9 research outputs found


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    The reconstruction of ancient peoples’ life style cannot be completed without the analysis of their skeletal remains. In fact, the human skeleton functions as an exceptional bio-archaeological archive and it can react to external and internal stimuli and keep track of them. In particular, work and physical activity-related mechanical stress can impose skeletal modifications, which are defined Markers of Occupational Stress (MOS).There are several MOS: enthesial changes, osteoarthritis, metric changes and a series of other skeletal modifications (supernumerary articular facets, stress fractures etc.). The present work consists in the anthropological, paleopathological and of all types of MOS analysis of a sample of 171 individuals buried in the relevant Etruscan necropolis of Spina (Ferrara, 6th-3rd BC). The aim of this study is to reconstruct the health and pathology conditions and – most of all – the mechanical stress level regarding the prevalent activities of the population living in Spina during the Iron Age. Enthesial changes have been analysed according to Mariotti et al. (2004, 2007); osteoarthritis has been analysed according to the method proposed by Zampetti (2010), extended also to the analysis of the spine. Metric modifications have been analysed collecting a set of linear and angular anthropometric measures and computing a set of indices containing information about the mechanical load applied to the bone. Collected data have been merged in order to analyse the reciprocal relationship between the respective markers and to determine the level and pattern of mechanical stress for each individual. The aim was to identify the prevailing movements related to specific activities. Results have been statistically evaluated also for the whole sample, in order to highlight patterns and differences in the mechanical load related to social status and gender .The study has shown clear-cut differences between genders regarding MOS and their skeletal distribution patterns. In particular, males used to lead an extremely active life style and had different kinds of jobs, showing evident functional stress in both the upper and lower limb, in particular at the shoulder, elbow, knee and hip level. In women, a low level of mechanical stress in the lower limb and high in the upper limb has been observed, with a different pattern for the right and left limb. Left arm force component was directed backward and downward. Conversely, the right arm showed a typical fine motor task pattern. Therefore, we suggest that there was a gender-based work division, with men involved in diverse activities, characterised by high mobility and women mainly involved in domestic and sedentary activities. In particular, their upper limbs mechanical stress pattern suggests that they could be waivers and thread makers

    Spondylolisthesis in an Etruscan Woman from Spina (Ferrara, Italy): an Iron Age Case Report

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    Spondylolisthesis consists of the slippage of a vertebra in relation to the one beneath. It is caused by separation of the neural arch from the vertebral body (spondylolysis), and predominantly occurs at the isthmus (pars interarticularis). Originally thought to be a congenital anomaly, its strict correlation with certain activities that seem to exert stress on lower spine was later demonstrated. This paper describes a case of progression of spondylolysis to spondylolisthesis found on an adult female skeleton from the Etruscan necropolis of Spina (Ferrara, Italy). The case in question was identified among 209 skeletons exhumed at Spina. As spondylolisthesis is strictly connected with activities that exert stress on lower spine, the evidence suggests that this woman was engaged in stressful physical activity, perhaps related to the specific trade function of the site

    Spondylolisthesis in an Etruscan Woman from Spina (Ferrara, Italy): an Iron Age Case Report

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    Spondylolisthesis consists of the slippage of a vertebra in relation to the one beneath. It is caused by separation of the neural arch from the vertebral body (spondylolysis), and predominantly occurs at the isthmus (pars interarticularis). Originally thought to be a congenital anomaly, its strict correlation with certain activities that seem to exert stress on lower spine was later demonstrated. This paper describes a case of progression of spondylolysis to spondylolisthesis found on an adult female skeleton from the Etruscan necropolis of Spina (Ferrara, Italy). The case in question was identified among 209 skeletons exhumed at Spina. As spondylolisthesis is strictly connected with activities that exert stress on lower spine, the evidence suggests that this woman was engaged in stressful physical activity, perhaps related to the specific trade function of the site


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    The reconstruction of ancient peoples’ life style cannot be completed without the analysis of their skeletal remains. In fact, the human skeleton functions as an exceptional bio-archaeological archive and it can react to external and internal stimuli and keep track of them. In particular, work and physical activity-related mechanical stress can impose skeletal modifications, which are defined Markers of Occupational Stress (MOS).There are several MOS: enthesial changes, osteoarthritis, metric changes and a series of other skeletal modifications (supernumerary articular facets, stress fractures etc.). The present work consists in the anthropological, paleopathological and of all types of MOS analysis of a sample of 171 individuals buried in the relevant Etruscan necropolis of Spina (Ferrara, 6th-3rd BC). The aim of this study is to reconstruct the health and pathology conditions and – most of all – the mechanical stress level regarding the prevalent activities of the population living in Spina during the Iron Age. Enthesial changes have been analysed according to Mariotti et al. (2004, 2007); osteoarthritis has been analysed according to the method proposed by Zampetti (2010), extended also to the analysis of the spine. Metric modifications have been analysed collecting a set of linear and angular anthropometric measures and computing a set of indices containing information about the mechanical load applied to the bone. Collected data have been merged in order to analyse the reciprocal relationship between the respective markers and to determine the level and pattern of mechanical stress for each individual. The aim was to identify the prevailing movements related to specific activities. Results have been statistically evaluated also for the whole sample, in order to highlight patterns and differences in the mechanical load related to social status and gender .The study has shown clear-cut differences between genders regarding MOS and their skeletal distribution patterns. In particular, males used to lead an extremely active life style and had different kinds of jobs, showing evident functional stress in both the upper and lower limb, in particular at the shoulder, elbow, knee and hip level. In women, a low level of mechanical stress in the lower limb and high in the upper limb has been observed, with a different pattern for the right and left limb. Left arm force component was directed backward and downward. Conversely, the right arm showed a typical fine motor task pattern. Therefore, we suggest that there was a gender-based work division, with men involved in diverse activities, characterised by high mobility and women mainly involved in domestic and sedentary activities. In particular, their upper limbs mechanical stress pattern suggests that they could be waivers and thread makers

    Lesioni su resti umani scheletrizzati: contributo all’identificazione personale o all’interpretazione delle cause di morte?

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    L’associazione tra evidenze di trauma e momento di morte Ăš un elemento di importanza cruciale nelle indagini forensi su resti umani scheletrizzati. Determinare se un trauma sia avvenuto prima (antemortem), durante (peri-mortem) o dopo (post-mortem) la morte consente infatti di metterlo o meno in relazione a questa, contribuendo cosĂŹ a ricostruire gli ultimi momenti di vita di un individuo e gli eventi che lo hanno portato alla morte. Mentre la distinzione tra traumi ante-mortem e post-mortem su cadavere integro Ăš piuttosto agevole (indagini necroscopiche e istologiche), sui resti scheletrici essa Ăš piĂč difficile, e si basa sull’osservazione di alcune caratteristiche macroscopiche e microscopiche dell’osso: tra queste, la presenza di rimodellamento osseo (ante-mortem) e le caratteristiche dei margini di frattura, che indicano se essa Ăš avvenuta su osso fresco (peri-mortem) o secco (postmortem). È inoltre possibile individuare il tipo di trauma, se accidentale o inflitto, ed eventualmente il tipo di arma (da taglio, smussata, pistola ecc.) e le modalitĂ  con cui Ăš stata utilizzata (forza impressa, direzionalitĂ  del colpo ecc.). L’analisi dei traumi ante-mortem, con relativa localizzazione, tipologia, e determinazione del tempo intercorso tra formazione del trauma e momento di morte, puĂČ fornire un enorme contributo all’identificazione personale, qualora si disponga di informazioni relative alla storia traumatologica pregressa dell’individuo (banche dati mediche e ospedaliere, testimonianze di famigliari ecc.). Nel caso di traumi peri-mortem viceversa puĂČ fornire indicazioni fondamentali per ricostruire la dinamica e, in alcuni casi, per determinare la causa di morte (omicidio, suicidio, incidente, cause naturali ecc.) dell’individuo. La presenza di traumi post-mortem puĂČ infine dare indicazioni sull’ambiente di seppellimento ed eventuali interventi sul cadavere. Si sottolinea quindi l’importanza della figura dell’antropologo nella risoluzione di casi forensi su resti umani scheletrizzati

    Weight status and perception of body image in children: the effect of maternal immigrant status

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recent studies have shown that body image perception is an important factor in weight control and may be influenced by culture and ethnicity. The aim of the present study was to assess the relationship between immigrant status of the mother and weight status and body image perception of the child.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In total, 2706 schoolchildren (1405 boys and 1301 girls) aged 8–9 years and their mothers participated in a cross-sectional survey in Emilia-Romagna region (northern Italy). Weight and height of the children were measured and Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated. Actual and ideal body image perception by the children and by the mothers with respect to their children was evaluated according to Collins’ body image silhouettes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The BMI values were significantly lower in children of immigrants than in children of Italian mothers (F:17.27 vs 17.99 kg/m<sup>2</sup>; M:17.77 vs 18.13 kg/m<sup>2</sup>). The prevalence of overweight/obesity was lower, and the prevalence of underweight higher, in children of immigrant mothers than in those of Italian mothers (overweight- F:21.3 vs 29.1%; M. 28.3 vs 31.4%; underweight- F:5.16 vs 3.84%; M:6.63 vs 2.82%). The children's body image perception was consistent with the differing pattern of nutritional status. In the comparison between actual and ideal figures, the Feel-Ideal Difference Index (FID) scores resulted different between the subsample with foreign-born mother in comparison to the native one (significantly lower in daughters of immigrants) (FID- F: 0.31 vs 0.57; M: 0.35 vs 0.32). There were significant differences in the choice of the ideal figure of the child between immigrant mothers and Italian mothers (FID- F: -0.05 vs 0.19; M: -0.35 vs −0.03): the ideal figure values were higher in the immigrant mothers of male children and lower in the Italian mothers of female children.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that cultural and behavioral factors linked to ethnicity play an important role in the nutritional status of children and in the perceived and ideal body image.</p