9 research outputs found

    Intestinal Epithelial Cell-Specific Deletion of PLD2 Alleviates DSS-Induced Colitis by Regulating Occludin

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    Ulcerative colitis is a multi-factorial disease involving a dysregulated immune response. Disruptions to the intestinal epithelial barrier and translocation of bacteria, resulting in inflammation, are common in colitis. The mechanisms underlying epithelial barrier dysfunction or regulation of tight junction proteins during disease progression of colitis have not been clearly elucidated. Increase in phospholipase D (PLD) activity is associated with disease severity in colitis animal models. However, the role of PLD2 in the maintenance of intestinal barrier integrity remains elusive. We have generated intestinal specific Pld2 knockout mice (Pld2 IEC-KO) to investigate the mechanism of intestinal epithelial PLD2 in colitis. We show that the knockout of Pld2 confers protection against dextran sodium sulphate (DSS)-induced colitis in mice. Treatment with DSS induced the expression of PLD2 and downregulated occludin in colon epithelial cells. PLD2 was shown to mediate phosphorylation of occludin and induce its proteasomal degradation in a c-Src kinase-dependent pathway. Additionally, we have shown that treatment with an inhibitor of PLD2 can rescue mice from DSS-induced colitis. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing that PLD2 is pivotal in the regulation of the integrity of epithelial tight junctions and occludin turn over, thereby implicating it in the pathogenesis of colitis

    Neuroplasticity and dysfunction after gastrointestinal inflammation

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    The gastrointestinal tract is innervated by several distinct populations of neurons, whose cell bodies either reside within (intrinsic) or outside (extrinsic) the gastrointestinal wall. Normally, most individuals are unaware of the continuous, complicated functions of these neurons. However, for patients with gastrointestinal disorders, such as IBD and IBS, altered gastrointestinal motility, discomfort and pain are common, debilitating symptoms. Although bouts of intestinal inflammation underlie the symptoms associated with IBD, increasing preclinical and clinical evidence indicates that infection and inflammation are also key risk factors for the development of other gastrointestinal disorders. Notably, a strong correlation exists between prior exposure to gut infection and symptom occurrence in IBS. This Review discusses the evidence for neuroplasticity (structural, synaptic or intrinsic changes that alter neuronal function) affecting gastrointestinal function. Such changes are evident during inflammation and, in many cases, long after healing of the damaged tissues, when the nervous system fails to reset back to normal. Neuroplasticity within distinct populations of neurons has a fundamental role in the aberrant motility, secretion and sensation associated with common clinical gastrointestinal disorders. To find appropriate therapeutic treatments for these disorders, the extent and time course of neuroplasticity must be fully appreciated.Stuart M. Brierley and David R. Linde

    Irritable bowel syndrome

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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disease with a high population prevalence. The disorder can be debilitating in some patients, whereas others may have mild or moderate symptoms. The most important single risk factors are female sex, younger age and preceding gastrointestinal infections. Clinical symptoms of IBS include abdominal pain or discomfort, stool irregularities and bloating, as well as other somatic, visceral and psychiatric comorbidities. Currently, the diagnosis of IBS is based on symptoms and the exclusion of other organic diseases, and therapy includes drug treatment of the predominant symptoms, nutrition and psychotherapy. Although the underlying pathogenesis is far from understood, aetiological factors include increased epithelial hyperpermeability, dysbiosis, inflammation, visceral hypersensitivity, epigenetics and genetics, and altered brain-gut interactions. IBS considerably affects quality of life and imposes a profound burden on patients, physicians and the health-care system. The past decade has seen remarkable progress in our understanding of functional bowel disorders such as IBS that will be summarized in this Primer

    Neuroplasticity and dysfunction after gastrointestinal inflammation

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