40 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of deformation algorithms for computer assisted orthopedic surgery: application to virtual implant database and preliminary results

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    Fractures around the joints are more common cases in routine trauma surgery where the surgeons have to bend the osteosynthesis plates to fit geometrical boundaries of the specific patient. This is a complicated, time consuming, and technically demanding procedure. The average time for bending a single plate requires as long as twenty minutes. This paper presents the first trial to design and implement the deformation algorithms for computer assisted orthopedic surgery system to assist surgeons in this procedure. Our preliminary results are presented

    Spatio-temporal schema integration with validation: A practical approach

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    Abstract. We propose to enhance a schema integration process with a validation phase employing logic-based data models. In our methodology, we validate the source schemas against the data model; the inter-schema mappings are validated against the semantics of the data model and the syntax of the correspondence language. In this paper, we focus on how to employ a reasoning engine to validate spatio-temporal schemas and describe where the reasoning engine is plugged into our integration methodology. The validation phase distinguishes our integration methodology from other approaches. We shift the emphasis on automation from the a priori discovery to the a posteriori checking of the inter-schema mappings. By doing so, we take advantage of the expressive power of the common data model in the source schema description and inter-schema mapping definition. 1 Integration Approach Database integration has been and continues to be the focus of many research efforts

    Mod\ue9lisation conceptuelle de trajectories

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    Une perception intelligente du mouvement d'objets mobiles (personnes, voitures, colis, etc.) est \ue0 la base de nombreuses applications (par exemple le suivi d'une distribution postale \ue0 travers le monde, l'optimisation du trafic routier ou l'\ue9tude de la migration d\u2019animaux). Les syst\ue8mes de gestion de bases de donn\ue9es actuels n'offrent ni les concepts ni les fonctions n\ue9cessaires \ue0 une analyse s\ue9mantique du mouvement, se limitant au stockage et \ue0 l'interrogation de positions spatiales individuelles, hors contexte temporel. Des travaux de recherche pr\ue9c\ue9dents ont introduit et d\ue9velopp\ue9 le concept d'objet mobile ou spatio-temporel. Dans cet article nous allons plus loin en proposant le concept de trajectoire comme unit\ue9 s\ue9mantique de mouvement sur laquelle se construit la vision applicative. Nous proposons de d\ue9crire les trajectoires, au niveau conceptuel, avec leurs aspects g\ue9om\ue9triques, temporels et s\ue9mantiques et leurs composants structurels : point de d\ue9part, point d'arriv\ue9e, arr\ueats et d\ue9placements interm\ue9diaires. Chaque \ue9l\ue9ment, trajectoire, arr\ueat, d\ue9placement, voire partie de d\ue9placement, peut recevoir des annotations s\ue9mantiques sous forme de valeurs d'attributs ou de liens vers des objets de la base. L'approche de mod\ue9lisation d\ue9crite dans cet article est bas\ue9e sur les patrons de mod\ue9lisation, qui permettent une solution g\ue9n\ue9rique pour mod\ue9liser les caract\ue9ristiques standard des trajectoires tout en \ue9tant ouverte aux caract\ue9ristiques sp\ue9cifiques \ue0 l'application envisag\ue9e. Enfin, l'impl\ue9mentation dans une base de donn\ue9es relationnelle \ue9tendue est pr\ue9sent\ue9e

    Semantic mappings in description logics for spatio-temporal database schema integration

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    Abstract. The interoperability problem arises in heterogeneous systems where different data sources coexist and there is a need for meaningful information sharing. One of the most representive realms of diversity of data representation is the spatio-temporal domain. Spatio-temporal data are most often described according to multiple and greatly diverse perceptions or viewpoints, using different terms and with heterogeneous levels of detail. Reconciling this heterogeneity to build a fully integrated database is known to be a complex and currently unresolved problem, and few formal approaches exist for the integration of spatio-temporal databases. The paper discusses the interoperation issue in the context of conceptual schema integration. Our proposal relies on two well-known formalisms: conceptual models and description logics. The MADS conceptual model with its multiple representation capabilities allows to fully describe semantics of the initial and integrated spatio-temporal schemas. Description logics are used to express the set of inter-schema mappings. Inference mechanisms of description logics allow us to check the compatibility of the semantic mappings and to propose different structural solutions for the integrated schema.