existing technique on basis of Latency, Packet Delivery Ratio, Network Overhead, and Energy Utilization of nodes

    Studies on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of innate host susceptibility and resistance to influenza A viruses in chicken and ducks

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    Avian influenza viruses are considered to be key contributors to the emergence of human influenza pandemics. While aquatic birds and ducks are the major reservoir for influenza viruses, they are typically resistant to the effects of viral infection, in contrast to the frequently severe disease observed in chickens. In order to understand whether differences in receptors might contribute to this observation, anatomical distribution of influenza virus receptors (sialic acid SAα2,3-Gal and SA α2,6-Gal) in key organs of both species was studied using lectin histochemistry with linkage specific lectins, and receptor binding assays with swine H1N1 (classical A/sw/Iowa/15/30) and avian H2N3 (A/mallard duck/England/7277/06) influenza viruses. Widespread presence of both SAα 2,6-Gal and SAα2,3-Gal receptors were found in all major organs examined in both chickens and ducks. Interestingly, the predominant receptor type in chicken tracheal epithelium (TE) was SAα2,6-Gal whereas SAα2,3-Gal receptors were most abundant in duck TE. Paradoxically, infection of primary cell cultures (duck and chicken lung cells and embryo fibroblasts) with the swine H1N1, the low pathogenicity avian H2N3, and a highly pathogenic H5N1 (A/turkey/England/50-92/91) virus resulted in more extensive and rapid cell death in duck cells than in chicken cells. Infected duck cells displayed morphological features of apoptosis, increased DNA fragmentation and activation of caspase-3/7. Infected duck cells produced comparable levels of viral RNA but less infectious virus than infected chicken cells. Notably, such rapid cell death was not observed in duck cells infected with a contemporary Eurasian lineage H5N1 virus (A/turkey/Turkey/1/05) which has been shown to be fatal to ducks. Gene expression profiling of infected chicken and duck cells, 24hrs post-infection, with a chicken Affymetrix microarray platform revealed differential transcription of many genes between the two avian species. In particular, the array results suggested a possible role of BCoR, HSPA-9, STAT-3, AVEN, BCLAF1, IL-18, IFN-α, and TNF-α genes in mediating the contrasting species phenotypic response to influenza infections. In summary, rapid cell death in duck cells, mediated at least in part by apoptosis, results in reduced infective virus production and may well be an important protective host response of resistant ducks. By contrast, longer surviving infected chicken cells produce much higher infective virus load along with high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines which could account for the susceptibility of chickens to influenza infections

    Probabilistic Models for Life Cycle Management of Energy Infrastructure Systems

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    The degradation of aging energy infrastructure systems has the potential to increase the risk of failure, resulting in power outage and costly unplanned maintenance work. Therefore, the development of scientific and cost-effective life cycle management (LCM) strategies has become increasingly important to maintain energy infrastructure. Since degradation of aging equipment is an uncertain process which depends on many factors, a risk-based approach is required to consider the effect of various uncertainties in LCM. The thesis presents probabilistic models to support risk-based life cycle management of energy infrastructure systems. In addition to uncertainty in degradation process, the inspection data collected by the energy industry is often censored and truncated which make it difficult to estimate the lifetime probability distribution of the equipment. The thesis presents modern statistical techniques in quantifying uncertainties associated with inspection data and to estimate the lifetime distributions in a consistent manner. Age-based and sequential inspection-based replacement models are proposed for maintenance of component in a large-distribution network. A probabilistic lifetime model to consider the effect of imperfect preventive maintenance of a component is developed and its impact to maintenance optimization is illustrated. The thesis presents a stochastic model for the pitting corrosion process in steam generators (SG), which is a serious form of degradation in SG tubing of some nuclear generating stations. The model is applied to estimate the number of tubes requiring plugging and the probability of tube leakage in an operating period. The application and benefits of the model are illustrated in the context of managing the life cycle of a steam generator

    Optimized Round Robin CPU Scheduling Algorithm

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    One of the fundamental function of an operating system is scheduling. There are 2 types of uni-processor operating system in general. Those are uni-programming and multi-programming. Uni-programming operating system execute only single job at a time while multiprogramming operating system is capable of executing multiple jobs concurrently. Resource utilization is the basic aim of multiprogramming operating system. There are many scheduling algorithms available for multi-programming operating system. But our work focuses on design and development aspect of new and novel scheduling algorithm for multi-programming operating system in the view of optimization. We developed a tool which gives output in the form of experimental results with respect to some standard and new scheduling algorithms e.g. First come first serve, shortest job first, round robin, optimal and a novel cpu scheduling algorithm etc


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    While the website administrators cannot blacklist individual Internet protocol address of malicious users, they blacklist complete anonymizing system. On the other hand these measures reduce malicious activity through anonymizing networks at the expense of disallowing anonymous access towards behaving users. In our work we provide widespread credential system known as Nymble which is an effective system. It can be used to include a layer of accountability towards any publicly accepted anonymizing network. Here the servers overcome a potential to blacklist misbehaving users, as a result blocking users without compromising their anonymity. The proposed system makes usage of secured cryptographic hash functions, secured digital signatures, and secured symmetric-key encryption as well as data structures for maintaining efficiency. Our work will enhance the majority approval of anonymizing networks, which has, so far, been totally blocked by quite a lot of services because of users who misuse their anonymity. Our system verifies that users are responsive of their blacklist position before they present a nymble, and disconnect instantly if they are blacklisted

    Level-Headedness in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Well-groomed surroundings be a sign of the next evolutionary step in construction, utilities, industrial, residence, shipboard, and haulage system automation. The well-groomed atmosphere needs information about its environment as well as about its internal workings. Sensor networks are the input to assembly the information needed by well-groomed surroundings, whether in buildings, utilities, industrial, home, shipboard, transportation systems, automation, or elsewhere. Localization is one of the basic challenges and it plays vital role. In this paper we are discussing various Application Requirements, probable Approaches, Position unearthing Approaches, Localization Techniques and QOS