4 research outputs found


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    Este trabalho se dedica em explicitar algumas considerações sobre a construção das representações da mulher gaúcha dentro do Movimento Tradicionalista Gaúcho (MTG), a partir dos pressupostos da teoria da Análise de Discurso. A escrita tem como objeto de análise a figura da “prenda”, uma representação construída e instituída histórica e socialmente através do MTG. Ao propor essa análise, convocam-se tensionamentos acerca do imaginário simbólico e social e da noção de memória discursiva (ORLANDI, [1999]2015), propondo  um gesto de interpretação sobre as representações que cerceiam esse imaginário ao elencar as possíveis contradições que irrompem ao movimentarmos sentidos da palavra e seus efeitos. A partir do corpus da pesquisa – constituído por dois capítulos do livro Ser Peão, Ser Prenda e pela reportagem Primeira trans do Movimento Tradicionalista Gaúcho diz que quer ser aceita e respeitada, foram selecionados cinco recortes discursivos, que compõem a seção de análise desse artigo. Enfim, nossa problematização maior está ancorada na questão teórica que considera o sujeito como descentrado e lacunar, que por meio da contradição pode causar fissuras nessa estrutura, muito embora pontuamos que esse tema não se esgota em si mesmo, sempre havendo brechas e lacunas que podem, por meio da Análise de Discurso, serem movimentadas a partir de um olhar outro

    Oropharyngeal morphological aspects of Arapaima gigas (Schinz, 1822)

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    The study of the functional anatomy of the digestive system of fish, in particular the oropharyngeal cavity, is of great importance because it allows inferences about the feeding habit, mechanisms of capture, selection, and processing of food carried out by different species. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe the anatomical adaptations of the oropharyngeal cavity of the pirarucu (Arapaima gigas Schinz, 1822) using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. The oropharyngeal cavity of six specimens of pirarucu was collected in juvenile phase, from Aquaculture Research Center at the Universidade Federal de Rondônia (UNIR), created for commercial purposes. The anatomical pieces were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and processed for SEM analysis. Anatomically, the oropharyngeal cavity of the pirarucu is composed of five pairs of branchial arches, apical portion of the tongue, floor of the tongue, lower pharyngeal area, and upper pharyngeal plate. In SEM, we observed that the mucosa of the apex of the tongue and the upper pharyngeal roof have a smooth texture and are covered by squamous cells with numerous small openings scattered over the surface. The portions of the floor of the tongue and the lower pharyngeal area, on the other hand, have adaptations in the form of a projectile and numerous sensory papillae, giving a rough texture to the region. Thus, the oropharyngeal cavity of pirarucu is adapted for the capture, apprehension, and swallowing of its prey, with signs of carnivory

    Macro, micromorphological and histological aspects of the intestine pirarucu Arapaima gigas (SCHINZ, 1822) (Osteoglossiformes: Arapaimidae)

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    Currently, the fish farming with Arapaima gigas has suffered from technological obstacles in the fields of reproduction, health and nutrition, making it necessary to know the morphology of its structures, so that it can advance in more technified research in scope of production in Rondônia state, as well as in aquaculture nutrition and health. Therefore, the aimed is to characterize the macro and microscopic morphology of posterior digestive system of A. gigas. The intestine of six specimens A. gigas in ideal slaughter size was analyzed. The analyzes were performed using light-sheet microscopy (LM) and scanning electron (SEM) techniques. The intestine basically showes similar histological characteristics in three analyzed portions (proximal, middle and distal). Same type of simple columnar epithelium with goblet cells was evidenced, with subtle variations in pattern of villi in each segment, and in number of goblet cells. In the rectum, the amount of goblet cells and evident longitudinal villi was expressive. Macroscopic anatomy and histology of the intestine A. gigas analyzed showes characteristics of adaptation to cultivation, according to their diet and habitat. The intestinal mucosa can divided into three distinct portions: proximal, middle and final intestine, in addition to the rectum and anus. In the pyloric cecum, the folds are slightly higher and poorly branched. The rectum, compared to the midgut, showed a higher occurrence of goblet cells in the mucosa. This increase in goblet cells observed in the posterior portion may related to the assimilation of ions and fluids that occur at this location