5,459 research outputs found

    Experimental measurement of the dynamic pressure distribution in a squeeze film bearing damper executing circular centered orbits

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    A review of previous experimental measurements of squeeze film damper (SFD) forces is given. Measurements by the authors of SFD pressure fields and force coefficients, for circular centered orbits with epsilon = 0.5, are described and compared with computer predictions. For Reynolds numbers over the range 2-6, the effect of fluid inertia on the pressure fields and forces is found to be significant


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    The Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (“Privacy Rule”) establish a standard for the use and protection of individuals’ health information and apply to certain covered entities or their business associates. Covered entities may only disclose an individual’s protected health information in limited situations. Covered entities or individuals that fail to comply with the Privacy Rule standards may be subject to civil or criminal penalties

    Camera Trap Success Among Carnivores and Prey Animals in Tazewell County, Virginia

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    Obtaining basic ecological information on occurrence and activity levels in cryptic and elusive species is often difficult. Camera trapping provides a relatively inexpensive opportunity to acquire such data. We used infrared-triggered cameras to assess trap success and activity levels of several species across four consecutive seasons, including: Ursus americanus (black bear), Lynx rufus (bobcat), Canis latrans (coyote), Vulpes vulpes (red fox), Urocyon cinereoargenteus (gray fox), Procyon lotor (raccoon), Odocoileus virginianus (white-tailed deer), Didelphis virginiana (opossum), Sciurus carolinensis (gray squirrel), and Meleagris gallopavo (wild turkey). With a total of 396 trap nights (TN) at one station over the span of four consecutive seasons, overall trap success rate was 86.87 captures per 100 TN. Trap success was highest in wild turkeys (31.57/100 TN), followed by raccoons (15.66/100 TN), gray squirrels (10.86/100 TN), gray foxes (8.59/100 TN), white-tailed deer (8.08/100 TN), opossums (5.56/100 TN), coyotes (1.52/100 TN), red foxes (1.26/100 TN), and bobcats (0.76/100 TN). Overall trap success significantly varied across all target species combined (Kruskal Wallis Chi-Square = 349, d.f. = 10, p \u3c 0.0001). However, trap success did not vary across all seasons for all target species combined (Kruskal Wallis Chi-Square = 0.99, d.f. = 3, p = 0.78). This study is the first to use camera trapping to examine species presence and activity levels in a longitudinal manner for cryptic and elusive species of southwest Virginia

    Laboratory procedures manual for the firefly luciferase assay for adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

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    A manual on the procedures and instruments developed for the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) luciferase assay is presented. Data cover, laboratory maintenance, maintenance of bacterial cultures, bacteria measurement, reagents, luciferase procedures, and determination of microbal susceptibility to antibiotics

    Public geospatial datasets as an approach to maximizing efficiency in the collection of site covariates in wildlife–vehicle collision studies

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    Wildlife–vehicle collisions (WVCs) are a major research focus because of increasing human health and safety concerns and the potential for biological impacts on wildlife. A key component of both understanding the causes of WVCs and designing mitigation measures is the collection and analysis of environmental and roadway data at WVC sites. However, collecting these site data can be logistically challenging and potentially dangerous to researchers. We studied the feasibility and accuracy of using public geospatial datasets, particularly Google Earth and Street View, as an alternative approach to assessing WVC onsite covariates. We randomly selected 50 sites from a larger WVC study and measured the topography, habitat type, width of the road median, and presence of fencing at each site as representatives of typical WVC site covariates. We compared the measurements recorded in the fi eld to estimates obtained from public geospatial datasets in the lab. We determined that median topography had the lowest overall accuracy (60%), followed by presence of fencing with accuracy at 75% of sites. By contrast, median habitat type was identified correctly in almost all comparisons (96% overall accuracy). The root mean squared error for median width was 1.15 m overall. Our results suggest that Google platforms may serve as viable alternatives to fi eld data collection for site covariates related to coarse measures of habitat type and some characteristics of road topography, thus reducing time requirements and potential safety risks to researchers in the fi eld. However, there are several crucial caveats to consider when using geospatial platforms, particularly as they relate to 3-dimensional depictions of roadway features. Thus, we urge caution when attempting to use digital platforms to collect data on these covariates

    Using Decision Analysis to Improve Malaria Control Policy Making

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    Malaria and other vector-borne diseases represent a significant and growing burden in many tropical countries. Successfully addressing these threats will require policies that expand access to and use of existing control methods, such as insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) and artemesinin combination therapies (ACTs) for malaria, while weighing the costs and benefits of alternative approaches over time. This paper argues that decision analysis provides a valuable framework for formulating such policies and combating the emergence and re-emergence of malaria and other diseases. We outline five challenges that policy makers and practitioners face in the struggle against malaria, and demonstrate how decision analysis can help to address and overcome these challenges. A prototype decision analysis framework for malaria control in Tanzania is presented, highlighting the key components that a decision support tool should include. Developing and applying such a framework can promote stronger and more effective linkages between research and policy, ultimately helping to reduce the burden of malaria and other vector-borne diseases

    Development Of An 80'-Diameter Ribbon Drogue Parachute For The NASA X-38 Vehicle

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    The NASA X-38 program required a larger, more robust drogue parachute. A multi-organizational team from NASA, Sandia National Laboratories, United Space Alliance, and Pioneer Aerospace Corporation has developed and tested a new 80-ft.-dia., quarter-spherical, ribbon drogue parachute. The design requirements, design specifics, margin analyses, and results of testing are all discussed herein. Some of the weight advantages of switching from Kevlar to Zylon for radial, line and riser materials are presented

    Fusing Quantitative Requirements Analysis with Model-based Systems Engineering

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    A vision is presented for fusing quantitative requirements analysis with model-based systems engineering. This vision draws upon and combines emergent themes in the engineering milieu. “Requirements engineering” provides means to explicitly represent requirements (both functional and non-functional) as constraints and preferences on acceptable solutions, and emphasizes early-lifecycle review, analysis and verification of design and development plans. “Design by shopping” emphasizes revealing the space of options available from which to choose (without presuming that all selection criteria have previously been elicited), and provides means to make understandable the range of choices and their ramifications. “Model-based engineering” emphasizes the goal of utilizing a formal representation of all aspects of system design, from development through operations, and provides powerful tool suites that support the practical application of these principles. A first step prototype towards this vision is described, embodying the key capabilities. Illustrations, implications, further challenges and opportunities are outlined

    Do #BlackLivesMatter? Implicit Bias, Institutional Racism and Fear of the Black Body

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    The paper implores a brief cultural analysis to examine racial tensions and injustices in the U.S. that have led to the Black Lives Matter movement. Specifically, implicit bias is of primary focus as the authors examine how bias of the Black male frames the “Black-as-criminal” mentality, as well as connotes fear of the Black male body. The authors further discuss how fear of the Black face and Black male body has led to discriminatory actions such as institutional racism and, in the most vehement yet consistent cases, the killing of unarmed Black men and women. Cases such as Freddie Gray, Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, and Michael Brown are presented as exemplars of instances in which implicit bias and institutional racism result in malicious and racially framed discriminatory actions. The paper concludes with a presentation of how the Black Lives Matter movement is a modern-day representation of movements born from historical racial unrest for Black Americans around matters of social injustice, and how the movement can serve to project U.S. society toward an All Lives Matter position. The paper also presents implications that can be used for research and policy-level chang
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