16 research outputs found

    A digital, spatial, geological model of the Miocene in Jylland, Denmark

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    A major hydrogeological programme has been carried out to map the Miocene succession in central and southern Jylland (Fig. 1). The Miocene deposits comprise several aquifers with potential drinking water resources and have been investigated by drilling and acquisition of seismic data integrated with sedimentology and biostratigraphy. Scharling et al. (2009) described a 3D hydrogeological model that covers part of the onshore Danish Miocene deposits. The model was based on a sequence-stratigraphic approach and led to a better understanding of the geological architecture of the aquifers than traditional lithofacies models. Hence it was decided to establish a digital, spatial, geological model covering the entire onshore Miocene succession (Kristensen et al. 2010)

    HEATSTORE: high temperature underground thermal energy storage

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    Thermal energy storage technologies need to be further developed and need to become an integral component in the future energy system infrastructure to meet variations in both the availability and demand of energy. The main objectives of project HEATSTORE are to lower the cost, reduce risks, improve the performance of high temperature (~25°C to ~90°C) underground thermal energy storage (HT-UTES) technologies and to optimize heat network demand side management (DSM). This is primarily achieved by 6 new demonstration pilots and 8 case studies of existing systems with distinct configurations of heat sources, heat storage and heat utilization. It will advance the commercial viability of HT-UTES technologies and, through an optimized balance between supply, transport, storage and demand, enable geothermal energy production to reach its maximum deployment potential in the European energy transition. HEATSTORE is a project under the GEOTHERMICA – ERA NET Cofund and contributes to achieving the several objectives of accelerating the uptake of geothermal energy by 1) advancing and integrating different types of underground thermal energy storage (UTES) in the energy system, 2) providing a means to maximize geothermal heat production and optimize the business case of geothermal heat production doublets, 3) addressing technical, economic, market, environmental, regulatory and policy aspects that are necessary to support efficient and cost-effective deployment of UTES technologies in Europe. The 3-year project started in 2018 will stimulate a fast-track market uptake in Europe, promoting development from demonstration phase to commercial deployment within 2 to 5 years, and provide an outlook for utilization potential towards 2030 and 2050. The HEATSTORE consortium brings together 23 contributing partners (mix of scientific research institutes and private companies) from 9 countries.HEATSTORE (170153-4401) is one of nine projects under the GEOTHERMICA – ERA NET Cofund aimed at accelerating the uptake of geothermal energy. The GEOTHERMICA project is supported by the European Union’s HORIZON 2020 programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 731117.Postprint (published version

    Carbon dioxide storage options for the COACH Project in the Bohai Basin, China

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    The Cooperation Action Carbon Capture and Storage China-EU project (COACH) is a three-year EC Framework 6 co-funded collaborative project with Chinese and EU partners investigating geological storage options in the Bohai Basin, China. This paper discusses interim assessments of storage potential for the Dagang oilfield complex (Tianjin Municipality), deep saline aquifers in the Jiyang depression (Shandong province) and the Kailuan coalfield (Hebei Province). Source-sink matching options are also discussed using large ‘point source’ data collected for the Shandong Province

    Prediction of reservoir sand in Miocene deltaic deposits in Denmark based on high-resolution seismic data

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    Intense investigations of deep aquifers in Jylland, western Denmark, during the last seven years have resulted in detailed mapping of Miocene sand-rich deposits laid down in fluvial channels, delta lobes, shoreface and spit complexes (Fig. 1; Rasmussen 2004). Detailed sedimentological and palynological studies of outcrops and cores, and interpretation of high-resolution seismic data, have resulted in a well-founded sequence-stratigraphic and lithostratigraphic scheme (Fig. 1) suitable for prediction of the distribution of sand. The Miocene succession onshore Denmark is divided into three sand-rich deltaic units: the Ribe and Bastrup sands and the Odderup Formation (Fig. 2). Prodeltaic clayey deposits of the Vejle Fjord and Arnum Formations interfinger with the sand-rich deposits. Most of the middle and upper Miocene in Denmark is composed of clayey sediments referred to the Hodde and Gram Formations (Fig. 2). This paper presents examples of seismic reflection patterns that have proved to correlate with sand-rich deposits from lower Miocene deltaic deposits and that could be applied in future exploration for aquifers and as analogues for oil- and gas-bearing sands in wave-dominated deltas

    Shallow geothermal energy in Denmark

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    The use of shallow geothermal energy instead of fossil fuels can lead to substantial reductions in CO2 emissions. However, the use of shallow geothermal energy in Denmark is limited compared to, e.g. Sweden and Germany and we still lack know-how and experience with its use in Denmark. In co-operation with research and industry partners, the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland is conducting a three-year project GeoEnergy, Tools for ground-source heating and cooling based on closed-loop boreholes (www.geoenergi.org). The objective of the project is to acquire knowledge and develop tools and best practice for the design and installation of shallow geothermal energy systems

    HEATSTORE Underground Thermal Energy Storage (UTES) – state-of-the-art, example cases and lessons learned

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    This report summarizes experiences and lessons learned on Underground Thermal Energy Storage (UTES) systems from the participating EU project partners and is supplemented with input from publications on other relevant cases in, and outside, Europe. The report covers important experiences from the first pre-investigation phase and feasibility studies and throughout the construction phase, system integration and operations. Furthermore, different national legislative, political and public issues are described. The HEATSTORE project and this report comprise four different UTES systems: - High Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (HT-ATES) - Borehole Thermal Energy Storage (BTES) - Pit Thermal Energy Storage (PTES) - Mine Thermal Energy Storage (MTES) The ideas behind MTES is state of the art and the HEATSTORE demonstration site in Bochum, Germany, will be the first of its kind. Experiences and lessons learned regarding this specific system is therefore not existing, see chapter 5. In Appendix I and II, specific report contributions from partners are included. These contributions have served as an important basis for this deliverable

    The potential for large-scale, subsurface geological CO2 storage in Denmark

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    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is increasingly considered to be a tool that can significantly reduce the emission of CO2. It is viewed as a technology that can contribute to a substantial, global reduction of emitted CO2 within the timeframe that seems available for mitigating the effects of present and continued emission. In order to develop the CCS method the European Union (EU) has supported research programmes for more than a decade, which focus on capture techniques, transport and geological storage. The results of the numerous research projects on geological storage are summarised in a comprehensive best practice manual outlining guidelines for storage in saline aquifers (Chadwick et al. 2008). A detailed directive for geological storage is under implementation (European Commission 2009), and the EU has furthermore established a programme for supporting the development of more than ten large-scale demonstration plants throughout Europe. Geological investigations show that suitable storage sites are present in most European countries. In Denmark initial investigations conducted by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland and private companies indicate that there is significant storage potential at several locations in the subsurface