20 research outputs found
Az étrend szerepe a húgyúti kövek kialakulásában és megelőzésében
In Hungary and in the developed countries urinary stones occur more often due to nutritional habits, obesity and sedentary lifestyle beside the endocrine and metabolic causes. In the daily urological and family doctor practice prevention should have an important role. Prevention is based not only on body weight control, physical exercise and medical treatment, but on proper diet as well. The nutritional components can change the consistence of urine, causing supersaturation, which is essential in stone formation. Specific nutritional components can either prevent stone formation (increased fluid intake, citrate, magnesium, fruits and vegetables) or either increase stone formation (decreased fluid intake, proteins, carbohydrates, oxalate, salt, increased calcium intake, ascorbic-acid etc). We summarized evidence-based practical dietary suggestions on the primary and secondary prevention of urinary stones. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(22): 851-855
Effect of Composting on the Behavior of Polyolefin Films - A True-to-Life Experiment
Commercial polypropylene (PP), high-, medium- and low density polyethylene (HDPE, MDPE, LDPE) films, as well as MDPE films containing pro-oxidative additives and thermoplastic starch (TPS) were composted for six weeks together with biologically degradable films, such as poly (lactic acid) (PLA), Ecovio (BASF), Mater Bi(Novamont) and cellophane. Visual appearance of the polyolefin-based films did not change significantly, while the biologically degradable films fell apart. Thickness and mechanical properties of the polyolefin-based films also did not vary significantly after composting. The thickness of the degradable films however increased due to biofilm formation and finally decreased due to biodegradation, and their mechanical properties drastically dropped. FTIR proved the formation of carbonyl absorption of commercial and of the additive-containing films respectively) after composting due to oxidation. The FTIR-spectrum of the biodegradable films showed drastic change after composting. Formation of free radicals was detectable by ESR-spectroscopy, if pro-oxidative additive containing MDPE film was exposed for one week to sunlight, and the intensity of free radical formation increased after composting. The number-average molecular mass of MDPE films containing pro-oxidative additives decreased, low molecular mass fractions appeared and polydispersity increased after composting. Commercial polyolefin films were covered by microorganisms much more densly than films containing pro-oxidative additives detected by SEM. Even TPS did not increase the quantity of microorganisms. Biodegradable films were densly covered by microorganisms of different types and they became porous and holes were observable on their surface. It can be concluded that composting had no significant effect on the behaviour of the commercial PP and PE films. Signs of initial degradation were observable on MDPE films with pro-oxidative additives and TPS after 6 weeks composting, although it cannot be considered as biological degradation. Non of the tested polyolefin films suffered such degree of degradation in compost, as the biologically degradable films. It may be concluded that polyolefin films neither degrade in compost nor they undergo biodegradation
Endogén pszichózisok klinikuma, összehasonlító nozológiája, genetikai, pszichometriai szociológiai és experimentális vizsgálata, 21-33 éves követéses vizsgálatuk alapján = Clinical, sociological, psychometric, experimental, genetic research and comparative nosology, of functional psychoses based on their 21-33-year follow through investigation
A hagyományos pszichopatológiában manifeszt és látens tünetek között észlelhető "szakadék" feltöltését az úgynevezett "alaptünetek" általunk alkotott becslésskálába foglalásának és az általunk konceptualizált Morbaffin Személyiségtípusok Skáláinak az alkalmazásával mutattuk meg. A "Spontán önjellemzés" innovációt bevezetve sajátos megoszlást mutattunk ki egyfelől normálkontroll személyek vs. betegek, másfelől különböző betegcsoportok között. Egy másik innovációnk a "reliabilitás validitása" terminus bevezetése és verifikálása. Ezt a negyed évszázad időkülönbséggel felvett pontozó skálák és a vizsgáló pontozók közötti egyezések vizsgálatával verifikáltuk. Ajánljuk a rendszeresítését. A Wechsler intelligenciateszt morbospecificitásának komparatív nozológiai vizsgálata során szignifikáns deficiteket mutattunk ki a 21-33 éves kórlefolyásban. Tudomásunk szerint elsőként vizsgáltuk meg a Leonhardi nozológiai rendszer validitását hosszú távú követéses katamnesztikus felméréssel. Ezt a nozológiai osztályozást egy sor összefüggésben validnak találtuk. Megállapítottuk a hallucináció hosszú távú változásainak nozospecifikus mintáit. A témavezető tudomány-logikai elemzést írt a pszichiátriai jelenlegi kríziséről. Továbbá két határterületi kérdést elemzett: "Szellem és kórságai", "Deviancia és rendszerváltozás". Kimutattuk, hogy a szám-szimbólum teszttel mért neurokognitív deficit a betegségfolyamat intenzitásának és tartamának függvénye. Pethő Bertalan | We demonstrated the relevance of a special psychopathological dimension between the definitive symptoms on one hand and the latent disturbances on the other by using two rating scales developed by us. We have found nosospecific pattern by introducing an innovative term and method named "Spontaneous self-characterization". Based on analyses of the data of psychopathological rating scales on one hand and on analyses of ratings of independent investigators on the other we introduced the new term "of reliability". We verified it by comparison of two series of assessments of the same population followed-up after a quarter of century. Using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale we have found nosospecific patterns of deficits being manifested in the 21-33-year course of illness. To our knowledge no previous long-term studies of the Leonhardean classification of endogenous psychoses have been conducted. Our prospective study started in 1967-1976. The same population was followed-up by participation of a "blind control" psychiatrist in 1997-2002. Hebephrenias, group of normal persons, of schizophrenias and of systematic paraphrenias proved to be valid. Bipolar manic-depressive psychoses, cycloid psychoses and unipolar depression were also valid by forming "nosological families". The digit symbol coding impairment was found to represent the disease process, which ultimately results in a "defect-state". Bertalan Peth
Investigation of estrogen activity in the raw and treated waters of riverbank infiltration using a yeast estrogen screen and chemical analysis
Exposure to various endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can lead to adverse effects on reproductive physiology and behavior in both animals and humans. An adequate strategy for the prevention of environmental contamination and eliminating the effects of them must be established. Chemicals with estrogenic activity were selected, and the effectiveness of their removal during the purification processes in two drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) using riverbank infiltrated water was determined. Thirty-five water samples in two sampling campaigns throughout different seasons were collected and screened with a yeast estrogen test; furthermore, bisphenol A (BPA), 17ss-estradiol (E2) and ethinyl-estradiol (EE2) content were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). Our results confirm that estrogenic compounds are present in sewage effluents and raw surface river water of DWTPs. Very low estrogen activity and pg/L concentrations of BPA and E2 were detected during drinking water processing and occasionally in drinking water. Based on this study, applied riverbank filtration and water treatment procedures do not seem to be suitable for the total removal of estrogenic chemicals. Local contamination could play an important role in increasing the BPA content of the drinking water at the consumer endpoint