61 research outputs found

    Efficient Data Averaging for Spin Noise Spectroscopy in Semiconductors

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    Spin noise spectroscopy (SNS) is the perfect tool to investigate electron spin dynamics in semiconductors at thermal equilibrium. We simulate SNS measurements and show that ultrafast digitizers with low bit depth enable sensitive, high bandwidth SNS in the presence of strong optical background shot noise. The simulations reveal that optimized input load at the digitizer is crucial for efficient spin noise detection while the bit depth influences the sensitivity rather weakly

    Biodiversity Patterns of Littoral Tidal River Fishes in the Gulf Coastal Plain Region of Mississippi

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    Fish biodiversity patterns within littoral habitats of major tidal river systems of coastal Mississippi were examined. The biodiversity of littoral tidal river fishes varied meaningfully on several spatial scales in the Gulf Coastal Plain region of Mississippi. Fish diversity typically appeared higher in littoral channel habitats than in side-pond habitats of tidal river systems. Faunal representation by three core groups of littoral fishes (cyprinids, centrarchids, and fundulids) generally differed between side-pond and channel habitats, as well as among different tidal river systems. Some of the faunal variation among systems reflected biogeographic (east/west) trends, but most of the variation reflected system size-related patterns. Among-site similarity in fish assemblage composition reflected both site proximity and system size. Moreover, the degree of variability in assemblage composition increased with system size. Thus, regional assemblage patterns were generally most discernible on the landscape scale, rather than through historical congruence. This limited regional study of tidal river fish biodiversity improved our biogeographic understanding by revealing the importance of landscape-scale factors such as tidal river size and associated variation in the available species pool. Understanding landscape-scale environmental variation is key to explaining regional fish diversity patterns

    Two-microphone spatial filtering provides speech reception benefits for cochlear implant users in difficult acoustic environments

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    This article introduces and provides an assessment of a spatial-filtering algorithm based on two closely-spaced (∼1 cm) microphones in a behind-the-ear shell. The evaluated spatial-filtering algorithm used fast (∼10 ms) temporal-spectral analysis to determine the location of incoming sounds and to enhance sounds arriving from straight ahead of the listener. Speech reception thresholds (SRTs) were measured for eight cochlear implant (CI) users using consonant and vowel materials under three processing conditions: An omni-directional response, a dipole-directional response, and the spatial-filtering algorithm. The background noise condition used three simultaneous time-reversed speech signals as interferers located at 90°, 180°, and 270°. Results indicated that the spatial-filtering algorithm can provide speech reception benefits of 5.8 to 10.7 dB SRT compared to an omni-directional response in a reverberant room with multiple noise sources. Given the observed SRT benefits, coupled with an efficient design, the proposed algorithm is promising as a CI noise-reduction solution.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01 DC 000117)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01 DC DC7152)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 2R44DC010524-02

    Sex-Specific Growth and Reproductive Dynamics of Red Drum in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

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    The Red Drum Sciaenops ocellatus stock is heavily targeted in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) by recreational fishers and supports a small commercial fishery in Mississippi. Despite their popularity, little recent work has been done to describe their life history. In this work, we describe sex‐specific growth and reproductive dynamics of Red Drum collected from the northern GOM from September 2016 through October 2017. We evaluated seven candidate growth models and found that the three‐parameter von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) was the best candidate length‐at‐age model. No significant difference in growth between sexes was observed with the three‐parameter VBGF, despite the female‐specific curve having a larger mean asymptotic length than the male‐specific curve. All seven candidate growth models predicted similar mean length‐at‐age estimates, and four of them exhibited significant differences in sex‐specific mean length at age, with females reaching a larger length at age than males after age 5. There was no significant difference between the sex‐specific weight‐at‐length relationships. Red Drum are batch spawners that spawn in northern GOM coastal waters during August and September. We estimated 3.7 d between spawns and 10.5 spawning events per female in 2017. Nearly 20% of fish collected during the spawning season were sexually mature but reproductively inactive, indicating the possibility of skipped spawning. The age at 50% maturity was around 3 years (length at 50% maturity = 670 mm TL) in both sexes, but fish were not spawning capable until age 4.5 (703 mm TL) in males and age 5.8 (840 mm TL) in females. Furthermore, elevated gonadosomatic indices were not observed until around age 5–6. The updated life history information presented in this work helps to address current data limitations and provides critical information for future assessments of Red Drum stocks in the northern GOM

    Thienoisoindigo-Based Semiconductor Nanowires Assembled with 2-Bromobenzaldehyde via Both Halogen and Chalcogen Bonding

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    We fabricated nanowires of a conjugated oligomer and applied them to organic field-effect transistors (OFETs). The supramolecular assemblies of a thienoisoindigo-based small molecular organic semiconductor (TIIG-Bz) were prepared by co-precipitation with 2-bromobenzaldehyde (2-BBA) via a combination of halogen bonding (XB) between the bromide in 2-BBA and electron-donor groups in TIIG-Bz, and chalcogen bonding (CB) between the aldehyde in 2-BBA and sulfur in TIIG-Bz. It was found that 2-BBA could be incorporated into the conjugated planes of TIIG-Bz via XB and CB pairs, thereby increasing the pi - pi stacking area between the conjugated planes. As a result, the driving force for one-dimensional growth of the supramolecular assemblies via pi - pi stacking was significantly enhanced. TIIG-Bz/2-BBA nanowires were used to fabricate OFETs, showing significantly enhanced charge transfer mobility compared to OFETs based on pure TIIG-Bz thin films and nanowires, which demonstrates the benefit of nanowire fabrication using 2-BB