72 research outputs found


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    Background: Health is largely influenced by the subjective well-being, optimism, social inclusion and satisfaction with life as well as usually defined variables. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of dimensions of personality (optimism, control over life), social involvement (social capital) and socio-economic status with health and inequalities in health. Subjects and methods: This study was performed on 1017 respondents which were chosen according to set criteria: middle age, working capability, and, according to the documentation of the Centres for social welfare, the recipients of financial welfare from the state. A questionnaire was created from several existing questionnaires with validated indicators. Results: The results show that 78.1% of respondents were unemployed. Regarding the health males express a higher level of health than female. The presence of a chronic disease was found in 56.6% women and 43.4% men. The predictors of health such as optimism, life satisfaction and locus of control showed that satisfaction with life was expressed by 39.7% respondents. Greater satisfaction with life was seen in females (59.6%). Surprisingly, 47.7% of respondents said they thought they had control over their lives and decisions. Women are statistically more optimistic. Almost 60% of respondents were not satisfied with their lives. Conclusions: Socially deprived population is mainly unemployed with insufficient resources for living. More burdened and higher risk for future development of the disease was found within this population. Optimism, social inclusion and life satisfaction play a large role, as protective factors in health. The interventions demand a multi disciplinary approach, and, with regard to the sensitivity of the population, the best solution is in their own empowerment, as a protective factor for mental health


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    Background: Health is largely influenced by the subjective well-being, optimism, social inclusion and satisfaction with life as well as usually defined variables. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of dimensions of personality (optimism, control over life), social involvement (social capital) and socio-economic status with health and inequalities in health. Subjects and methods: This study was performed on 1017 respondents which were chosen according to set criteria: middle age, working capability, and, according to the documentation of the Centres for social welfare, the recipients of financial welfare from the state. A questionnaire was created from several existing questionnaires with validated indicators. Results: The results show that 78.1% of respondents were unemployed. Regarding the health males express a higher level of health than female. The presence of a chronic disease was found in 56.6% women and 43.4% men. The predictors of health such as optimism, life satisfaction and locus of control showed that satisfaction with life was expressed by 39.7% respondents. Greater satisfaction with life was seen in females (59.6%). Surprisingly, 47.7% of respondents said they thought they had control over their lives and decisions. Women are statistically more optimistic. Almost 60% of respondents were not satisfied with their lives. Conclusions: Socially deprived population is mainly unemployed with insufficient resources for living. More burdened and higher risk for future development of the disease was found within this population. Optimism, social inclusion and life satisfaction play a large role, as protective factors in health. The interventions demand a multi disciplinary approach, and, with regard to the sensitivity of the population, the best solution is in their own empowerment, as a protective factor for mental health

    IL-10 in Antilipopolysaccharide Immunity Against Systemic Klebsiella Infections

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    Aim. This study was undertaken in order to determine whether anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 is responsible for a previously described protection against Klebsiella infection mediated by antilipopolysaccharide antibodies. Methods. BALB/c mice were infected intraperitoneally with a lethal challenge of Klebsiella pneumoniae Caroli. One group was protected with monoclonal antibodies prior to infection and the second was not. We measured plasma levels of interleukin-10 at different time points by enzyme immunoassay and analyzed the relation between interleukin-10 and proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α in order to determine the association of these ratios with the outcome of infection. Major findings and conclusions. We found different pattern of interleukin-10 production in protected mice compared with unprotected ones. The difference is greatest 24 hours postinfection. The ratios between IL-10 and proinflammatory cytokines confirmed the suppressed proinflammatory response in protected animals, especially 24 hours postinfection. Hence the mortality in unprotected mice begins immediately after we conclude that such cytokine relation and IL-10 production are, at least partially, responsible for the destiny of infected animals and the outcome of infection

    Proinflammatory Cytokines in Antilipopolysaccharide Immunity Against Klebsiella Infections

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    This study was undertaken in order to determine whether proinflammatory cytokines are involved in a previously described protection against Klebsiella infection mediated by antilipopolysaccharide antibodies. BALB/c mice were infected intraperitoneally with a lethal challenge of Klebsiella pneumoniae Caroli. One group of mice was protected with monoclonal antibodies against lipopolysaccharide prior to infection and the second was not. We determined the number of colony-forming units at different time points in the blood of infected animals and paralleled them with plasma levels of five proinflammatory cytokines measured by enzyme immunoassays. Our results show that the two groups of animals tested expressed different plasma concentrations for all cytokines. The greatest difference was detected 24 hours after infection, with a higher production in the unprotected group. We concluded that a reduced cytokine production is partially responsible for the survival of protected animals

    Ujedinjeni narodi

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    Ujedinjeni narodi (UN) je međunarodna organizacija koja je nastala kao odgovor na ratne i poslijeratne probleme tijekom odnosno nakon II. Svjetskog rata. Povelja UN-a potpisana je u listopadu 1945. godine od strane 51 države članice. članice UN-a su se potpisivanjem iste obvezale na očuvanje mira i sigurnosti, razvoju prijateljskih veza između nacija, promociji društvenog napretka kao i boljitka života i ljudskih prava. U radu je prikazana djelatnost, tijela, ciljevi te organizacije UN-a. U radu je prikazano i djelovanje UN-a u Republici Hrvatskoj s osvrtom na Domovinski rat

    Combined effect of monoclonal antilipopolysaccharide antibody and ceftazidime in intranasal mice model of Klebsiella pneumoniae infection

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    Background and Purpose: The evolution of microorganisms in the sense of antimicrobial resistance is an emerging problem, especially in hospital settings. It seriously complicates the ability to combat severe infections. Bacteria of the genus Klebsiella are well known bacterial pathogens that cause a wide variety of infections. Numerous recent articles have reported the growing trend of antimicrobial resistance among clinical isolates of Klebsiella. Besides capsular antigen the most important virulence factor of genus Klebsiella is lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Therefore, previously generated antilipopolysaccharide monoclonal antibody for O1 antigen of Klebsiella pneumoniae was used in this study. The purpose of this study was to examine the existence of synergy between antilipopolysaccharide monoclonal antibody Ru-O1 (mAb Ru-O1) and ceftazidime in a model of lung Klebsiella infection. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted using Klebsiella pneumoniae strain Caroli (O1:K2) to inoculate BALB/c mice by intranasal route. Mice were lethally infected with the bacteria. The effects of mAb Ru-O1 and ceftazidime, as a single treatment protocol or in combination, were monitored on the survival of experimental animals. Results: The overall survival rates in groups pretreated only with mAb Ru-O1 prior to infection or treated only with ceftazidime 24 hours after infectionwere 33%. The outcome of infection was best in a group of mice that received both mAb and single dose of ceftazidime with overall survival rate of 66%. Conclusions: The study shows that the combination treatment with anti-LPS mAb Ru-O1 and ceftazidime in amice model of lethal Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia exerts synergistic effect and enhances the survival of experimental animals compared to animals treated with mAb Ru-O1 or ceftazidime alone

    Economical, Environmental and Ethical Impact of Food Wastage in Hospitality and Other Global Industries

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    There is something horrible about throwing food in the bin. Based on existing literature, 30-50 percent (i.e. 1.2-2 billion tons) of the produced food never reaches anyone’s plate. Global food production can be split into production losses, consumers’ waste and consumption. In a world where 850 million people are undernourished, global food supply per person approximates to 570 kg: roughly, 380 kg is consumed, 140 kg is lost in the production and 50 kg is wasted by consumers. Households generate 53% of the total food waste in Europe, the processing industry 19%, food services 12%, the primary production sector 11%, and the retail/wholesale sector 5%. The European hospitality industry is a small food waster that generates only 12% of the total food waste in Europe. Wasted food is accountable for 3.3 GtCO2e. The average carbon footprint of food wastage is about 500 kg of CO2 equivalents per person per year. The blue water footprint of food wastage is about 250 km3. 1.4 billion Ha of land – 28% of the world’s agricultural area – is used annually to produce food that is either lost or wasted. The food which is not eaten contributes to the loss of biodiversity through habitat change, overexploitation, pollution and climate changes. Prompted in part by global food production inefficiency, 9.7 million hectares are deforested annually to grow food – 74% of the total annual deforestation. The scale of global food wastage is shocking, and this wasted food results in a number of ethically questionable implications. Pope Francis rightfully points out that from the moral standpoint prodigal expenditure and wasting of food is no better than stealing from the hungry and poor. From the ecological standpoint, it is no better than stealing from our own children. But moralizing, identifying problems, knowledge and information distribution, and suggesting solutions surely will not convince people to implement offered solutions. The world needs progressive politics for a fairer world to achieve more equitable distribution of wealth. Tourism and the whole hospitality industry can and must play an important role in raising awareness of the value of food. The entire touristic sector can promote changes in food management and consumption with very positive environmental and economic results

    Europski gradovi budućnosti: uloga i značenje projekta Urban Health Centres, UHC

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    Porast udjela starog stanovništva jedno je od glavnih obilježja demografskih kretanja u razvijenim zemljama 21. stoljeća. Projekcije predviđaju da će se u Europi do 2050. godine broj osoba starijih od 65 godina udvostručiti, dok će se broj starijih od 75 godina utrostručiti. Ovakva demografska slika dovodi do povećanih zdravstvenih potreba i zahtjeva osoba starije životne dobi te stavlja izazove pred sustav zdravstva, socijalne skrbi i povezanih sektora u brizi za starije u svrhu povećanja kvalitete života, produljenja samostalnosti te smanjenja troškova skrbi. Koncept integrirane zaštite na lokalnoj razini podrazumijeva povezivanje neformalne i formalne infrastrukture u kojoj društvo te socijalne i zdravstvene organizacije međusobno surađuju. Za utvrđivanje potreba u skrbi o starijim osobama provedene su fokus grupe u gradu Rijeci, sa svim dionicima koji sudjeluju u skrbi za osobe starije životne dobi te s osobama starije životne dobi (75+). Obuhvaćene teme u fokus grupama bile su socijalna i zdravstvena zaštita, izazovi starenja i skrbi za osobe starije životne dobi, padovi, korištenje lijekova, usamljenost, koji ukazuju na stvarne potrebe dionika u sustavu skrbi o starijim osobama, kao i stvarne potrebe osoba starije životne dobi. Kvalitativnom obradom podataka dobili smo različita mišljenja sudionika skrbi o osobama starije životne dobi, kao i mišljenje samih starijih osoba, koja nam predstavljaju polaznu točku odlučivanja o mogućim potrebnim intervencijama s ciljem povećanja godina života u dobrom zdravlju