6 research outputs found

    Herramienta para la Deteccion de Retinoblastoma

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    International audienceEl retinoblastoma, es un tumor que se presenta en la retina de las personas, especialmente en los niños. Una detección temprana del mismo, podría ser muy útil y salvar la vida del niño. Es en ese sentido, que el presente trabajo propone una herramienta sencilla para la detección de retinoblastoma analizando fotografías tomadas con flash en las cuales, en el ojo del niño se puede detectar la presencia de leucoria. Esta detección se realiza utilizando las funciones de detección en cascada para el rostro y sus partes en Matlab

    Automatic Terminal Information System for El Alto Airport

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    International audienceThe air traffic controllers of the El Alto airport must give to the landing and taking off aircrafts, necessary information such as the visibility of the runway, the wind speed and direction, cloud cover, temperature, pressure, etc. This information called Meteorological Terminal Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR) is essential for taking decision respect to the landing procedure. At aerodromes with a considerable level of traffic, the METAR issue has become a problem, may cause congestion of the communication frequency, this has caused aviation incidents; otherwise the operations are delayed and are not as smooth and efficient on the airfield. The air traffic controller is responsible for issuing the current weather conditions, for this task, the manager of the garden weather must copy the collected data and make a report to communicate the weather condition at the moment, but he takes the report every hour. In summary, there are two main problems; the first is that one provide weather reports that are not of the moment, which can produce aircraft incidents, and finally there is a congested communication frequency, for this reason, the operations are not optimal and fluid. The aim of this work is to implement the ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information System) for El Alto airport

    Contenido y calidad de las imágenes de observación terrestre.

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    In this article we will describe the information extraction from satellite image, the importance of image quality in satellite image. In this paper we will study in more detail the artifacts and their influence on the information extraction from satellite images. In a remote sensing system, although, the images are very important, but more important is the information that we can extract from them to interpret and apply this information in different fields. In this sense, the image quality plays an important role. If we want to get the biggest and most important amount of information from the image, we need to have a good image quality. The main objective of any remote sensing system is the use of information that we can extract from the images, this includes detection, measurement, identification and interpretation of different targets. Targets in remote sensing images may be any feature, object, texture, shape, structure, spectrum or land covers which are in the image. Remote sensing process and analysis could be performed manually or automatically, actually, there are many research groups that develop different tools for detect, identify, extract information and interpret targets without manual intervention by a human interpreter.En el presente artículo describiremos la extracción de información de imágenes satelitales y la importancia de la calidad de las imágenes satelitales. Indagaremos con más detalle en el ámbito de los artefactos y su influencia en la extracción de información de las imágenes satelitales. En un sistema de teledetección, si bien, las imágenes son muy importantes, pero lo más importante es la información que podemos extraer de ellas para interpretar y aplicar esta información en diferentes campos. En ese sentido, la calidad de imagen juega un papel importante. Si queremos obtener la mayor e importante cantidad de información de una imagen, es necesario que la imagen tenga una buena calidad. El principal objetivo de cualquier sistema de teledetección es el uso de la información que se puede extraer de las imágenes, esto incluye la detección, medición, identificación e interpretación de diferentes objetivos de interés. Los objetivos de interés en imágenes de teledetección pueden ser cualquier característica, objeto, textura, forma, estructura, espectro o cobertura superficial que están en la imagen. El proceso de un sistema de teledetección y análisis puede ser realizado manualmente o de manera automática, en realidad, hay muchos grupos de investigación que desarrollan diferentes herramientas para detectar, identificar, interpretar y extraer información de los objetivos de interés sin intervención manual de un intérprete humano


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    International audienceThe development of the aerospace industry brings a lot of technology for people to use in everyday life. In issues of satellite technology, Bolivia is developing its expertise in the area, with the creation of the Bolivian Space Agency (ABE), with the launch of its first telecommunications satellite Túpac Katari (TKSat), with the training of Bolivian professionals and the creation of two ground stations. Also, the Bolivian Space Agency announced the country's willingness to purchase a remote sensing satellite in the near future. But Bolivia must move from being a country dependent on others, to being a country applying the learned theory, a country with capacity to do research activities and to be able to develop its own technology, because it has the human resource to meet this challenge. It has been observed in recent years that the nano-satellite technology in South America has been having a remarkable growth, beginning in 2007 when Colombia launched the first nano-satellite called Libertad I; continuing with this technological raid, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay, and Peru also launched their nano-satellites. Taking this into account, it is necessary to promote and develop aerospace technology in students, professionals and the general public of Bolivia. The military School of Engineering with help of the students has organized the First Bolivian Congress in Aerospace Technology – ABC (Aerospace Bolivian Conference). Also the development of a nano-satellite is proposed to acquire knowledge on this issue and especially so that Bolivia can acquire its own access to space


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    International audienceIn recent years, Peru is trying to venture into the space age. Different universities as The Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP), Universidad Alas Peruanas (UAP), and the Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria (UNI); they designed the first Peruvian nanosatélites. These nanosatélites were CubeSats; it is a cubic shape and measures 10 × 10 × 10 cm with a mass of 1 kg approximately. In other hand, Peru signed a contract for the purchase of a remote sensing satellite that will be launched into orbit in July 2016. Also, there are Peruvian professionals and students participating in different missions for simulating Mars exploration


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    International audienceThis paper address the past and current efforts of the South American region in the space area. The space activities in the region date back from the beginning of 1967, since then these countries achieved a relative modest capability through their national programs and sometimes international collaboration, with the space activities in the region are led by Brazil and Argentina space programs. In an era where missions explore the solar system and beyond, this paper focus on the participation of a region that is still at the early stages of its space technology development, but has considerably to offer in terms of material, specialized personal, launch sites and energy. In summary, this work perform a historical review of the main achievements in the region, and by analyzing past and present efforts, it projects a trend for the future of space in South America. It is also put in contest current efforts to continue the region integration such as the South American Space Agency proposal