40 research outputs found

    Operational Behavioral Definitions

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    This document is the appendix for the study "Parent-Coaching in a Multimodal Communication Intervention for Children with Autism.

    High-Tech Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Individuals with IDD and Complex Communication Needs: A Meta-Analysis (Variable Codes)

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    The attachment includes the operational definitions of the variable codes for the following article: The use of mobile technology is ubiquitous and is rapidly increasing in novel use. The use of mobile apps as augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is rapidly expanding, both in the community and in the research literature. This article reports the social-communication outcome results of a meta-analysis of single-case experimental research on the use of high-tech AAC with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder. Following inclusion determination, including excluding studies with poor design quality, raw data from 24 publications were extracted and included 89 A-B phase contrasts. Tau-U nonparametric, non-overlap effect size was used to aggregate the results across all studies for an omnibus and moderator analyses. Kendall’s S was calculated for confidence intervals, p-values, and standard error. The omnibus analysis indicated overall low to moderate positive effects on social-communication outcomes for high-tech AAC with people with IDD.The contents of this manuscript were developed under the Preparation of Leaders in Autism Across the Lifespan grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (Grant No. H325D110046)

    High-Tech Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Individuals with IDD and Complex Communication Needs: A Meta-Analysis (Search Terms)

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    Search Terms used in this manuscriptSearch Terms attached for the following paper: The use of mobile technology is ubiquitous and is rapidly increasing in novel use. The use of mobile apps as augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is rapidly expanding, both in the community and in the research literature. This article reports the social-communication outcome results of a meta-analysis of single-case experimental research on the use of high-tech AAC with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder. Following inclusion determination, including excluding studies with poor design quality, raw data from 24 publications were extracted and included 89 A-B phase contrasts. Tau-U nonparametric, non-overlap effect size was used to aggregate the results across all studies for an omnibus and moderator analyses. Kendall’s S was calculated for confidence intervals, p-values, and standard error. The omnibus analysis indicated overall low to moderate positive effects on social-communication outcomes for high-tech AAC with people with IDD.The contents of this manuscript were developed under the Preparation of Leaders in Autism Across the Lifespan grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (Grant No. H325D110046)

    Operational Behavioral Definitions

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    This document is the appendix for the study "Parent-Coaching in a Multimodal Communication Intervention for Children with Autism.

    Methodology: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the AAC Literature for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Intellectual Disabilities who have Complex Communication Needs through 2020

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    A comprehensive meta-analysis examining the impacts of augmentative and alternative communication for individuals with complex communication needs was conducted, examining the relationship between social-communicative and educational outcomes and use of augmentative and alternative communication devices and across potential moderating variables. This document reports the methodology of the project as a whole, describing overarching procedures. Given the comprehensiveness of the review and meta-analysis, results of this review are reported in digestible groupings of types of research designs, types of research questions, and moderator groupings. Each of the resulting papers cite this primary document, as do additional reviews derived from the assembled data set. The documents herewith report the overarching methodology of the project, including the following. The document searches occurred in 2018 and 2020, resulting in 7,327 documents reviewed for title/abstract indication of meeting inclusion criteria. Full text document review was conducted for 1,758 documents for the next inclusion/exclusion gate. Documents were divided into group design (n = 132) and single-case experimental design (SCED) documents (n = 547) and reviewed for basic design criteria, resulting in 59 group design documents and 257 SCED documents. Lead project authors conducted screening remaining documents for false positives, resulting in 20 group and 176 SCED documents remaining for further analysis. Data extraction and potential moderator variable coding procedures are described in detail, with relevant coding manuals and other materials attached. Effect size metrics used for meta-analytic procedures are detailed.The research described here is supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R324A180110 to Texas A&M University. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the Institute or the U.S. Department of Educatio

    High-Tech Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Individuals with IDD and Complex Communication Needs: A Meta-Analysis (Reference List)

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    The attached document lists the references for the following article: The use of mobile technology is ubiquitous and is rapidly increasing in novel use. The use of mobile apps as augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is rapidly expanding, both in the community and in the research literature. This article reports the social-communication outcome results of a meta-analysis of single-case experimental research on the use of high-tech AAC with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder. Following inclusion determination, including excluding studies with poor design quality, raw data from 24 publications were extracted and included 89 A-B phase contrasts. Tau-U nonparametric, non-overlap effect size was used to aggregate the results across all studies for an omnibus and moderator analyses. Kendall’s S was calculated for confidence intervals, p-values, and standard error. The omnibus analysis indicated overall low to moderate positive effects on social-communication outcomes for high-tech AAC with people with IDD.The contents of this manuscript were developed under the Preparation of Leaders in Autism Across the Lifespan grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (Grant No. H325D110046)

    High-Tech Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Individuals with IDD and Complex Communication Needs: A Meta-Analysis (Design Quality Review)

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    The attachment includes the description of the design quality review for the following paper: The use of mobile technology is ubiquitous and is rapidly increasing in novel use. The use of mobile apps as augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is rapidly expanding, both in the community and in the research literature. This article reports the social-communication outcome results of a meta-analysis of single-case experimental research on the use of high-tech AAC with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder. Following inclusion determination, including excluding studies with poor design quality, raw data from 24 publications were extracted and included 89 A-B phase contrasts. Tau-U nonparametric, non-overlap effect size was used to aggregate the results across all studies for an omnibus and moderator analyses. Kendall’s S was calculated for confidence intervals, p-values, and standard error. The omnibus analysis indicated overall low to moderate positive effects on social-communication outcomes for high-tech AAC with people with IDD.The contents of this manuscript were developed under the Preparation of Leaders in Autism Across the Lifespan grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (Grant No. H325D110046)

    Vannest Key Note The Most Important Lesson

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    TECBD Teacher Educator Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders. Key Note address on Value, Mission, & Impac