105 research outputs found

    Análisis de la presencia de drogas en la filmografía de Pedro Almodóvar (2002-2009)

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la presencia de drogas en el cine de Pedro Almodóvar tal como se hizo anteriormente con sus trece primeras películas. La muestra estuvo formada por sus últimas cuatro películas: 'Hable con ella' (2002), 'La mala educación' (2004), 'Volver' (2006) y 'Los abrazos rotos' (2009). Se diseñaron cuatro plantillas para analizar las variables: duración de las escenas en las que se consume, alude o aparecen drogas; tipo de droga; perfi l del personaje consumidor; situación o motivo de consumo; consecuencias del consumo. Las sustancias adictivas ocuparon el 9% de la duración de las cuatro películas, siendo 'Los abrazos rotos' la película con más presencia de drogas (17 minutos y 3 segundos). La presencia de drogas legales fue tres veces mayor que la de ilegales. No hubo un patrón de personaje consumidor ni situación o motivo de consumo, exceptuando el consumo de drogas de síntesis y alcohol, que se realiza en un contexto de ocio nocturno. Se muestran tanto las consecuencias positivas de las drogas como las negativas y neutrales. Almodóvar sigue utilizando las drogas como un elemento para caracterizar personajes y refl ejar situaciones sociales, siendo una constante en el conjunto de su fi lmografía.The aim of this study was to continue the analysis of the presence of drugs in Pedro Almodovar's cinema as we did previously with his fi rst thirteen fi lms. The sample was formed by his last four movies: 'Hable con ella' (2002), 'La mala educación' (2004), 'Volver' (2006) and 'Los abrazos rotos' (2009). Structured observational techniques were designed to analyze the variables: presence of drugs in scenes in which it is consumed, alluded or appeared; type of drug; profi le of the consuming character; situation of or reason for consumption; and consequences of the consumption. The addictive substances occupied 9% of the duration of four movies. 'Los abrazos rotos' was the movie with the greatest presence of drugs (17 min and 3 s). The presence of legal drugs was three times greater than that of illegal ones. Characters using drugs are not stereotyped by profession, age or sex; neither, the situation or motivation of consumption, exempting the consumption of designer drugs which appears in a context of nightlife. Positive, negative and neutral consequences of drugs are shown. Almodovar continues using drugs as an element to characterize and creating main characters, and to refl ect social situations; due to this drugs are an item that remain a constant throughout this set of movies

    What moral saints look like

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    The ratcheting-up effect

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    What We Know and What We Owe

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    Knowledge is necessary for certain moral obligations. In learning something new, one sometimes triggers a moral obligation. This paper argues that the existence of these knowledge-based obligations poses a problem for the view that we are not only free to choose the course of our own lives, including our careers and personal projects, but also free to change our minds and quit at any time to pursue something else. For if our choice of life path has generated knowledge-based moral obligations that we must fulfill, then it is apparently not true that we can quit at any time. To resolve this tension, this paper proposes a relatively demanding set of conditions under which it is permissible to swap one career or life project for another. The resulting compromise reconciles the moral force of knowledge-based obligations with the basic freedom to choose less-than-optimal careers and projects. It also highlights the distinctive role played by knowledge and expertise in generating the intractable problem of morality’s demandingness

    How to Put Prescription Drug Ads on Your Syllabus

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    The purpose of this essay is to make the case that the ethical issues raised by the current U.S. practice of direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising are worthy of study in philosophy courses, and to provide instructors with some ideas for how they might approach teaching the topic, despite the current relative scarcity of philosophical literature published on it. This topic presents a unique opportunity to cover ground in ethics, critical thinking, and scientific literacy simultaneously. As a case study, the practice of DTC advertising is both theoretically rich and universally relevant to students’ lives. The nature of these ads—numerous, diverse, visually and thematically entertaining—makes them delicious fodder for in-class activities, small group work, discussion-based learning, creative projects, and customizable essay topics. I offer a set of suggestions for approaching the study of DTC drug ads that is informed by my own experience doing so in bioethics courses. Ultimately, including this topic on your syllabus not only contributes to students’ philosophical skills and knowledge, but also helps them become better informed as citizens and potential “consumers” of health car

    Social Constraints On Moral Address

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    Malicious Moral Envy

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    Malicious moral envy is an aversive reaction to a rival’s moral properties or accomplishments, accompanied by a tendency to level-down the target by morally tarnishing or sabotaging them. In this essay I give an account of malicious moral envy, showing how it is a sub-type of envy more generally. I describe Donald Trump’s behaviors toward Barack Obama and Anthony Fauci as a case study of malicious moral envy. I argue that malicious moral envy is puzzling, first because it is self-defeating, and then—more interestingly—because it betrays an ambivalence about morality and moral requirements. I explore how malicious moral envy relates to other issues in the literature on moral ambivalence, including moral exemplars, moral saints, admirable immorality, and the pathologizing of moral outliers. Ultimately I suggest that mild forms of malicious moral envy may play an important role in helping agents navigate the socially complex and constantly changing landscape of moral requirements

    De dicto desires and morality as fetish

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    Identidad y estereotipos de género de los jóvenes españoles en la red social facebook

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    Las redes sociales online están cada día más presentes en nuestras vidas. Nos permiten interactuar con otras personas y configurar un perfil de presentación. Por ello, tienen un papel relevante en la formación de nuestra identidad. El objetivo del estudio es valorar si existen diferencias de género en la presentación online y offline de los jóvenes respecto a los estereotipos culturales y también en términos de personalidad. Participaron en la investigación 112 jóvenes universitarios españoles de 23 años de media de edad usuarios de la red social Facebook. A través de un cuestionario online, los participantes realizaron el test de personalidad TIPI y puntuaron adjetivos correspondientes a los estereotipos culturales según su perfil de presentación dentro de la red social Facebook y también fuera de ella. Los resultados no muestran un perfil estereotipado en hombres y mujeres ni dentro de la social online (Facebook) ni offline (fuera de Facebook). Concluimos que cada vez existe más igualdad entre hombres y mujeres, y se establece un perfil andrógino