176 research outputs found

    Making maps in Powerpoint and Word : why do regional scientists not map their results?

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    Cartography has commonly been used in regional science and Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis is regularly applied to visualise the distribution of the variable of interest in space. Articles often contain several maps of administrative areas showing the values of a certain variable. However, and despite the benefits of such maps, they are nothing more than spatial catalogues of data. Their usefulness for regional scientist is beyond questioning, but the communicative value is limited. The rise of GIS has rightly been welcomed by many scientists, however, critical cartographers often pose the question if ‘GIS has killed cartography?’. Moreover, this discussion about maps in regional science can be more than a trivial item since it can reveal the fear of scientists to draw a conclusion. The chorematics approach, as developed by Brunet, considers maps as ‘vitrines’, and not as catalogues. In this paper we show that such an approach can enrich regional science by delivering a methodology to visualise spatial structures and dynamics using geometric figures. Finally, we argue that powerpoint and word are better cartographic tools than common GIS packages

    Exploring the link between port throughput and economic activity : some comments on space- and time-related issues

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    The link between economic activity and (freight) transport is a classic issue in regional science. A subtopic is the impact of economic activity on the demand for maritime transport through ports. Understanding this relationship contributes to a better understanding of the dynamics of port throughput, which is important for infrastructure planning and other strategic decisions. This paper focuses on the port of Antwerp (Belgium) and explores the link between port throughput and GDP. An exploratory analysis reveals that not only the GDP of Belgium matters, but also that of neighbouring countries. Furthermore, different results are obtained for different commodity groups, and the most appropriate time-lag is not the same for each country. On the basis of these findings, we formulate some recommendations for port throughput models

    Automatically generated port hinterlands

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    Competition between ports depends on inland freight distribution and the spatial structure of the hinterland. With this, ports and port regions increasingly compete to serve distant hinterlands. In a European context, many researchers refer to the agglomeration of economic activity in the Rhine-Ruhr area and the ‘blue banana’ to explain the concentration of port activity in the Hamburg-Le Havre port range. Besides this, the incorporation of new member states in the European market has changed the structure of port hinterlands. In this paper we attempt to reveal the spatial structure of the hinterland of the Hamburg-Le Havre ports using automated zoning techniques. These techniques aggregate geographical areas in homogeneous clusters using spatial as well as content-related constraints. We use both economic characteristics of hinterland regions and variables which express the link between these regions and ports to create a new map of the port hinterland. Besides an improved insight in the spatial structure of the hinterland, this analysis delivers a set of areas which can be used in economic models. Indeed, creating an ‘optimal’ zoning is one of the strategies researchers employ to handle observational units with often arbitrary boundaries.

    Flying green from a carbon neutral airport : the case of Brussels

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    The aviation sector is one of the fastest growing emitters of greenhouse gases worldwide. In addition, airports have important local environmental impacts, mainly in the form of noise pollution and deterioration in air quality. Although noise nuisance in the vicinity of airports is recognized as an important problem of the urban environment which is often addressed by regulation, other environmental problems associated with aviation are less widely acknowledged. In the climate debate, the importance of which is rising, aviation has remained under the radar for decades. In the present paper, we use the case of Brussels Airport (Belgium) to demonstrate that the local perception of air travel-related environmental problems may be heavily influenced by the communication strategy of the airport company in question. Basing our analysis on publicly available data, communication initiatives, media reports, and policy documents, we find that (1) the noise impact of aviation is recognized and mainly described in an institutionalized format, (2) the impact of aviation on local air quality is ignored, and (3) the communication on climate impact shows little correspondence or concern with the actual effects. These findings are relevant for other airports and sectors, since the type of environmental communication produced by airport companies can also be observed elsewhere

    On proximity and hierarchy : exploring and modelling space using multilevel modelling and spatial econometrics

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    Spatial econometrics and also multilevel modelling techniques are increasingly part of the regional scientists‟ toolbox. Both approaches are used to model spatial autocorrelation in a wide variety of applications. However, it is not always clear on which basis researchers make a choice between spatial econometrics and spatial multilevel modelling. Therefore it is useful to compare both techniques. Spatial econometrics incorporates neighbouring areas into the model design; and thus interprets spatial proximity as defined in Tobler‟s first law of geography. On the other hand, multilevel modelling using geographical units takes a more hierarchical approach. In this case the first law of geography can be rephrased as „everything is related to everything else, but things in the same region are more related than things in different regions‟. The hierarchy (multilevel) and the proximity (spatial econometrics) approach are illustrated using Belgian mobility data and productivity data of European regions. One of the advantages of a multilevel model is that it can incorporate more than two levels (spatial scales). Another advantage is that a multilevel structure can easily reflect an administrative structure with different government levels. Spatial econometrics on the other hand works with a unique set of neighbours which has the advantage that there still is a relation between neighbouring municipalities separated by a regional boundary. The concept of distance can also more easily be incorporated in a spatial econometrics setting. Both spatial econometrics and spatial multilevel modelling proved to be valuable techniques in spatial research but more attention should go to the rationale why one of the two approaches is chosen. We conclude with some comments on models which make a combination of both techniques

    Space as mediator between SEA and Ports

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    Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is increasingly seen as a critical issue in the port sector. The SEA and other European environmental directives are mainly perceived as a burden for port development and port professionals often have little knowledge about the reasons why an SEA is necessary. According to a European directive (2001/42/EC) a Strategic Environmental Assessment has to be made for plans and programmes that can affect the environment. Town and country and spatial planning documents are examples of such plans and form an important step in port development projects which are subject to a strategic planning process. Spatial planning related planning processes not only bring along the obligation to make an SEA, but are also the locus to gear and integrate the requirements of other European environmental directives. Indeed, ports are confronted with legislation on among others nature, ambient air quality, environmental noise and safety. This paper focuses on the situation in the port of Antwerp where an SEA is made within the framework of a strategic planning process, which will result in a renewed land use plan (spatial implementation plan). However, this is not the only SEA that affects the Antwerp harbour. Therefore, some comments are made about the efficiency and existence of planning processes at different spatial scales and about the delimitation of areas in area-based policies

    There are no experts in sustainable mobility

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    Aan de hand van volgende stellingen bespreekt de voorliggende bijdrage de ethische dimensie van duurzame mobiliteit: In het domein duurzame mobiliteit zijn verschillende positieve ontwikkelingen waar te nemen. Ondanks een reeks positieve ontwikkelingen, blijft de vraag uit 1972 of er grenzen aan de groei zijn even actueel. Beleid rond mobiliteit, bereikbaarheid en milieu-impact dragen niet automatisch bij tot een meer rechtvaardige samenleving. Alle discussies over de milieu-impact monden uiteindelijk uit in een ethisch debat. Transitiepaden naar een meer duurzame mobiliteit zijn niet steeds verenigbaar met kwesties als grenzen aan de groei en sociale rechtvaardigheid. Door het zoeken naar synergieën tussen milieubeleid en sociaal rechtvaardige maatregelen kan de ethische dimensie in duurzame mobiliteit opnieuw op het voorplan komen

    Carpooling and employers: a multilevel modelling approach

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    Both public policy-makers and private companies promote carpooling as a commuting alternative in order to reduce the number of Single Occupant Vehicle (SOV) users. The Belgian questionnaire Home-To-Work-Travel (HTWT) is used to examine the factors which explain the share of carpooling employees at a worksite. The modal split between carpooling and rail use was also subject of the analysis. The number of observations in the HTWT database (n=7460) makes it possible to use more advanced statistical models: such as multilevel regression models which incorporate, next to the worksite level, also the company and economic sector levels. As a consequence, a more employer-oriented approach replaces the traditional focus of commuting research on the individual. Significant differences in modal split between economic sectors appeared. The most carpool-oriented sectors are construction and manufacturing, while rail transport is more popular in the financial and public sector. Carpooling also tend to be an alternative at locations where rail is no real alternative. Next to this, regular work schedules and smaller sites are positively correlated with a higher share of carpooling employees. Finally, no real evidence could be found for the effectiveness of mobility management measures which promote carpooling. However, most of these measures are classified in the literature as less effective and a case study approach should complete the research on mobility management initiatives

    Logistics clusters, including inter-firm relations through community detection

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    This paper studies clusters in the logistics sector. Like traditional cluster research, indicators of concentration to detect co-location of employment are calculated. However, this approach is enhanced by including a quantitative analysis of the inter-firm relations between logistics companies through the use of a community detection algorithm on a microeconomic dataset of buyer-supplier relations. Combining both results in a typology of logistics clusters. Next to the big clusters characterized by employment concentration and many internal and external relations, spill-over and polycentric clusters are identified. This approach seems promising to detect in future research clusters in other sectors and place
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