1 research outputs found

    Protocolo antibi贸tico pre y posquir煤rgico de terceros molares

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    Surgical treatment of third molars frequently requires a prophylactic antibiotic protocol and pharmacological treatment after surgery. Analyzing these protocols was the objective of this study. For this, electronic searches were carried out in the main databases (PubMed, SciELO, Science and academic institutional repositories of different universities) in which trials, systematic reviews, meta-analyzes, theses and studies of different types were identified. The search was filtered between the period 2016 to 2021 and it was determined that antibiotics such as amoxicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, are the prophylactic antibiotics of first choice since they stand out for different properties, among them, a significant reduction in the risk of infection (up to a 99.9 %). The purpose of prophylaxis is to prevent the possible development of infectious diseases, as well as to avoid the proliferation and spread of bacteria that can cause these, especially in non-immunocompetent patients.El tratamiento quir煤rgico dental de terceros molares, frecuentemente, requiere un protocolo antibi贸tico profil谩ctico y un tratamiento farmacol贸gico posterior a la cirug铆a. Analizar dichos protocolos fue el objetivo de este estudio; para ello se realizaron b煤squedas electr贸nicas en las principales bases de datos (PubMed, SciELO, Science y repositorios de diferentes universidades) en las cuales se identificaron ensayos, revisiones sistem谩ticas, metaan谩lisis, tesis y estudios de diferentes tipos. La b煤squeda se filtr贸 entre el periodo 2016 a 2021 y se determin贸 que antibi贸ticos como la amoxicilina, amoxicilina/谩cido clavul谩nico, son los antibi贸ticos profil谩cticos de primera elecci贸n, ya que sobresalen por diferentes propiedades, entre ellas, reducci贸n significativa del riesgo de infecci贸n (hasta un     99.9 %). La profilaxis tiene como fin prevenir el posible desarrollo de enfermedades infecciosas, tambi茅n evitar proliferaci贸n y diseminaci贸n de bacterias que puedan originar estas, sobre todo en pacientes no inmunocompetentes