3 research outputs found

    Croatian and Slovenian Mutual Funds and Bosnian Investments Funds (in English)

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    The paper provides a stock-market-performance analysis for three emerging European stock markets: Croatia, Slovenia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Using monthly observations we perform a detailed study of the performance of Croatian and Slovenian mutual funds and Bosnian investment funds. The risk-return measures of the funds are assessed using the Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, information ratio, Jensen’s alpha, and an appraisal ratio. Furthermore, we analyze the timing ability of the funds. Descriptive statistics for the returns are given and different statistic tests are calculated in order to test ordinary-least-squares assumptions in the data. The results are also estimated by applying the bootstrap method.stock market, mutual fund, investment fund, risk/return measures

    Novi trgi Jugovzhodne Evrope: hrvaški vzajemni in bosanski investicijski skladi

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    In this article we study the performance of Croatian mutual funds and Bosnian investment funds. The risk/return measures are assessed by using the Sharpe ratio, the Treynor ratio, Jensen\u27s Alpha, and the Treynor appraisal ratio. Furthermore, we analyze the timing ability of the funds using the quadratic regression of Treynor and Mazuy. To emphasize the financial perspective of South-eastern Europe, we also analyze returns of major financial indices in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro, Bulgaria, and Macedonia, and show that financial markets in the whole region exhibit a strong performance recently.V članku analiziramo donosnost hrvaških vzajemnih in bosanskih investicijskih skladov. Med možnimi merami tveganja in donosnosti smo izračunali Sharpov koeficient, Treynorjev koeficient, Jensenovo alfo in Treynorjev informacijski koeficient. Dodatno analiziramo še časovno usklajenost s kvadratno regresijo po Treynorju in Mazuyu. Da bi poudarili perspektivnost regije, analiziramo tudi donose pomembnejših indeksov na Hrvaškem, v Bosni, Sloveniji, Srbiji, Črni Gori, Bolgariji in Makedoniji. Rezultati kažejo na izjemno rast na vseh omenjenih trgih