3 research outputs found

    Determination of pollution condition in Babolroud River from viewpoint of pesticides and agrochemicals fertilizers

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    Babolroud River is one of the important rivers for fisheries and environmental aspect that locared in center part of Mazandaran province. The river has a span of 92 km starting from Albourz mountainous and end up at the southern part of Caspian Sea. This study was done for five months (3rd Feb. through 5th July, 2008) for the better understanding of pollution situation such as organophosphorous, organochlorine pesticides and agrochemical fertilizer that drainage from paddy fields and horticultures to the river. A total of three main sites for pesticides and plus five sub-sites for drainage were selected for observation in three different regions of the river (mountainous, plain and estuary). The organochlorine and organophosphorous pesticides measured by GC (ECD and TSD detectors) with US-EPA (508) and AOAC procedure and agrochemical fertilizer parameters were measured by ASTM method. The maximum concentrations of aldrin, lindane, heptachlor epoxyde, DDE and β- BHC (period 1), δ- BHC and endrin (peiod 2), heptachlor and DDT (period 3), α- BHC (period 3 & 4), dieldrin (period 4) were 6.02, 0.85, 0.51, 0.50, 0.22, 0.35, 0.23, 0.50, 0.46, 0.19 and 0.16 µg/l, respectively. The maximum concentrations of four components of organophosphorous such as Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos (period 1), Malathion (period 2), Azinphos methyl (period 3) were 1.36, 0.46, 0.44 and 2.56 µg/l, respectively. The maximum amounts of tree components of parameters of agrochemichals fertilizers indictor such as total nitrogen (period 2, sub-site 5), total phosphorus and orthophosphate (period 4, sub-site 5) and organo-phosphorus (period 3, sub-site 4) were 5990, 1290, 1220 and 336 µg/l, respectively. The maximum concentrations of organochlorine pesticides components in sediments of the river such as lindane (period 2, site 2), δ- BHC (period 1 site 3), α- endosulfan (period 1, site 2), endrin and heptachlor epoxide (period 2, site 2) and DDE (period 2, site 1) were 0.99 0.54, 0.29, 0.19 and 0.19 µg/l, respectively. The maximum concentrations of organochlorine pesticides components in fish tissue of the river such as endosulfan sulfate, lindane, endrin, δ- BHC and DDE were 0.32, 0.29 0.27, 0.25 and 0.21 µg/l, respectively

    Limnologic study Sabalan run off Dam for aquaculture fish cold water

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    Limnological study of Sabalan run off Damfor aquaculture cold water fish was conducted in sixtimesat four stations from July to December 2009. Average minimum and maximum parameters measured in different stations were included water temperature, dissolved Oxygen, total hardness, electrical conductivity, pH, BOD5, COD, TDS, NH4, NO2, NO3, PO4, TN, TP, SiO2, respectively (10/3±9/5-14±8/7°C), (9±1/2-11/4±2/1 mg/liter), (367±19/8-381±17/8mg/liter), (0/95±0/07-1/05±0/07 mz/cm), (8/3±0/1-8/4±0/1), (3/3±1/14-3/88 ± 0/71mg/ liter), (15/5 ± 3/1-16/3 ± 3 mg/liter), (0/48 ± 0/04-0/54 ± 0/06mg/ liter), (0/08 ± 0/02-0/13 ± 0/07 mg/liter), (0/004 ± 0/003- 0/05 ± 0/1 mg/ liter), (0/6 ± 0/2-0/64 ± 0/29 mg/ liter), (0/19 ± 0/07-0/22 ± 0/07 mg/ liter), (10/48 ± 0/6-10/98 ± 0/54mg/liter), (0/39 ± 0/11-0/44 ± 0/18 mg/liter), and(9/9 ±0/6-11/1 ± 1/4 mg/liter). Average minimum and maximum of water heavy metalswas included of Cd, Pb, Zn, Fe, Cuand Ni respectively was measured as ND(No Deliver), ND, ND- 0/242, ND- 1/075, ND- 0/018 and ND-0/014inmg/ liter. Also among the 16 organochlorinecom pounds measured the highest amount of was belonged totoxin Hexachlorine Benzene (1/5 mg/ liter). The results of the analysis of water quality parameters showed that parameters except ofCOD, TDS, PO4, TP, Zn, Fe and water temperature, other parameters do not haveany restrictions foraquaculturecold water fish in therunoffDam. Based on data results it was noticed that there was temperature restriction up to November at downstream and station 2 showed less temperature fluctuation and more suitable condition compared to other stations. BOD5 value was within the allowable range for growing trout, in which station 2 somewhat with lower volatility of value had the most suitable BOD5 condition. In the present study, the amount of TDS in the study area was somewhat higher than the limitation and since TDS values increased with distance from the dam, therefore station 2 had somewhat better conditions for fish farming. In addition the amount of EC in the study area, indicating the inappropriateness of it for various activities in the fisheries. Although none of the stations in terms of the amount of phosphorus didn't show favorable conditions for rainbow trout fish propagation, it appears between the researches stations, station 2 had the most favorable terms. The results of this study (regardless of the unseen), it seems that in August and September; Zn had overestimated value for cold fish propagation. Recent study showed that among heavy metals, Fe in water, sediments and fish was over limitation value. Also, Fe value was measured of 1.08 at station 4, which showed over normal value for cold fish propagation. Therefore, station 2 at downstream seemed to have suitable cold fish propagation due to lower Fe value. On the based on the recent study, planktonic biological index did not endorse water quality for fish propagation. In this study, aquatic plant such as Potamogeton pectinatus and Pheragmitie saustralis was found at water of higher and somehow polluted organic matter. Probably, based on the results it was noticed that downstream water of dam was polluted to organic matter. At the recent study, resisted maroinvertebrates to organic matter (Chironomidae) was consisted noticeable frequency compared to other sensitive invertebrates to organic matter (EPT).Statistically, it can be expressed that probably organic pollution resulted to increase of resistance invertebrates and decreased of sensitive groups. In recent study, EPT/CHIR index was measured 0.6 in station 2 and 1.74 in station 4. This ration was less to many other mountain rivers. As ETP sensitive invertebrates has higher sensitive to other groups with the regards of environmental condition and pollution, unpredicted increase of Chironomidae compare to sensitive groups resulted of EPT/CHIR value which showed environmental stress. In this study, HFBI index was measured as 7.49 at station 2 and 7 in station 4. Based on HFBI index, station 2 was classified as a high organic pollution and station 4 with noticeable organic pollution. At the recent study, station 2 was catch more fish to station4. For instance, Squaliuscephalus and Alburnoides pinctatus were catch in station 2 and were not found in station 4. As a whole, Biological indicators whichwas included Plankton Bioindicator, EPT / CHIR. ,Hilsenh off Biological Indicator, diversity and distribution ofaquatic plants and fish, showed water situation in run off Damrich inorganic matter. Finally, the study area was approved for fish farm about 50 tons and needs management arrangements with the increased production rate