29 research outputs found

    International Trade and Cultural Diversity: A Model of Preference Selection

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    We consider the evolution of preferences when trade occurs between two countries. We show that if one country is much larger than the other, its preferences can eventually take over the preferences of the second country. This result may provide an explanation of why small countries sometimes exclude certain goods (especially those related to culture) from trade agreements. We also show that when the sensitivity of preferences to the relative price is high, the distribution of preferences can fluctuate cyclically over time.preferences, evolution, culture, replicator dynamics, international trade


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    ABSTRACT Sherry Linton-Massiah, Anthony Maldonado, Sydney Scott, Elizabeth Stromberg Shumate, Aishwarya Venkatesh: INCREASING ACCESS TO QUALITY EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION FOR MINORITY CHILDREN IN DURHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA The purpose of this paper is to examine preschool education as a social determinant of health (SDOH). Healthy People 2030 recognizes education as a key component of health outcomes, and outlines access to high quality preschool education as a strategy to improving short and long-term health and overall wellness outcomes. (Social Determinants of Health - Healthy People 2030 | health.gov., n.d.). This paper explores challenges young, minority students in Durham County, North Carolina are facing in accessing high-quality early childhood education. The paper recommends an evidence-based program to mitigate these challenges. The barriers discussed include higher prevalence of poverty, lack of geographic accessibility, and non-traditional hours of operations that accommodate unpredictable work schedules. All Our Kin is identified as the program most aligned with the assets while addressing the needs of the population of interest. (Creating the Conditions for Family Child Care to Thrive, 2019). The paper recommends diversifying the modalities of licensed high quality preschool and early child care providers in Durham County by increasing access to licensed family child care. This change to the Durham County educational system, is intended to increase access to quality early childhood education and decrease related inequities faced by young, minority children. Key words: social determinant of health, early childhood education, minority students, Durham County, evidence-basedMaster of Public Healt

    Factors influencing students’ intention to use internet for academic purposes

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    This study aimed to investigate the factors influencing students’ intention to use the Internet for academic purposes amongst 204 final year business students in public universities in Malaysia.This study integrated theory of planned behavior (TPB) and theory of acceptance model (TAM) as the base model toward that purpose.The research model employs the variables from both theories namely attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, intention, and behavior.A multiple regression analysis provides empirical support for the applicability of integration of TPB and TAM in predicting students’ intention to use the Internet for academic purposes.Results of the study show that attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and perceived usefulness are statistically significant in influencing intention to use the Internet for academic purposes.Based on the results, it can be concluded that students’ intention to use the Internet for academic purposes could be predicted from their attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and perceived usefulness at 49% level.In view of the results, several implications and recommendations are discussed

    Recreating the US car retailing industry (A)

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    Precision engineering

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    Investigation of Pre-Service Teachers' Intentions to Use of Social Media in Teaching Activities within the Framework of Technology Acceptance Model

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    In recent years, social media is used frequently in daily life, as a result of this; it affects different fields in our lives. Intensive use of technology in teaching activities causes the social media to enter in this filed too. In this context, teachers and students started to use social media in terms of teaching and learning activities such as information sharing, web based learning, creating discussion groups etc. The aim of the study is to investigate pre-service teachers' intentions to use of social media in teaching activities which becomes indispensible in technologic environments. In accordance with this purpose a survey was prepared within in the framework of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which was developed by Davis (1986) and extended by Venkatesh and Davis (2000). The survey was implemented to pre-service teachers who are studying at a university in the faculty of education. Reliability, validity and factor analysis for the scales in the survey were performed. For each items in the scales, frequency distribution, percentages, means and standard deviation were calculated (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Wo

    Flavanoid biosynthesis in Camellia sinensis

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    Tea leaf contains very high level of polyphenols, mostly flavonoids, which distinguishes it from other plants. These flavonoids and their oxidative products formed during fermentation and drying, largely determine the color and taste of black tea. We studied the flavonoid content of various clones of tea and found it to correlate with chalcone synthase activity in the tea leaf. Induction of chalcone synthase (CHS) activity in the tea leaf was observed during the second flush, a period where flavonoids content of tea is highest in Assam. Expressions of enzymes viz. Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD), cinnamyl CoA reductase (CCR) and Peroxidase (POD) involved in the synthesis of lignin were depressed during the second flush. These observations suggest that CHS may be a key enzyme involved in catechin biogenesis in tea leaf.This item was scanned with a HP 4850 Scanjet at 300 dpi and consists of 7 pages