3 research outputs found

    Orbital floor repair using patient specific osteoinductive implant made by stereolithography

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    The orbital floor (OF) is an anatomical location in the craniomaxillofacial (CMF) region known to be highly variable in shape and size. When fractured, implants commonly consisting of titanium meshes are customized by plying and crude hand-shaping. Nevertheless, more precise customized synthetic grafts are needed to meticulously reconstruct the patients’ OF anatomy with better fidelity. As alternative to titanium mesh implants dedicated to OF repair, we propose a flexible patient-specific implant (PSI) made by stereolithography (SLA), offering a high degree of control over its geometry and architecture. The PSI is made of biodegradable poly(trimethylene carbonate) (PTMC) loaded with 40 wt % of hydroxyapatite (called Osteo-PTMC). In this work, we developed a complete work-flow for the additive manufacturing of PSIs to be used to repair the fractured OF, which is clinically relevant for individualized medicine. This work-flow consists of (i) the surgical planning, (ii) the design of virtual PSIs and (iii) their fabrication by SLA, (iv) the monitoring and (v) the biological evaluation in a preclinical large-animal model. We have found that once implanted, titanium meshes resulted in fibrous tissue encapsulation, whereas Osteo-PMTC resulted in rapid neovascularization and bone morphogenesis, both ectopically and in the OF region, and without the need of additional biotherapeutics such as bone morphogenic proteins. Our study supports the hypothesis that the composite osteoinductive Osteo-PTMC brings advantages compared to standard titanium mesh, by stimulating bone neoformation in the OF defects. PSIs made of Osteo-PTMC represent a significant advancement for patients whereby the anatomical characteristics of the OF defect restrict the utilization of traditional hand-shaped titanium mesh

    A csoportokkal végzett szociális munka alkalmazási lehetőségei a kollégiumi nevelésben

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    Szakdolgozatom a csoportokkal végzett szociális munka gyakorlati alkalmazási lehetőségeit vizsgálja. A kollégiumi nevelés keretein belül megvalósuló Barkács-hobbi műhely hatásait vizsgáltam. A gyerekek életére, jövőképére vonatkozóan, illetve a tanulók szociális helyzetének, körülményeinek hatását társas kapcsolataikra, jövőképükre. Az általános iskolai kollégiumi nevelés sajátosságából adódóan kitértem a speciális körülmények okozta speciális feladatokra is. Kiemelten kezeltem a lehetőségek felkutatását. A szabadidő hasznos és a gyerekek számára is szórakoztató eltöltésének alternatíváját is.BSc/BASzociálpedagógi

    Continuous Implant Load Monitoring to Assess Bone Healing Status—Evidence from Animal Testing

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    Background and Objectives: Fracture healing is currently assessed through qualitative evaluation of radiographic images, which is highly subjective in nature. Radiographs can only provide snapshots in time, which are limited due to logistics and radiation exposure. We recently proposed assessing the bone healing status through continuous monitoring of the implant load, utilizing an implanted sensor system, the Fracture Monitor. The device telemetrically transmits statistically derived implant parameters via the patient’s mobile phone to assist physicians in diagnostics and treatment decision-making. This preclinical study aims to systematically investigate the device safety and performance in an animal setting. Materials and Methods: Mid-shaft tibial osteotomies of different sizes (0.6–30 mm) were created in eleven Swiss mountain sheep. The bones were stabilized with either a conventional Titanium or stainless-steel locking plate equipped with a Fracture Monitor. Data were continuously collected over the device’s lifetime. Conventional radiographs and clinical CT scans were taken longitudinally over the study period. The radiographs were systematically scored and CTs were evaluated for normalized bone volume in the defect. The animals were euthanized after 9 months. The sensor output was correlated with the radiologic parameters. Tissue samples from the device location were histologically examined. Results: The sensors functioned autonomously for 6.5–8.4 months until energy depletion. No macroscopic or microscopic adverse effects from device implantation were observed. The relative implant loads at 4 and 8 weeks post-operation correlated significantly with the radiographic scores and with the normalized bone volume metric. Conclusions: Continuous implant load monitoring appears as a relevant approach to support and objectify fracture healing assessments and carries a strong potential to enable patient-tailored rehabilitation in the future